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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. anytime you can get Gavin and his - .7 fWAR into the lineup you gotta take the opportunity.
  2. I'd bet dollars to donuts that stone and jason are both gone next year. The crew will be len and gordon.
  3. yea we had a billy badass coach in HS that played college ball that told us to look for that one among a zillion other things. in MLB you never see this stuff because 1) by MLB level self selection has it all but eliminated and 2) you have actual base coaches that are smart and paying attention to help the players out. this entire coaching staff is poor and that transcends whoever the manager is year to year. why the fuck do boston and joe still have jobs? Stupid loyalty is why.
  4. it's also a team that doesn't score any runs. I've seen dumber sox teams, I'd be hard pressed to name one that was supposed to contend and bash the piss out of the ball that simply couldn't hit.
  5. it would be nice to communicate with the fans about Liam's status.
  6. and yet if a fan said it he'd get all high and mighty. fuck off.
  7. blow this thing up, fire the entire FO other than Katz and promote him to manager.
  8. an all time disaster of an offseason comes home to roost almost every single game.
  9. never thought I'd say this but is lopez available?
  10. it's a fucking joke how bad the pen is given everything they threw into it.
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