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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. That's what happened there? I got busy at work at was wondering. f*** Eloy, what an idiot.
  2. We should have PH for beni but you know we'll never do that for the "vet".
  3. OK guys, I know it's crazy, but can we get an insurance run?
  4. Must be nice to have reliable day in and day out stars in your lineup year after year. Miss that.
  5. Ramirez is a remarkable player. Brick shithouse of a dude but helluva player.
  6. Shiffren should watch the fucking game most his calls are wildly inaccurate. I'm going in on this guy cause I can't b**** too much about our play lately. So get ready Jon.
  7. If we benched guys in this franchise for lack of hustle or shitty play we couldn't field a team. Talent wins. Get anybody with any hint of it up here. Vaughn and his 70 level jib can go simmer in Charlotte.
  8. Get Eloy off my fucking TV. Vaughn too. Tired of these fucking bums. Just call up Colas, send Vaughn to AAA and Eloy can grab some bench a few times a week.
  9. Vaughn needs to look fastball here middle in and pull it. and he pops it up. God damn his bat is so fucking slow.
  10. Lifetime supply of overnighted lobster rolls gets it done imo. Force JR to sell them at G-Rate at market price so he loses money shipping them.
  11. dumbfuck was already pocketing a win jason style when it's 3-0 in the 7th with nobody out. Bro, this is the Sox. 3 runs is nothing and you know we ain't gonna scratch much more across.
  12. My god man, I wonder how long Schriffen believed in Santa Claus. Probably until he was like 12.
  13. Really Jon? We've seen so many pitchers go to korea and then come back? I think I can name two, they are both on these teams here tonight.
  14. I can get a good look at a t-bone by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather just trust the butcher.
  15. Look at how long Pham's bat stays in the zone compared to Eloy on a pitch like that. One guy has a great chance, the other has no chance.
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