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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. Ah, misread. Darn. I was pumped about watching him hit too!
  2. Wow, Vasquez has posted a .650 career OPS...that's better than Timo.
  3. I'd like a speedy leadoff hitter over one that isn't speedy for sure. However, I'm just against PODS being that man next year. He'll be 32 next year, and I don't think that bodes well for his skillset. He is essentially reliant on perfect health (and thus speed) for everything he does. His speed covers up his bad route running and noodle arm, it helps him hit for a high average and covers up his poor plate control, it helps him steal bases, which makes up for his anemic power. If he a) loses speed, or B) loses speed to injury, he's pretty much useless. I'm not sure who I'd like to replace him yet, but there is plenty of time to decide that in the offseason. What I have decided is that Pods should not be brought back. Can we offer him abritration? Or does he have a "club option"? His contract is a mystery to me, but I believe his last guaranteed year is 2006. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. The point you bring up about Cotts starting the 9th: I can't stand that either. If Jenks is your best pitcher, and he clearly is, then LET HIM START THE 9th. Too many times I've seen Jenks come on with a runner on because Thornton/Cotts/Politte/Logan/Tracey/Nelson put a runner on to start the inning. Just let Jenks always start the 9th in a close ballgame.
  5. Although I hate Ozzie's obsession with the Lefty/Right matchup, I due enjoy his willingness to use Jenks in non-save situations. Ozzie seems to understand that a high leverage inning is a high leverage inning--regardless if the Sox are tied, up one, or down one. For example, I believe in the 2nd 4-3 win against the Tigers, Ozzie brought Jenks into the game in the 8th although the Sox weren't winning. Jenks worked a quick inning and the rest is a White Sox winner. I'd say Ozzie overall does a good job with the bullpen. It's one of his strong suits as a manager.
  6. The Sox outfield in general is just one Jermaine Dye slump from being the worst in the majors. It's a scary thought, but it will happen at some point this season. Ozuna had a great night in the box score, but his 2 hits were just weakly hit balls that luckily fell in. He misplayed a ball in LF and had to make a diving effort on a rather routine play. I don't think a trade is necessary, but going forward into 2007, I don't feel Pods should be part of this outfield equation. If BA is going to give little to nothing offensively, and Dye is another year older, than we sure as hell better have a masher in LF. One word: Cabrera. Get it done KW!
  7. I'm strangely confident in FG tonight. Perhaps the reality of hitting his position will wake his ass up. He hasn't pitched terribly this year, but I'd be damn happy with 7 innings and 3 runs.
  8. I did see Albert Belle and Jason Grimsley hanging out with Thome during BP. I believe Albert gave Grimsley a bat from his "personal" stash and Grimsley crawled through a air conditioning duct to place it in the bat rack.
  9. Nah, it won't have much of an impact either way, and guys have settled into a role at this point in the season. To risk throwing them off a familiar mental approach isn't worth the "theoretical" gains of having Dye bat earlier.
  10. Lopez pitched tonight for Boston, giving up a walk and a hit, but also inducing a double play. I really like this deal. Riske can settle into a low pressure, low leverage role and make sure Cotts and B-MAC don't get overworked. Lopez has been junk his whole career, and I believe the Red Sox are hoping his AAA stats from this year are somehow indicitive he's turned a corner--I however, am speptical.
  11. I guess with the trade today it's looking less and less like Politte is in the plans for the immediate future. At this point, there's no reason to rush back from whatever is bothering him. Let him get right, if he even can this season--and hope he can give some good innings before the season is done. I have a feeling his career as a White Sox might be done however.
  12. Why the hell are we running with 3-4-5 coming up... It's the 1st inning, Jesus, play for the big inning
  13. They aren't at all comparable players. Young is much more highly regarded--and rightfully so--then Reed every was. This trade might come back to bite KW in the ass.
  14. It's like Euro Disney has closed and now all the Euro trash has to come to our disney.
  15. I dub thee the game thread. Now excuse me why I find a toilet to hurl in.
  16. Cool graph! Thanks for doing that. It's good to see the attendence slowly rising as the weather is now better and the other sports are mostly in the middle of the offseason or getting there.
  17. QUOTE(sayitaintso @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 04:02 PM) It also makes people think that you are a cub fan. LOL It's sagreligious to start dumb topics about the Cubs if you ask me.
  18. That's an amazing stat Balta! I would never have thought that as poorly as some of the starters have pitched that that would be the case. It helps the point I think a few of use are making though: the 6th man will almost only see actions in blowouts where the outcome is already 99.9% decided. Thornton has proven himself capable of being the LOOGY and perhaps more, so I'm wondering who exactly is the "6th" man at this point: I'd have to guess Tracey or maybe Montero. Although when Politte comes back I wouldn't mind it being him.
  19. 55IP is a pretty small sample size for a starter.
  20. Hmm, interesting, but I'm not sure we can draw any strong conclusions from this. One possiblity is that he's leaving pitches up in the zone later in the games perhaps due to fatique and or mental lapses. Either way, that's not good. I agree though, Ozzie made the right call last night, and not just in hindsight. He had a plan seemingly--Cotts to BMAC to Jenks--and he executed the plan flawlessly.
  21. Thank god he's not signed through next year. It's time to end the Pods experiment in LF.
  22. I agree Rowand. Those two guys are good enough to give you 3 innings of shut down ball every other game. That's the beginning and end of what this team needs out of it's bullpen: not dominance, just competence.
  23. I'm prepared for the possibility that Politte is washed up. I'm not scared of that possibility because of the recent outings from BMAC. If the pen just has 3 guys capable of pitching well (Cotts, BMAC, Jenks) then the other 3 guys aren't that relevent. Sure, they might lose a game or two, but the season doesn't hinge those 3 guys in any real sense of importance.
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