Why the f*** was Lopez even sliding into the bag? Jesus christ this is MLB just run out of the line bro.
No s%*# Stone. That's the point. It was a force-out by 10 feet. The ump was probably wondering why billy try hard was sliding into the bag.
It's like they had to wait all of 5 innings or whatever until the game was sleepy enough to tell it. Jesus christ man we're going to see some things come August. I'd be surprised if Stone doesn't take most of August off.
The pitching isn't going to be top half all year. It will regress to bottom 1/3 likely just as the bats rebound from "historically awful" to simply "awful."
Add it all up and this is a 45-55 win team. They are already down to 59 wins projected on FG.
I know this is controvesial but I want this team to be so bad that it gets national attention and I want Grifol to wear it as the new worst manager of all time.