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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. Man, looking at that list doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence in the farm system right now. Liotta the number 2 in the whole system--eh, meh, eh, meh. Things would look a heckuva lot better with Chris Young at number 1. But, good job with the article guys--even if you didn't have alot to work with!
  2. Wow, I tried to listen to the radio feed for last nights game--simply terrrible. I couldn't even listen after a few minutes. Farmer was talking when Singleton was talking, and vice versa, tons of awkward silences--stupid asides from Singleton. And frequently Chris would go off on some stupid tangent after a dumb leading question from Farmer--and the would miss the play by play just because Chris couldn't shutup when pitches were being thrown. This is the worst radio tandem I have ever heard. It's a joke, and an embarassment that the World Champs get this.
  3. See, I don't buy that argument: he's 31 years old this year! Sure, he's a "rookie" in MLB, but the guy has already passed his historical prime for hitters, and while I see him improving upon his .279 by 5 or so points, I don't see him hitting over .300. As for the "giving himself up" argument--I won't every buy that--and it's a major reason I was way against moving Gooch down in the hopes that he suddenly hits 20 dongs because he isn't "giving himself up". How often does Gooch bat with a runner on--33% of the time--how often is he "giving himself up" at the plate--10% of the time? Factor in the increased pressure on the defense with a runner on, increased pressure on the pitcher, and I think it mostly evens out. Anyways, that's just my two thoughts. I'm glad that this hasn't gotten into personal attack time yet--a tribute to everyone involved for sure.
  4. He hit .337 over two seasons in the Japanese league--great. I don't think the level of competition over there is anything near MLB--despite what Valentine says. Like I said, If Gooch proves me wrong, I'll gladly eat crow. I jsut don't expect him to hit over .300 here in MLB.
  5. Uh, I think that 13 games in--it's a little to early to say that Gooch is now a .348 hitter SOLELY because Pods isn't getting on base. I'll go on record as saying that this is a silly post and that Iguchi will finish the season batting under .300--no matter what the leadoff hitter does in front of him. Gooch is a good player, just not a .300 hitter--nothing in his career stats suggests anything to the contrary. And heck if Gooch hits .300 this year, I'll gladly eat some crow in September. However, it still won't have anything to do with "not giving himself up" for the leadoff hitter.
  6. Yeh! A Scottie Pods "sparkplug" reference--you'd think White Sox beat writers would have brainstormed for hours over the offseason trying to think up other metaphors for Pods. I guess "tinderbox" just doesn't ring as true in an era of combustion. I'm glad to see this lineup again--it's been too long. Contreras dominates: 7IP, 7K, 2BB, 5H. Sox up big by the 8th when Count is at 100 pitches and Thornton comes in for the last interesting two.
  7. Wow bmags--wtf did I ever do to you man? Heads is pretty well represented in all his posts as willing to give BA a shot--that's why I was surprised. Needless personal attacks are also made everday on this board--it's unfortunate.
  8. I can't believe nobody picked up that sarcasm from heads. And Putting it in green just doesn't make it sarcasm anymore IMO. The best sarcasm always gets mistaken for earnesty--which is why it's so funny. Sarcasm 101 for Soxtalk? Maybe I'll try and write a guide up and submit it so everyone is on the same page, hahaha.
  9. I think it's fair to say from the offseason analysis that Cleveland was expected to regress slightly, still this was the best Pythagorean team in MLB last year--it's not like they won't still be a hell of team. This division is going to be a dogfight, and thinking otherwise is wishful thinking--the Sox won 99 games last year and still found themselves duking it out with Cleveland the last week of the season.
  10. Arow OPS+ in 2005: 93 I think people forget that this was a championship team with a good defense, below average hitter in CF last year.
  11. I don't understand how impulsive some fans are. This is baseball for crying out loud--where even the great players will go 12 games and bat .100, or 20, games, or...you see my point. Things average out of the course of careers and seasons, lets remember that.
  12. Batting average is overated as a stat--but honestly--is there any part of you that thinks over 600 PA that BA will not do just that--bat over .200 and play decent defense? There isn't any reason to make a rash trade and send away even more prospects right now. Rowand44--yep, look at the good teams around the league that don't just buy their talent--the A's, Indians, and Braves come to mind--they all have been patient with their youth, and it's paid off big time.
  13. Erstad, OPS+ last 7 seasons 74 137 78 88 75 95 89 Qwerty is right, he had one good season and his been living very well off of it. I don't think Erstad is the answer, and Cintron isn't either. It's BA all the way for me. It's not like I think he's a great player, but I think, over the course of a season he'll be average offense and good defense. That's the book on him, and I take stock in his hundreds of AAA at bats more than a few weeks into his first MLB season for the world champs. He's feeling a lot of pressure no doubt, and while that is no excuse, I think he'll settle into a 240/300/410 line by the All-Star break and play good defense--that's all I think this team needs from CF.
  14. Sounds like an abdominal area muscle strain. I think he'll be fine with a little rest.
  15. Good win, I can't blame FG for giving up those walks in horrible conditions.
  16. LOL, here, let me give it a shot: WTF was Ozzie thinking with Mackowiak in the lineup at CF again...that should open me up to some shots! I'm just riding the wave of the Bull's improbably winning 12-14 to make the playoffs with room to spare. I probably won't find much to complain about today.
  17. call the game. No reason to keep playing. It's not the season opener on national TV, just a sunday afternooner that should go into the books.
  18. Growing up and playing ball in N. Michigan for my HS and then in college, I stood on the mound in in the field a number of times in the rain. It's no good for anyone, baseball was not meant to be played in the rain at all. Everything goes to hell. One think that often gets overlooked is how the dirt on the mound gets clumpy and it's really easy to get your cleats caught on the way to home. That is the worst, an injury waiting to happen, and it's impossible to throw strikes. Another game thread turned into "personal attack" day--I'm just amazed I stayed out of it for once
  19. Ok cool. I didn't know how bad the weather was. Yea, screw it, lets get 5 innings in.
  20. Congrats to Luol and the Bulls. On his 21st he leads them into the playoffs with 26 points and 6 boards--time for some baseball and playoff basketball!
  21. Why all the Frank hate on this thread? The man may some outrageous things, but when healthy, he's a beast. I think the production race between him and Thome will be fun to watch this year.
  22. Nothing like Buehrle to stop any momentum the Blue Jays have. Him and Count might have to carry the team this season.
  23. Good to hear! A more patient lineup is much more deadly.
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