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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. Well, here you go guys: http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...-home-headlines Don't want to toot my own horn--wait yes I do. Frank was not 100%, and now its unlikely he'll see any action other than pinch hitting for awile. Great.
  2. I don't know, he could have tweaked it at Charlotte--but he didn't. IMO, because he wasn't forced to sprint around the bases. Frank's too pround of a competitor, and he's not going to lope around out there, even if his body is telling him to take it easy. For this reason, I think managment should have been taking his "I'm ready" with a grain of salt. He did look good at the plate though. He got around on this inside pitches, and that's a good sign.
  3. I know Frank looked good at the plate in his first game back in The Show, but he clearly was not in good enough physical condition to play if he already tweaked a hip flexor. In my opinion, the sox were playing well enough without Frank and they should have showed more patience with him, and demanded that he be in every-day game shape before they showed him some action. Now, I just hope that this isn't a nagging injury that Frank could have avoided by getting more at bats in the no pressure enviroment of AAA. Frank's no spring chicken, and a few more sprints from first to third might have loosened him up a little more for when he really needs it, that is, with the Sox. I think the Sox should have shown more patience and not listened to Frank's opinion that he "was ready". Clearly, he wasn't ready to spring around the bases when it counted, although his swing looked fine. this being said, I'm rooting for me to be wrong and for frank to return tommorow pain free, and remain pain free all the way to the world series.
  4. The good thing about this lineup is that only Pods and Iguchi seem to be "overachieving". If Dye and Konerko (plus a healthy Thomas) can produce in the middle of the lineup, things will be looking up considerably. You have to figure that Rowand and Pods will continue to do the job. if Iguchi can hover around .290 with decent power numbers, the top and middle will be looking solid. Now, I'm less sold on Uribe, not sold at all on Crede. Crede has had more than enough patience displayed with him and its disapointing the SOX didn't have a legit backup plan coming into this season for 3B. AJ will continue to do his thing. I agree, the lineup is looking better. I just pray that Pods doesn't revert to his form of last year, because he is the key to this lineup. He needs to keep getting up base.
  5. The bats finally seem to be coming around. Contreras has been pitching well: I predict a 6-3 victory tommorow and a sweep of the Halo's.
  6. The best case scenario is that Shingo goes down to AAA and gets his confidence back and then we have even more depth in the bullpen and that means more options come trade deadline time.
  7. Yea, I agree that Shingo should go down. With everyone except Marte and Viz pitching lights out in front of him, he won't see any action up here for awile, as Ozzie seems to have lost confidence in him--understandably. I also hope Timo doesn't stay up much longer, I don't know what role he has on the team, it's not like he does anything that well.
  8. Well, is it a great time to be a chicago sports fan or what? First, the Bulls turn it around midseason, then the Illini go crazy, and now the Whitesox have the best record in baseball AND THE BULLS WIN A PLAYOFF GAME. I'm amazed by this Bulls team: Noc' with 25 and 18? Jor...Gordan with 30 on 11-19 shooting? Simply unthinkable. my first post, with such great news-- a great time to be a fan for sure.
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