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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  2. Where is the guy that said write off tonight as a loss, since "santana is unhittable". LOL
  3. Even if they somehow come back to win tonight, the Angels have screwed their bullpen for tommorow. Of course, the'll be even more screwed down 3-1.
  4. Blame the umps all they want, we hopped on them 3-0 again. I wonder what baseball prospectus says the "win percentage" is after that... I bet it's in the 80%
  5. If the runner beats the ball the ump will call save 90% of the time, thats just baseball.
  6. Screw Marte, he had his chances to earn playing time, no way he comes in unless its a laugher--like a 8 run laugher.
  7. "If you're not coming at a hitter with the first three pitches to dictate the count, what are you doing? You're either gonna suffer a slow death, or maybe you'll survive. You're not looking for either one of those outcomes. You're looking to dominate. So let's go. Let's get after them." ESPN
  8. "Write off tomorrow as a loss; Santana is unhittable." Uh, yea, this is the 'tude...
  9. Yep, I consider myself the articulate sports fan, and Kornheiser and Wilbon deliver good analysis in the very varied world of sports opinion. Although Kornheiser is often times "off the hook", Wilbon reels him in often enough. PTI is better than 90% of sports TV out there.
  10. I think Wilbon is pretty cool actually. I enjoy how he hopped on the "baby bulls" bandwagon way before anyone else believed in them--well I did and so did everyone over at Realgm (great Site and Bulls board at: www.realgm.com), but he's always said he's a Cubs fan. If Cubs fans want to sell their soul and hop on the bandwagon, let them.
  11. Yea, good points guys. I love to laugh at myself, especially on the internet lol. Yea, I'm obviously a little to into this beer tonight to make any sort of stories. I just feel so isolated up here in nowheresville. Give me the Red Line and the magnifecent mile and that overpriced french caffe I always go to anyday over this hickville. Still you read it!
  12. Short story here, I live in N. Michigan, as you can probably guess, it's not much of a baseball area, not to mention not much of a Sox area. I don't have cable service at my house in the boondocks, so I have to go to the local hick sports bar to watch the games on ESPN and such. I was there on friday, the only one watching baseball (the others were glued to NASCAR practice...) and I had had about 4 Jack's on the rocks when freaking Marte walks the bases loaded. I'm pissed off, good and buzzed, figure I'm ready to go, I"ll listen to the rest on AM 1000, which amazingly comes in crystal clear in my car most nights. I go up to pay my tab with my debit card, and the bartender goes "cash only". I say, and I quote, "are you f***ing kidding me". He goes, "there is an ATM down the block". I walk down the block, pissed off beyond reason, and when I get back EL DUQUE HAS GOT 2 OUTS NOBODY IN. I'm like f*** it, so I sit and watch him get that last out on a groundout. Now, I was going to stiff the bartender for not telling me it was cash only (and for obivous reasons about marte and ozzie), but suddendly, I'm pumped up. I give him a 5 dollar tip for his efforts. I walk out to my car, and as I sit down and hear the wonderful voice of Farmer, I scream: EL DUQUE! An old lady looks at me funny. I end up listening to the final out in my driveway. Anyone else have good stories about the emotional swing that inning?
  13. Hey, I feel your pain. My Dad told me we were going to go to the series at detroit (where we clinched) way back in early Auguast, and we didn't end up going because tickets were too expensive at Comerica. We were going to go to the clincher. It sucks, but there is no way to rate "diehard" for the front-office.
  14. I think some of us, in our personal vanity, are missing the forrest for the trees: bandwagoners are nothing but a good thing! Think about it: revenue increases so does payroll. If its one thing Reinsdorf does well, its keeping payroll and revenue strongly tied together. So payroll increases. This only help. Furthermore, bandwagon fans are like first time crack users: they are likely to get hooked. Ok, maybe like first time pot smokers. Still, if we can get 1/5 to keep following the sox year in and year out, we've increased our fanbase and again--this can only help. Besides, if there was no bandwagon, we'd have nothing to complain about except Ozzie's love affair with Marte--and how boring would that be
  15. "I have an odd confession to make. I have listened to Chicago White Sox games in Baghdad. Through the entire blazing summer, amid the violence and political turmoil that The New York Times sent me to Iraq to cover, the play by play of a comparatively trivial drama crackled in my room via Internet radio as the local White Sox announcers, John Rooney and Ed Farmer, charted the team's quick rise and near collapse in the regular season. In my room, within a secure compound on the banks of the Tigris River, the weirdness of juggling those two story lines came home to me in July, when the Sox were playing Detroit after sweeping a four-game series in Cleveland. The Sunnis had walked out of talks on the national constitution, sectarian strife rippled across the country, and Casey Blake, the Indians' right fielder, had said after the sweep that the White Sox were no better than the Indians. Hubris like Blake's did not sit well with Farmer, the color man and former journeyman relief pitcher who grew up in Illinois... Great story from a great newspaper.
  16. I'm not that bothered about the lack of innings by the bullben. In an ideal world, we would have blown them out in the last game, so that Ozzie oculd have gotten everyone some work, maybe even throw Garland out there for a couple of innings. But, thats not how it happened. Oh well, I'm just glad Jenks got some more confidence heading into a possible pressure packed situation in Yankee Stadium. As for Hermie, his work was inconsistent at best during the strech, and it didn't seem to bother him that much. I think everone will be fine.
  17. Hey guys, for real sports writing, that doesn't have an agenda other than tearing down everything that is holy, go to http://www.deadspin.com Especially check out the "hometown sports writer" section in which they barbeque Jay Mariotti for being a huge penis. Most sports writers are hacks that couldn't cut it in other "Englishy" fields such as creative writing, non-sports journalism, etc. At least thats my thoughts.
  18. Hermy embodies the selflessness that has allowed this team to overcome all obstacles so far. I credit Ozzie for keeping everyone on the same page, and credit of course goes to Hermie and all the other guys (ok, maybe not Jurassic Carl) who have patiently served the team first.
  19. A personal highlight of mine, I believe came back in 91 or 92. I was only 8-9 at the time, so I hardly remember. But my family--dad, mom, toddler sis, were at Old Comiskey, my mom had been complaining all game--and it hadn't even started: About the walk up the stairs (escalator out of order) to our seats, about our seats almost being behind a pole, etc, she left during warmups to get a beer. When she came back, she said that a White Sox player, (was he 11?) "Lance Johnson" had a statue down by the field. My dad and I could only laught as we explained that the lithe and wirey Johnson was really the starting CF. Turns out Lance was merely taking a break. God bless all Sox fans, ignorant or 4th generation grinders.
  20. I have to disagree with most of the posts saying "screw the bandwagoners" I would be willing to bed that most hardcore Sox fans are Sox fans because they're dad (or mom or whoever) raised them to be fans. Personally, my dad is a huge sox fan and took me to games at old comiskey and the new park when it oppened. I was only 7-13 at the time. We also saw the sox at the Metrodome, and at Tiger Stadium. I'm now 22 and I've been hooked for life. The best part of this "bandwagon" thing is that more fathers and mothers are taking thier sons and daughters to games. The sox will be reaping the benefits of this season tommorow, and especially 20 years from now.
  21. My favorite line form over there is most def: "Noted theologian and biologist Carl Everett's faux HBP goes for naught" this was after the dp to end the inning, I laughed my ass off when I read that. http://sonsofsamhorn.net/index.php?showtopic=1073&st=200
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