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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. Exactly. Give it up for one AB. He's widely considered the best defensive SS in the AL. It's not even June.
  2. I thought this was "Pale Hose Talk"?
  3. The only thing sad about this is that CY YOUNG voters use "wins" as a measure of success. Once we get away from meaningless stats counting in the voting, then this won't matter at all. I'm not sad for Count, I'm sad the team isn't winning well pitched ballgames.
  4. It's a bit early to predict that from Thornton, don't ya think?
  5. Why BMAC didn't just start the inning is beyond me. The bullpen only has 3 guys that can be counted on right now: Jenks, BMAC, and Cotts. Thornton is shakey, Politte is s***, and Nelson is washed up. Ozzie needs to start using BMAC as the "bridge guy" in the 6th and 7th.
  6. Looks like Ozzie's screaming woke Uribe up...
  7. Can I get a report from someone tuned to the game of how Garland's stuff looks? He looks great on Gameday.
  8. I guess this is where we fundamentally disagree. I think no amount of Ozzie yelling will makes players play "smart" baseball. I think "smart" baseball is something good MLB players learn way before Ozzie Guillen. IMO, if they haven't learned it already, they never will. I'm not exactly against these comments from Ozzie, but I just think they won't make the team play any better. IMO, he'd be better off taking all, or at leat a large part, of the blame for himself.
  9. Almost everyone with half a brain--not just James--now realizes that OBP is way more important than AVG. Furthermore, OPS is way, way better than AVG. BA projects for at leastn an average OPS for a CF.
  10. "Lackluster" is just another word for regression to the mean. It's amazing what happens when the offense isn't scoring 6 runs a game on a daily basis. Do you really believe a "rah rah" talk from Guillen is going to make the bullpen pitch better? Or turn Anderson and Uribe into sluggers? Those are the big two problems with this team as currently constructed. You can laugh all you want, but Ozzie screaming isn't going to fix a lack of production. This isn't football, where level of emotion/intensity produces tangible benefits. Baseball, I would say, I much more like golf. The key is consistency and mental fortitude.
  11. Wow, Juan must be proud. Juan has a noodle arm and no range as well. He truely just suck all around. Juan is like the 2004 version of Scotty Pods. And that version sucked ass.
  12. Good post. He's an excellent CF, despite what he does at the plate. He deserves to start some games on that alone.
  13. The thing is, if Jermaine freaking Dye, a proven MLB hitter with a career OPS way above 100, can struggle for 2 months, then a rookie sure as hell can. We love to make conclusions after small sample sizes, but I don't think it's a good idea. I'm not saying BA is going to get even above .250 this season, but a 250/320/420 line is fine with me if he plays "Rowand like" defense in CF. Runs prevented are very important as well as runs scored.
  14. It's interesting to note that PECOTA had BA pegged as a solid contributor at the plate. Damn statheads getting all our hopes up...but it's not even June... Patience Ozzie, patience.
  15. But not in the field. I was fine with Mack getting some starts when he's hot, but this move NECESSITATES that Mackowiak is now the EVERYDAY CF. That makes my acid reflux get all bad and s***.
  16. Let me just say again: what a stupid move this would be.
  17. WTF is another "pitcher" going to do for us? In case Ozzie hasn't noticed, the cupboard on immediate relief talent is EMPTY. Nobody in the farm is close to being even an average MLB reliever. If this move is indeed made, it leaves the MLB roster without one MLB CF. That is beyond belief. Mackowiak, despite the 8 in the lineup card, is in no way, shape, or horribly run route, a MLB CF.
  18. Ha, maybe not the time for that. Reminds me of my American Legion days--back when I was still a major league lightweight. We had a road trip down to a big tourney, we were 1-2 after the first two days, and eliminated from contention in a fairly big mid-Michigan wooden bat tourney (one of the teams was Drew Henson's...before he started to suck and had all the MI HS records), we all got wasted the night before our 11 AM start. The next mornign, I was playing LF and batting 3rd, being a slugger with a cannon for an arm, but a big gut and a loping gate as well. The first ball hit out to me, I misplayed as it bounced over my head on one hop; I managed to turn a routine single into a triple. Ah, the power of booze.
  19. I'm not really "pissed off" at Ozzie. I'm just taking the loss at face value IMO. Sure, some things weren't done right today, but it's only one game, and not at all a pattern IMO. I've said many times I think Oz is a good manager, but not without his faults.
  20. And you critiscized Oz yourself in this thread. Look, Ozzie does one thing really well as a manager: he takes the pressure of his players by a) putting the blame on himself, and B) being a media darling. His job, in May, after a tough loss to a good team, is to say, "I probably made a few calls today that cost us the game. I hope the guys go out and get a little drunk tonigth then come back ready to play tommorow". Or something to that effect.
  21. You wouldn't know it from the quote I cited. The reporter implied that 3/10 with RISP is bad. It's not. If the point is indeed that "we only scored 2 runs in a winnable game", well, why did't he just come out and say it? I don't believe in this "rah rah" s*** at all, not in baseball at least. The team will play up to its talent level. When Jim Thome goes 0-6 and leaves 5 men on base, the team is going to struggle to score runs. It has nothing to do with guys "not caring" and everything to do with a bad game from the middle of the order. But that's baseball. Ozzie should relax. He doesn't need to be calling gues out right now, for the most part, this is a veteran team, they know how to take care of business over the course of a season. s*** happens. It's a long season, like I said. It won't be the last time the team scores 1 run and loses. Ozzie doesn't need to point fingers right now
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