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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. Maybe if those teams were crazy. Sorry, but Widger, Ozuna, Mackowiak, and Gload are not starting caliber players. Mackowiak maybe--on the Royals/Marlins. I don't like Ozzie's sitting of so many guys at one time. There is no reason for it, even against Seattle.
  2. It's in the cards anyway--no 9 game winning streaks!
  3. I agree. KW has fostered a great sense of community around the organization--and while often over-rated, it seems to be paying dividends with some "home town" discounts.
  4. Confidence in baseball is a funny thing, as it's often crucially important and yet based off of luck. A player can be struggling at the plate, and a slow roler up the middle that gets by the SS is suddenly reason for optimism--thus more patience at the plate, better swings, etc.
  5. Yes, it's a great luxury to have--and I give credit to KW and Oz for having the patience to develop a young promising player. Off the top of my head, I can name Nick Swisher and Jeremy Reed as touted outfielders that struggled at the plate quite often their first full season, and are having good starts so far this season. The key is patience with young players. Like you mentioned, this team is put together where BA can put up a 240/290/410 line and still be championship caliber. That is great for BA and the Sox. I just hope that Ozzie starts trotting him out there against some tougher matchups--for his defense alone-- and Mackowiak goes back to his full time super-utility role.
  6. Some pitchers aren't able to maintain early success? Pray, do tell!
  7. I'd like to just see him taken on now Rowand, although I don't disagree with you. It's a good oppurtunity to get the struggling bullpen some action, like Matt/Cliff like you said, and it's an opportunity to get Jose out of a great game with a very low pitch count--that should help him in September.
  8. Ha, I just checked out the Cleveland game chat on their blog--quite a few cliff jumpers.
  10. Yea, hopefully Juan continues his Miggy career track impersonation this year.
  11. Well thankfully the team as a whole isn't attempting alot of steals and getting caught. CS is an offense killer, and a succesful SB doesn't add that much run probability.
  12. Yea, Iguchi isn't even that fast. The only reasoning I have for that CS was to get a RISP with two outs, and if he does get caught, Dye leads off next inning, which is better than AJ.
  13. Exactly. This lineup is deadly 2--5, and none of them should every be asked to bunt early in a game.
  14. I think Qwerty is just saying that it could happen, not that is will, is is even at all likely. Drugs have powerful addictive properties, regardless of "willpower" in any given individual. Personally, I'm ready for a beer and it's only 2:30 EST.
  15. Thanks for the corrections--I did mean boraccho. And the subjunctive--lord knows how many quizzes I failed on the subjuntive.
  16. A veces, como cuando estoy barrata--puedo hablar bastante bien. Por supuesto, no hay muchos tiempos a practicar en el norte de Michigan donde yo vivo. Me olvide mucho cada dia. Necesito ir a un pais donde le gente decir espanol para a mez.
  17. Sweet, now that is genuis! We now have Cubs fans spending money on Sox games. Payroll will continue to rise if this keeps up. Ha, I hate to hear that Cubs fans are buying tickets--but still--it's money in the bank for say--Buehrle.
  18. I hear BA looked great in ST, and that Gooch looked horrible. ST means little in the grand scheme of things. For every case of a guy contiuning a hot spring in the regular season, there are 5 cases of spring meaning nothing.
  19. If you're going to make a thread about this--maybe you should eleborate on your observations a little more. For example: how were the fans "more annoying"? Like it was a sellout crowded bathrooms annoying or what?
  20. Ha, when I tried to speak Spanish in language lab last semester I would have long pauses of "uhhhhhhhhhh", and "y, y, yo, tambien, mucho, etc. I can only imagine trying to speak in front of a televised audience. Oh well, like many said, we're paying him for pitching, not PR.
  21. It isn't so much that we're (those of us that want him gone) are blaming him for sucking--it's that he should never have put in this positiion in the first place--I think we're blaming management more than Logan. He's a potentially useful (in the future) young player that needed to gain experience in the minors before making the squad. He excelled in the fools gold of spring training and made the team--I'm guessing at Ozzie's behest. The team would be better served with a player that's pitched above A ball--I think that much is obvious.
  22. If you're saying that MB will suffer a similiar fate bacause he's similiar to those guys--you are dead wrong. MB is in his 7th MLB season first off, so I'm not sure where the "3-5" good years thing comes in. Ok, the guys you compared him to: Doc Gooden has drug problems--hard drug problems--he is not a good comparison. Frank Viola was a damn good pitcher. 9 times over 200ip, and a career ERA+ of 113. Heck, he pitched over 250IP 5 times. Not a HOFER, but certainly a good player, with a long and solid career. If MB has a Fran Viola career that would be awesome. Martinez only made it over 200IP 4 times in his 13 year career, and finished with a 105 ERA+--he is a decidely mediocre pitcher. His first 5 full seasons--yes, he did flash some potential. However, he didn't do it the level MB is doing it, not even close. His age 26 season he had an ERA+ of 99. MB's age 26 ERA+ was 143. Screw the other two guys, your argument was poor, I hope this proves it.
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