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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. People wonder why Billy Beane is the best GM in the game, well with a payroll of peanuts, he once again has the A's in 1st place. A huge part of that is a mostly healthy big Frank, he has put up on OPS of .911 will slugging 25 HR's and getting on base at a .382 clip. The Big Hurt's base salary this year? $500,000. Frank is now only 27 homers away from 500 and will likely end the season around 20 short of 500. Does he have enough left in him to get the number? My guess is yes, one more half season of health should give him around 495 and a role as a spot starter pinch hitter in 2008 should put him over the top. That's a conservative estimate, but it still gets him the 500 and the automatic keys to Cooperstown, should he be willing to put in two more years of work. Frank remains the greatest slugger of the 90's without a hint of steroids standing between him and the record books.
  2. Have you guys ever heard Van Slycke talk on WSCR? He has to be one of the most ignorant ballplayers I've ever heard. And that is not exactly an informed bunch. He's a complete idiot.
  3. QUOTE(rangercal @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 03:24 AM) exactly wrong. Our team was more fresh for the stretch run BECAUSE we played our reserves so much. Players that are aging like Dye AJ, and Iguchi should be given more time off. Younger players like BA, Crede, and Uribe should be ridden for all they are worth. A better backup catcher might be worth one full win from this point on.
  4. QUOTE(soxpride77 @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 09:56 PM) I disagree, at least for this series against Detroit, which is the cause of all the panic. The reason we lost two to Detroit is because of our inability to score runs. PK even said it after the game last night, he said that you can't expect to win scoring only two runs. Well, last night we scored 2, and today we scored 1. Detroit is us last year. They have great pitching, and can manufacture runs when they need them. Up until these last 2 games, 2 games in an entire season, "manufacturing runs" didn't even enter into the equation. There is only one time smallball has been proven to help a team win a game: that is when trailing or tied in the 8th or 9th innings with the leadoff man aboard. I'm too lazy to find the link to the run expectancy tables, but it's been proven literally tens of thousands of times through empirical evidence that intentionally trying to make an out in an inning is just not a good idea unless you only need 1 run to tie or go ahead in the late innings. Like someone (sorry you) said, the problem was that whenever someone was on, there was already one out. (on a side note, it's amazing that Farmer and Singleton can bring up the "leadoff walks score 40% of the time" stat--which comes from run expectancy tables, and not take the next step and use the same basic idea to show that bunting runners over lowers the mean run expectancy for that inning.
  5. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jul 19, 2006 -> 09:52 PM) The fact that most announcers suck (which is true) doesn't make Hawk any better. Indeed. The soft bias of low expectations...
  6. QUOTE(stretchstretch @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 12:42 AM) perfect example, 4th inning, bases loaded, 1 out, chance to kill em, Uribe swings at first pitch in the dirt, then pops up to catcher on the second pitch, no pressure. Widger next, first pitch in the dirt, swings, no pressure on Rogers, then pops up to left. Last year, in that situation, NEVER EVER EVER EVER FU*KING swing at the first pitch with bases loaded. We would walk in runs and find a way to score people without relying on a killer double to deep center. Every guy in our lineup was able to take first pitch and force the issue. When you lose a game 2-1 on a stellar outing by your starter, you HAVE to look to this kind of thing..... Oh I agree with this. Anyone other than Thome, Kong, Crede, and Dye need to be given the "take until you see a strike sign", with runners on. That should have been the plan today. Oh and never playing Widger again and DFA him would help things too. I'll just keep repeating that till I die.
  7. I think he eats a bat before the next game and then spiffs it into his son's mouth. Paul Konerko will ask, "wow, that's really something, but whaduya call it?" And Ozzie will say, Los Aristicratos"
  8. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 08:43 PM) Thome also has a 1.150 OPS this month alone, his best so far this year. Thing is, only a .747 OPS against lefties, which was always going to be the problem with him. Thank you for pointing out that very fair critique of Thome. Ozzie loves him damn lefty/righty matchups so much, you'd think he might realize this once and awile and ask KW to go get him a decent platoon partner for Thome, or at least a guy that can pitch hit. This team has no righty bench threats right now.
  9. You just compared Crazy Carl and his .650 OPS to Paul Konerko and his .1000 OPS? Booooo stupid comparisons. Hurray Jim Thome and his 31 HR.
  10. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 06:10 PM) Or not. Our pitchers were out-of-their-minds good last year. We scored a large percentage of our runs off the homer. We had ONE fast guy. None in the 2nd half. Smallball has nothing to do with the Sox then or now. (Nor should it...) Ding Ding Ding!
  11. QUOTE(chisoxdavid @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 05:40 PM) Im sure Ozzie will try to get the team to play small again. Another freaking "smallball is the cause of our problems thread"? Get the fish out of here and look at the stats. Pitching is the freaking problem. Edit: loving the new censors.
  12. How the hell did this place even function pre-2005?
  13. QUOTE(CWSOX45 @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 03:24 PM) So.....i dunno if this has been stated yet today but... CHRIS WIDER SUCKS. I'm beyond frustrated, between last nights game and todays game I'm literally ripping my hair out. Chris Wiger needs to be DFA about a month ago.
  14. QUOTE(Jimbo @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 03:20 PM) dont count on it! Ozzie better freaking realize BA is the CF of the future and the NOW. He's been great at the plate lately, and always great in the field.
  15. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Jul 19, 2006 -> 08:59 PM) You know more than Hershiser? Who said several times that it was a slider while looking at the hi def feed? It was a slider. ANd a bad one. That pich was clearly a hanging slider.
  16. wow, sweet, looks like they want Bonderman to ghrow a complete game
  17. I'm so sick of watchign Javier hang breaking balls with runners on. f***ing throw yoru f***ing fastball when your ahead in the f***ing count.
  18. great throw by uribe there to not put it in the dirt
  19. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 19, 2006 -> 08:27 PM) Rob: "Did you hear me?" Pods: "No." in the race to the bottom, I guess I'd take Pods' OF play over Mack's, just barely though.
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