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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. I have to admit I was a lot bigger on TAs off field persona when he wasn't replacement level on the diamond. I watched a few minutes of the interview, just didn't hold my interest. Thanks for the link.
  2. last in launch angle and BB% and first in O-Swing%. That is absolutely fucking amazing.
  3. That's enough White Sox baseball for this weekend, JFC. Just a bad team doing bad things.
  4. I don't care what his stats say I can't stand Kelly and his face makes me angry.
  5. You could have given me 1000 guesses and I would not have figured that Andrus is the active SB leader in MLB.
  6. go sit your ass down tim and find a slumpbuster tonight.
  7. lol, WTF was that swing? That ball should be in the 4th row in LF.
  8. I have to give kudos to the staff and bullpen, they are carrying this sad sack offense the last month.
  9. Sheets now with a 698 OPS. Sigh. Why do we always keep these DH types around so fucking long?
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