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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. My favorite line form over there is most def: "Noted theologian and biologist Carl Everett's faux HBP goes for naught" this was after the dp to end the inning, I laughed my ass off when I read that. http://sonsofsamhorn.net/index.php?showtopic=1073&st=200
  2. I don't know. El Duque needs to be available to start against the Yankees if necessary... I don't know. We all saw his value in long relieve tonight as well. I think we keep things the way they are, except drop Marte and add Bmac for the longer series.
  3. What was the man, 4-9 with 4 rbi, 3 runs, and a hr? Plus he gave great defense the whole freaking series. Uribe is a huge key to this offense. He looks patient and VERY dangerous at the plate right now. Clutch sqeeze, this guy is the least talked about reason this team is winning.
  4. I only have one thing to say about this: Ozzie is the only manager that could have simultaneosuly had his best decision, and worst decision, in the same half inning.
  5. Jim morgan, lol yea, this is what my buddy Jim does to me... Jim Beam that is...
  6. Yep, good call Kyyle, Schilling is clutch, at least accoring to this: http://www.baseball-reference.com/s/schilcu01.shtml Although I'm off about Schilling, I stillk think the guy was crazy to go with Schillling this year.
  7. I think the poor national play-by-play is a disgrace. I'm no Bob Costas fan, but give me him and Jim Morgan for 9 innings and I might like it. Joe Buck: pompous jerk, benefactor of nepetism Gammons: east coast schmuch, has perfected the "nerdy baseball stat geek" Kurkan: Gammons lite. This guy was obviously the scorekeeper for the varsity team. Sutcliffe: not bad actually, not good, just not bad either. Whoever-was-on AT/HOUSTON tonight: terrible, worst I've heard. The play-by play guy almost blew his load over Curt Schilling, who has exactly one clutch series in his career. The analyst didn't do anything good either. I still long for the days of "Hawk, Wimpy and the crew"
  8. "All this courtesy of Google Earth." Isn't the internet (and google!) great?
  9. Great stories guys. I actually don't have cable at my house in N. Mich (my dad is from Southern Ind and raised me a huge sox fan) so I had to go into my office to watch the game. The office was pretty much empty when Guch hit his homer, but I was screaming HELL YEA GOOCH, and clapping really loudly for about a minute after that. Worse, the suites next to us are all residential. I can only wonder what all those N. Michiganders were thinking.
  10. I hate this guy. Just yesterday he was saying how it wasn't over and how the red sawx were going to pull it out in 4. Give me a break. Dan Patrick on the other hand is on the sox bandwagon, and I love it. I like Dan's radio show quite a bit.
  11. Undoubtedly, a blustery day will help Wakefield's movement. Then again, if its too windy, it will kill his accuracy. Always a fine line with the knuckleballer.
  12. Consider this guys, from http://www.survivinggrady.com/ "Friday, Tim Wakefield takes the hill. Who has been more steadfast than Wake? One win. Saturday, Curt Schilling. 'Nuff said. Two wins. There is no way that the ChiSox are going to come into Fenway Park, The Church of Baseball, our House of Faith, and win a game. That leaves game 5 in Chicago. With a little help from the weather this weekend, Wells will pitch game 5 on full rest. And full of righteous anger to get the win he deserved last night. Faith." Red Sox fans are so arrogant. For what reason? Our team one more games then theirs. They seem to think "history" and a "rich tradition" will save them. Yea right. Ask the Yankees.
  13. One thing to keep it mind if Wakefield goes is the weather. If its windy, that might be an advantage to Wakefield--this possibly explains some of his success during the day. But, like we all remember with Hough, if it's too windy, it might be a long day for the knuckleballer.
  14. This might be the best page guys--the immediate reaction after Graffy's error: http://sonsofsamhorn.net/index.php?showtopic=1036&st=420 .
  15. "Konerko can play on our team next year. I wouldn't mind that." http://sonsofsamhorn.net/index.php?showtopic=1036&st=340
  16. Misfortune of others. http://sonsofsamhorn.net/index.php?showforum=21
  17. I don't see what the big problem is with Berman. I think the team of Berman, Sutcliffe and Piazza is surpingly easy to listen to. Sure, they give the Sawx a lotta' love, but they give the Sox a lot of luv to. Piazza especially has impressed me with his insight into the game. I luv Hawk as much as the next guy, but for National guys, we could have done much worse, Joe Buck anyone? Yuck.
  18. unbelievable, ozzie hasnt proved to you yet that he's a great manager? Jeez, what else does it take? I guess a world series victory?
  19. Mark really showed what some intestinal fortitude can do for a pitcher struggling with his stuff and bad defense. He toughed out some tough early innings and his "that Deng's got some big balls" (Paging Scottie Pippen...) got him the rest of the way. Great job Mark Buehrle for keeping it close and I'm glad he got rewarded with the win. Plus, that hug of the Gooch was a great moment by a great clubhouse guy.
  20. Wait, let me get out my haterade: It will be 6/1/2 cicadian life cycles before your blog blows up. 7/1/2 before you land that big sportswriter gig... Not bad man, it just seems kinda in bad form to advertise your blog with your 1st post. Welcom to the fold though.
  21. Someone with more time and ambition than I should look at the stats for the team when Hurt Dh's and compare it to when Carl Dh's, and heck...do all the other scenarious maybe! I have a suspicion that Konerko bats much better with Frank in there.
  22. OMG, WINODJ: I luv that buster avatar! Arrested Development is the bestest comedy out there. "You didn't eat that dove, did you?" Oh Gob. Carl Weathers? Get a stew going!
  23. Yea, it makes the "experts" look like crap when Cleveland and Minnesnowta are ahead of the Sawx and Yanks for the wild card.
  24. Clearly, at this point the Sox, Twins Cleveland will be above .500 the rest of the way. The tigres are 33-33, and the Royals are playing better. Check out the standings and I think the argument can be made, although the NL East is pretty good too. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/standings
  25. Here are the Big Hurt's number this year: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/profile?statsId=4527 To me, It always seems that when Frank is swinging well (which hell, is quite often) he is snapping his hips around on inside fastball and hitting line drive homeruns or doubles. I remember a couple years back Frank looked like he had lost the ability to turn on the inside fastball, and had to rely on the pitcher making a mistake middle-out. I sure hope this keeps up, this lineup is looking better and better with a healthy Frank. Stay healthy big fellow!
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