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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 7, 2014 -> 01:55 PM) LOL, anyone who thinks Lincecum's short time as an elite pitcher ended because of weed, rather than his body, is silly. Best player on my DIII college team was our ace pitcher who could throw 85 and had a nasty breaking ball, pretty damn good for DIII. He used to smoke a huge bowl before every start he made and he was lights out. Weed really doesn't harm your body like cocaine or even amps.
  2. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 7, 2014 -> 01:39 PM) How many wins is Semien responsible for? He's a breath of fresh air this season for this team. I dunno maybe if he had an OPS over 600 we wouldn't need some many late heroics. He's hardly tearing it up to the point where you can't send him down. His defense isn't exactly lights out either. Abreu bailed him out last night.
  3. I very rarely get upset enough watching a baseball game to react physically. Well that pickoff got me to throw the pen I was holding. Between De Aza, the Dunn scratch and that awful pickoff it was a lot of maddening things at one time.
  4. QUOTE (ptatc @ May 6, 2014 -> 01:43 PM) If they even suspected a partial tear, he would have been shut down for at least 4 weeks. They believe it is a muscles strain and are progressing accordingly. The unknown factor is how bad the strain is and how long before the inflammation goes down. Once this happens it's a strengthening and motor control process. This is why how long between throwing sessions is important. It's based on how the muscle is recovering. Yea, it's very hard, even with modern imaging software and sports science, to determine how quickly a muscle strain will respond to rest and treatment. It seems like they were hoping for a very mild strain when in fact, given how slowly it's responding, that it's a bit more than that. That said, if he doesn't improve soon, something else is wrong, and no amount of spin will matter. It's mildy discouraging that he hasn't progressed enough to make a rehab start. It sounds like the bullpen session wasn't 100% smooth.
  5. QUOTE (Jose Paniagua @ May 6, 2014 -> 01:28 PM) For an organization that needs a lot, a bonafide ace that has had arm issues each year and has mechanics concerns since forever...........there are absolutely more trades to look at than just that. It's not some failure on our part to just simply admit that there's complexity to it. Weigh how sturdy he is versus how soon you expect to be good enough to make his ace-ness matter big time. The contract we just got him under enhances the prospect haul, mind you. FWIW, TINSSAAPP applie to everyone, not just Sale. If the Sox are close to the playoffs, having a guy like Sale that pretty much guarantees a shot in 2 or or 3 of the games is a huge advantage. If the Sox lose another 90+ games this year and it's obvious they are more than another piece or two away, then you look into trading him.
  6. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ May 6, 2014 -> 12:50 PM) I liked the trade but let'snot ppretend like Davidson is a sure thing yet. s***, the median case scenario for Davidson is useful bench player. Reed is certainly a "proven closer" but he's also proven pretty mediocre. Yea he's a nice piece in the bullpen but that's all he'll ever be. There is a much greater chance you get 20 WAR out of Davidson over the next 6-8 years then Addison Reed. Reed will be lucky to put up 10 over that time. It's a no brainer trade and Towers is a dumbass, Hahn pulled it over on him twice this winter. Even if Davidson doesn't pan out, what did they lose, a good bullpen arm? The Sox churn those guys out on quite often. Starting 3B? Not so much.
  7. QUOTE (flavum @ May 6, 2014 -> 01:29 PM) Hahn spoke at length about Sale this morning. http://thegamechicago.com/2014/05/06/white.../#axzz30xPdPEhc FWIW, Hahn says they are now on a program of "ramping him up" and that "clinically the area is fine, it's calmed down". I'm a little worried despite what Hahn is claiming. But it's not time to panic yet, if he hasn't made a rehab start by the end of May, hit the panic button, slam your hand on it in fact.
  8. QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ Apr 29, 2014 -> 08:33 PM) Eaton is so good His arm is average and he doesn't seem to have the best range, but as far as the plays that should be made, he makes 'em. Seems better at going back than side to side or coming in.
  9. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Apr 29, 2014 -> 08:19 PM) pretty idiotic to start this game. huh? From all indications rain is in the area but will move through at various times and they should get the game played. Detroit has already been washed out 3 times, they really need to get this game in.
  10. perfect timing for the delay, haha.
  11. QUOTE (Jake @ Apr 29, 2014 -> 06:16 PM) Chris Sale hasn't been mishandled by Robin Ventura or anybody else. So, you're cool with him a) going over 120 pitches and b) going over 120 pitches when he's visibly straining? Both those things happened and both are dumb as s***. Pitch counts aren't God's word but they sure as hell aren't meaningless either. I'm more annoyed that Robin left a visibly tired Sale in the game than the pitch count thing, but I'm pretty sure the brass had a nice quick chat with Robin about it.
  12. QUOTE (LDF @ Apr 29, 2014 -> 01:18 PM) I like what you wrote ..... but I disagree on Alexei and for 1 reason, he is a favorite of mine. I know I can't make an honest assessment on him for that reason. However, I would like to unload Viciedo and b/c of his agent. lets get something now instead of next yr. for trading prospects, I would be in favor of trading t. Anderson. He's a fav of mine as well but reality is a mofo as he's aging, his range has declined noticeably the last few years (even if he's still a good glove at SS now that might change as soon as next year), and the Sox are relatively stocked in minors with up the middle prospects. Will be sad to see him go but if he does it will be because Hahn thought it was the right move and so far Hahn has been pushing a lot of the right buttons.
  13. QUOTE (LDF @ Apr 29, 2014 -> 01:55 PM) looking at the wish list here, I really can not fathom where some of these ideas are coming from. T. Thompson will net us nothing, until he can prove he a viable player. A. Dun is a great team player, but unless someone needs a lh hitter for the playoff, he will net us next to nothing. I personally think we may do the trade as a favor to him. Carroll, a good story for a hard luck / injury laiden player, what will he net us? we need to see him pitch more with more success before we start using him in any wish list. Lindstrom and De Aza are the only ones that we may get something of value, but it will be based on their success in the coming months. another player may be Viciedo, that is if he revert back to his batting stats. You're right, nobody is going to give up anything above a C level prospect for Dunn, Downs, Lindstrom. Alexei however and De Aza could possibly net a top 10 org guy, especially Alexei as he probably has a few 2-3 WAR type seasons left at SS, even if he's declining. With the relative log jam the Sox have in the minors up the middle Ramirez is probably a likely trade candidate, given the return he could net is higher than most of the other tradeable Sox. I'm assuming they aren't going to trade Gillaspie or Viciedo, given their contracts, age and current production. You'd be hard pressed to get fair value back for either. As for Dunn, I'd be very happy if the Sox could unload him in early July for a lottery ticket and pro-rated salary relief, which would be around 5-6 million I believe. If he continues to hit around an 900 OPS, that shouldn't be a problem, but that's a big if. Nobody wants the 220/330/450 version of Adam Dunn, not at his salary, even if it's only a rental.
  14. QUOTE (ScottyDo @ Apr 29, 2014 -> 01:50 PM) Another way to look at the luck component: Given his batted ball stats, is he getting lucky on top of that? He's got 75 ABs, of which 32.6% are LD, 47.8% are GB and 19.6% are FB. Given the avg associated with each of those numbers, how many hits would we expect T-Flow to have? (.714*.326*75)+(.238*.478*75)+(.139*.196*75) = 28.033 hits How many hits does Tyler Flowers have? 28. EDIT: Statement retracted. I didn't subtract his K's. He should have 17 hits. He's super lucky We have a better tool called xBABIP that the HBTs introduced a few years ago. It's a regression of the major components of BABIP and includes speed, line drives, infield popups, strikeouts, etc. Plugging in Tyler's stats, available at Fangraphs, his xBABIP is .357 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key...NkS1ZDWUE#gid=0 Still pretty damn good, but not anywhere near .600 He's going to come down to reality, but if he keeps up his current hitting reality is going to be 270/310/400, and that's a 2-3 WAR catcher, not a replacement level catcher like he's been.
  15. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 25, 2014 -> 08:23 PM) How is Robin actively losing this game? He's managing this game like it's game 7 of the world series instead of just letting Johnon eat it. Now, we probably still won't win this game, and the pen will be shot for the rest of the series.
  16. QUOTE (Bigsoxhurt35 @ Apr 25, 2014 -> 08:23 PM) Scoreless inning wow Even the scoreless frames take 20 minutes with this staff.
  17. QUOTE (Capn12 @ Apr 25, 2014 -> 08:19 PM) Yeah, this is MUCH better than making Erik Johnson eat innings and walk guys. Lets burn them all up, with no guy in the rotation currently who can eat innings. Robin's awful. On the flip side, Hahn can't be watching this constant stupidity and thinking it's a good idea to keep him around when the team is ready to contend. YOu can't have your manager actively losing you games, and Robin is that bad right now. Furthermore, he doesn't seem to be learning. This is his 3rd damn year, no more excuses.
  18. good thing robin thought it would be a good idea to burn the pen tonight, we'll be f***ed all series now.
  19. What sort of message does it send to the team when a guy like Beckham comes up and immediately starts the first two games, including after an 0-4 3k performance? It's a s*** message. God, why are we "showcasing" a guy the entire league knows sucks?
  20. Jesus christ robin manages like it's f***ing game 7 of the world series every single game. Just let him f***ing take it for the team. who knows he gets an out you might get 2 more innings out of him.
  21. QUOTE (Bigsoxhurt35 @ Apr 25, 2014 -> 07:53 PM) Johnson needs to go back to AAA And who is coming up? Come on, think a little. It's better to get him MLB experience in a throwaway year. Just buckle up, it's going to be this way all year.
  22. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 25, 2014 -> 07:51 PM) Ha, keep throwing 90 mph with no movement. Another guy on the roster that should be in the minors. I don't know where these reports of him around 92-94 came from. He throws 89-92 consistantly, and if he can't command his breaking stuff he's going to get shelled, as we see.
  23. QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ Apr 25, 2014 -> 07:35 PM) Some of these shifts piss me off. You can't do it to the best hitters that can hit anywhere. Stop trying to be cute with the shifts Eh, it's playing the odds, you get burnt sometimes, but you get burnt plenty when you don't shift as well. I like it, it's nice to be at the forefront of something for once.
  24. Johnson looks good, but stop nibbling. If you're throwing 90-92 on the fastball and your slider is breaking like that, attack the hitters.
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