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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. Worst part about this is that that the f***ing game now determines home field advantage. Great idea Bud!
  2. Hanger18 is actually Scott McClellen, bored with life after his resignation...that is my only explanation for the "non answer" answers.
  3. Jesus man, The Trib owns the Cubs--even if they did try and "skew" the coverage to "distance" the murder from the ballclub, it's like, "gee, who could have seen that one coming"? THEY OWN THE TEAM. You think cablevision doesn't hire pro Knick homers? Does the MFY's network do anything but hype the Yankees? Does Turner broadcasting hire Reds homers to do the Braves broadcasts? It's standard procedure if a media outlet owns a sports franchise to report favorably on that franchise. Why are you so outraged?
  4. Jim, arguing with Hangar is like playing tennis against a brick wall! Good post though.
  5. That doesn't make any sense to me. Those terms, "profits", and "newspapers sold" enjoy a correlation, whereas you make it seem like they are mutually exclusive. And then, when you say, "A few more subscriptions on the SS won't change the bottom line", you're providing evidence for my argument: the Tribune caters to the more affluent Northside, the CUBS fans, in order to sell newspapers and raise advertising rates. You're correct when you say that wealthy demographics bring wealthy advertisers, which is exactly why the CUBS are featured more prominently. As for the study, I'd have to personally review it before I draw any conclusions. Data can be manipulated, and "average" can be easily thrown out of wack by outliers.
  6. I don't understand the question and I won't respond to it. Do you care to argue any of my points?
  7. The only way the Sox get this deal done is if BMAC is involved. BMAC + Sweeney + BA would def get the deal done, although I wouldn't do that trade. BMAC + prospects in general, but the Sox aren't exactly loaded with prospies right now.
  8. I really can't stand complaints about the mainstream media. If it bothers you, ignore it. The fact that there are more Cubs stories on average than White Sox ones isn't some grand conspiracy to keep the White Sox down, but is entirely due to the fact that the Cubs are more popular and thus more likely to sell newspapers. The Tribune Company's job is to sell newspapers. The sports page isn't hard news, they don't even need the pretense of objectity. It's threads like these that foster the stereotype of Sox fans as insecure whiners more obsessed about the Cubs than the Sox.
  9. Cool, thanks. Thome has slowed considerably, although still having an excellent season.
  10. LOL, this thread has taken a GREAT turn. I can't wait till Steff sees it.
  11. All of those are silly except the Iguchi leadoff idea. He wouldn't be half bad there.
  12. Uh, Ozuna is NOT an outfielder. If KW thinks Ozuna is the full time answer in LF, then he should not be a GM. Ozuna in LF would be far and away the WORST starting LF in MLB. The only organization he could start for would be the Royals, and even then, I doubt it. He's a great guy to have around on the bench, not a starting LF.
  13. There is no reason for Pods to be back next year as a starter. Let him walk, don't even bother with offering him Arbitration--if that is even an option. I believe the team has a "club option" on his contract for 2007. There is no reason to pick that option up. I'd like to see a blockbuster trade for Cabrera in the offseason, although with the Marlins surprising again, I doubt they will be shopping him. On an aside note, anyone who says the Marlins aren't a well run organization is kidding themselves. 2 titles from an expansion team, then a firesale, in which they LOADED themselves up with talent (that is producing ALREADY) and plenty of options going forward. Their owner migh be clueless as to how to market the team or get a stadium built, but he has good baseball people in place.
  14. Yea, I just checked out Cameron's stats again, and the thing that stands out is that while he hit for a low average, he hit for power and got OB at a .340 clip for his career. He finished his career with an OPS+ of 106, which isn't too shabby for a great defensive CF. Cameron's "prime", from ages 26-30, was very solid, if BA can produce similiar numbers while playing a great CF, I will be very happy.
  15. I don't think either team gives a flying f*** about the other at this point. Both teams are on pace to win over 100 games, and if that happens, nobody is going to catch either of them. Both teams have clearly been, by both wins and run differential, the best teams in the AL so far. With over 70 games over, neither team is likely to miss the playoffs. The Hard Ball Times has an excellent article up on the Yankees and Red Sox (and the AL East in general) that predicts the wild card will likely come from the AL Central. I don't see any reason why not.
  16. BA has much more "natural" talent than Aron Rowand. He's a superb athlete, and has good baseball instincts as well. I almost feel like a good comp is Mike Cameron. In his prime, that guy was one of the best CF'ers in baseball. He hit for power, a decent average, and held down CF with amazing range and a solid arm. Please feel free to rip me, as I'm mostly talking out of my ass here.
  17. My hope is that the rise in BABIB will be offset by more strikeouts. Pitcher BABIP is a pretty nuanced point if I remember correctly. A couple of Hard Ball Times articles dealt with the topic this summer, and I believe left the possibility open that there is more than just "luck" involved for certain pitchers.
  18. This reminds me of when Dave at USSMariner pointed out that Contreras wasn't likely to maintain an ERA under 2.00 earlier this season. Thanks Mr. Obvious. I won't defend Perry as he's pompous and not half as smart as he thinks he is, but he really didn't say anything offensive or incorrect.
  19. stupid, stupid stup,d we've got this guy on the ropes with our hottest hitter up and this is called? Great work ozzie.
  20. Yea, it's not exactly like he was putting Jim Thome into the lineup, it was freaking Rob Mackowiak.
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