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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. Another reason the All-Star game should not decide home field advantage in the series. The whole thing is a joke, just slightly more competitive than the versions put on by the NBA and NFL. Look, I'm all for a little nepotism (or whatever is the case here), but the All-Star game should be about merit. The White Sox players got all the accolades they deserved during the offseason. They had a parade. They had fawning media. They got laid by hotter chicks. They don't need undeserved all-star bids.
  2. God Cabrera would look good in black and white. I've been on his bandwagon since last spring, and the thing just keeps picking up steam.
  3. Is Dye the most under the radar slugger in baseball? What an amazing signing by KW. Dye might be my new favorite player this year. He's just solid. Solid D, Solid Arm, Solid baserunning (mostly) and a great slugger.
  4. If that's the definition of an error it proves my point That's the most subjective definition possible. If Rob Mackowiak takes a horrible path to a gapper and ends up 3 feet from catching it, currently, that is not an error. It was a terrible play, but not an "error". The whole "error" as defensive measure is stupid. Sure, I'm not going to sit here and argue errors are a good thing, it's just silly though to use them as any sort of measure of defensive play, when much better measures exist. Crede should have made that play, this we are in agreement about. I disagree with everhthing else you've said.
  5. Eh, if I remember correctly, (it's been awile) most of the sabermetric guys have crede above average to very good at 3B. Of course, those metrics aren't as accurate as the ones for batting and pitching, but it's a start. Combine that with the numerous anecdotal evidence from fans and analysts, and I think he's one of the top defensive 3B in the league. I wouldn't get so worked up about errors--they are not a good measure of ability. I'm surprised I was able to answer this rediculous thread so sanely. Two one run wins in a row will do that.
  6. Tim Couch wrote a horrible article today in the Sun Times bashing Ozzie for "doing nothing" about the current slump. WTF is he supposed to do? The team wasn't constructed by Ozzie, but KW. Ozzie really has no good options for LF/CF right now. Everyone should be pulling for BA to get hot and get his line up to around 220/310/400. Otherwise, we're going to be seeing a lot more of Mack/Pods/Ozuna in CF, which makes me want to puke. None of those guys can play a lick of D out there, and with the way the pitching has been giving up fly balls, I shutter at the thought.
  7. did this really need it's own thread?
  8. Well, I'd agree it shouldn't be in "Pale Hose Talk", but he was a Sox as recent as this offseason, and he was involved in a critical trade. Furthermore, he's been called "a better version of Mike Cameron", i.e. a .900 OPS guy in CF with all-league range. That's a hell of a player, and I hope Vasquez makes this deal worth it.
  9. Iguchi and Pods (for the most part) are getting on base in front of him.
  10. ^^^^ Ha, go to "Lets Go Tribe" and check out their game thread. Although seriously, SSH and Felix and JPhat, get a room.
  11. At least Ozzie realizes you can also rest players during blowouts as well.
  12. What are we, 1/1/2 out with Tiggers loss and a win from us?
  13. I'd say let him go 7, let Politte pitch the 8th, and if he does well, trot him out for the 9th. No reason to stress Vasquez in a blowout. Save his arm for (hopefully) October.
  14. If Uribe can just be the same damn 260/300/420 hitter he's always been, I'll take it.
  15. Against Randy Johnson of this year, that isn't a big lead at all.
  16. Sox fans and people like David Pinto, but he isn't exactly "mainstream".
  17. It's going to be nice to have the top of the order up in the top of the 2nd, woohoo.
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