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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. put this team out of its misery. a sweep from Detroit would do it.
  2. it's to the point where guys are going to get hurt trying not to get hurt.
  3. pile on the misery. fire everybody. trade lynn and giolito and Jose.
  4. figures the guy that hasn't been around the club in a couple months knows how to elevate.
  5. Maybe we can start a GoFundMe so Hahn can feed his family and resign.
  6. I see you're on your weekly pivot to yelling at Sox fans while defending the FO's honor. WTF man. Fandom has nothing to do with supporting a blue blood Harvard and UM grad that has run our favorite team into the ground. Fuck Rick Hahn's professional career he's ruined our favorite team again!
  7. Ruining his career? Come on now. It's fine, Rick Hahn enjoys the prestige and paychecks more than he enjoy professional integrity and vision. But don't expect me as a fan to sit here and slurp that up.
  8. That's a lot of words to say (if true) Hahn is a coward who would rather cash a check than enjoy his vision of a winning baseball team. It's never been a position I find defensible from a fan's POV, although perhaps Hahn's kids appreciate it.
  9. hahn is the type of executive that by being "risk averse" actually exposes himself and the club to more risk. there was ALWAYS risk of a big regression from some of the core position players. That's why you GO GET MORE GOOD PLAYERS rather than just hoping and wishing the guys you got are good enough to get you a one run lead, which as we've seen over and over this year, isn't good enough, no matter how many bullpen arms you bring in.
  10. On bad baseball teams there's a lack of accountability. I'm seeing the same pattern with TLR as we did with Ventura. I won't put Rickie in that pile, although lord knows he had his own issues running a club.
  11. he's the GM. If he doesn't like not having full power he can resign today. this line of "oh it's not hahn it's _____" is a dead end. And hahn is the guy that decided it was better to sign a million bullpen arms then improve 2B and RF enough for leads to hold up. hahn can fuck off. he did a good job with the rebuild, he's utterly failed to build on that foundation and now the entire building is on the verge of collapse.
  12. They are the Dallas Cowboys with the Detroit Lions' resume. Helluva combo.
  13. No clue but I was watching Julio Rodriguez play last night and he plays free and loose and doesn't worry about getting injured -- just like Robert should play. It really annoys me that the Sox have, seemingly as an entire org, planted the "don't get hurt out there" seed in the back of every guys' head. And it sure isn't helping prevent injuries, all it's doing is making for a lot of tight performances. The entire coaching and performance staff outside Katz should be broomed. In fact, I would consider making Katz the interim manager. He's the only coach that is an outsider that has success outside Chicago and he's done well with the staff no doubt. The rest of the coaches, from the sports shrinks to the training staff to the bench coaches and base coaches to TLR himself should be broomed.
  14. I'm at the lowest point of my fandom as an adult. That's all. A very solipsistic view but one I'm sure is shared by quite a few people around 30-50.
  15. I agree, problem is Jose refuses to DH full time or even part time. And yet the Sox have built a roster that almost requires him to full time DH in order to get the most out of it. So yea, it's a shit situation, one they shouldn't be in, but there is seemingly no chance of him agreeing to be a full time DH and he's going to be a FA; if the squad isn't competitive for the division with ~60 or so games left, get what you can for him and retool for next year.
  16. He's been the log jam holding up moving everybody down a position on the defensive spectrum for too long. He should honestly be traded if the Sox are under .500 in early August.
  17. I think everybody is playing really tight and making dumb mental mistakes. That's on the manager and clubhouse leaders, but mostly on the manager. You have Moncada busting ass (for once) thinking he's going to score on a ball off the wall and then you have engel neglecting 30 years of baseball instincts to...I have no idea what he was doing. He should have been on the base the entire time regardless of what Moncada was doing.
  18. I blame Boston and McEwing as well. Yes these are pros but the coaches are still out there to help.
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