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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. Man, Ozzie really overthinks things sometimes. He burns through pitchers too quick, that's my one quibble with his bullpen usage this year.
  2. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 09:18 PM) I'm not sure why I read any of your posts to be honest. LOL, the new game threads just ain't the same... You're...a meanie! A dirtball! Darnit!
  3. good work by count today, this is the form he'll need the rest of the season.
  4. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 08:21 PM) Your man is Chris Stewart. Thanks, he couldn't do any worse than Widger, could he?
  5. Jesus, I'm about about ready to DFA Widge and bring up whats his name.
  6. great read. I wish the Chicago media was as good as the Times.
  7. QUOTE(Beltin @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 06:00 PM) I actually bike to work from Oak Park to the West Loop everyday. The ride in is usually quiet but the ride home down Washington can get a little tense from Laramie until Austin. I am too highbrow to be white trash but "white boy" is sometimes a term of endearment that I hear. Not a really comfortable situation but I would not put it on par with the organized, institutional racism that became entrenched in our society since the slave trade was revived in the 1500s. Exactly. If you're White, you have had the socioeconomic advantage (will anyone even dispute that?) for the past 500 years or so. Don't ignore it, but don't make so called "reverse racism" into some rallying cry about double standards.
  8. I certainly appreciate the "free of charge" policy of Soxtalk and will do everything I can to show my appreciation through countless posts--clean, mindless, and inane posts!
  9. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 07:01 PM) Ya think? Haha yea, if he can't get outs in the NL CENTRAL, with 2 of the most putrid offenses in MLB, how the hell is he going to get the Blue Jays and Red Sox out? Baltimore and the Rays are better than the Cubs and Royals by themselves.
  10. Wow, Cashman is desperate. Ponson is going to get destroyed in the AL.
  11. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 02:34 AM) Typical. If a white person is a victim of discriminitory remarks, he's supposed to let it go. If it's a black or as we have recently seen, a homosexual, then the whole damn world wants to decapitate whoever said the remarks. It's about context YASNY. Sure, a black guy can say, "well that Bobby Jenks he's white trash". But that comment does not have roughly 800 years of slavery and oppression behind it. Bobby's in the historical elite race (and gender no less), no ignorant comment from a minority is going to change the hisorical and largery still intact socio and political stratification of the western world into white and "other". If Bobby comes out and calls a black man "a monkey" than that comment is a symbol of oppression. Not only a symbol, but a literal effect. It might not be fair, but when a historically oppressed group makes a prejudiced remark, it just doesn't carry the same weight as if an Anglo-Saxon made it. I'm fine with that.
  12. QUOTE(The Critic @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 11:26 AM) Shingo was the highlight of 2004 for me as well. It's strange to consider that he was still the main closer into June of last year - it seems like so long ago now. It's always nice to see him on the Sox Pride DVD. I'll always be a fan of "good ol' number 10". I remember when the Sox game thread last fall turned into the "Can Shingo escape the bases loaded nobody out jam"--I can't remember who he was with, seems like a NL team. He got 2 outs then gave up a hit I believe. That was the last I heard of him. Too bad. Good memories though.
  13. QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 11:37 PM) So, we have an article that tries to find out who the real Bobby Jenks is; they actually talk to him as he refutes every unproven rumor out there on him; and they conclude it by saying they still don't know who he is. Why did they even bother talking to him if they were just going to shove everything he said under the rug? Well said my friend. It's filled with half-truths, half-heards, and rampant speculation. If I was Jenks, I would seek any avenue of legal recourse available. It's borderline slander, and I at least think an apology is in order.
  14. Shingo was a reason to cheer in the otherwise injury riddled 2004. I'll always have fond memories of him and wish him well. He didn't even hurt the Sox in 2005. That said, he doesn't need to come back.
  15. So, we got any Korean translators with us tonight?
  16. Good AB from Fields here against a tough pitcher. nm, swings through a cockshot fastball
  17. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 07:13 PM) This has turned into a damn good thread. I've actually learned a few things. Good debating, people. Yea, this thread is an example of the best of soxtalk--it's been mostly civic and very informative.
  18. 62-12...that wouldn't be a record or anything... LOL, I needed a good chuckle.
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