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Posts posted by Balta1701

  1. 1 minute ago, Baron said:

    Well thank god your here to dispel any irrational thoughts we might have. Thank goodness!

    I literally had people tagging me in a conversation I wasn't in last night to brag about the importance of these new insider reports because they wanted to brag about how things were clearly going down.

    Y'all want to believe these guys and they pump out super vague clickbait to the point that they're occasionally right, when they say things that wind up completely wrong it doesn't cost them enough credibility that their next set of posts get ignored (see literally 8500 posts in this thread), and y'all bring me in and tag me to brag every time there's a rumor because OMG there's a new insider rumor this is awesome. 

    So sure, feel free to be mad at me for having the audacity to call this out as malarky.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Baron said:

    Anybody else roll their eyes at Balta's comments about insiders now? 

    8500 replies in this thread and you're rolling your eyes at me rather than at Morosi saying a trade is "plausible."

    I'd say that you guys would believe a post by an Italian beef sandwich if they claimed to be an insider but...well...

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, WhiteSox2023 said:

    Exactly!  Like saying the team that is interested is not a specific team.  What harm could possibly be done by naming the actual team that has interest?  I really don’t buy that the outing of a trade and the players involved is going to get the trade cancelled.  The Quintana trade was scooped a day earlier and it didn’t get the trade cancelled.  All this strategy does is not out the supposed “insider” as someone with no sources, as they can say whatever vague BS that anyone else could.

    All I did was post open eyeballs, that meant my eyeballs were open while looking at my phone! It's not my fault you guys interpreted that differently!

  4. 9 minutes ago, T R U said:

    Maybe they know something, maybe they don't. Feels like there is something going on though with how this is blowing up again.

    What I really can't stand is the "insiders" with their emojis or vague comments and refusing to elaborate. So when something does happen they can then say "told ya so" and if nothing happens no sweat they didn't say anything in detail.

    They also know that no one will judge them if they're wrong, it will never be held against them. They will get all the attention, then wait 3 weeks, then do it again. 

    This has happened a half dozen times this offseason from the same posters! It's why this is such a long thread. 

    • Like 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    You’re really going all in on this position despite the new bidding war for Cease

    You guys are really going all in on "this time they're totally actually insiders and not making stuff up at all, I'm sure it's totally real this time and there's an actual bidding war this time." 

  6. 40 minutes ago, Texsox said:

    Does their paycheck really depend on it? I can think of guys like Rocker with homophobic comments, or Campanis with racist comments, getting fired but I can't think of anyone getting fired for calling out teammates or the manager.

    Bottom line, players can't manage themselves. They need coaches and managers. They all failed. It really doesn't matter if they liked the guy or not.

    I think most folks like working for a manager who leaves them alone. So it doesn't surprise me they liked working for TLR. 

    Or Jason Benetti who was too smart and chewed funny.

  7. 1 minute ago, Texsox said:

    Are you thinking they received a bonus for saying positive things? I know it doesn't fit the narrative we believe, but I'm not going to dismiss their public comments to guess what they really felt. 

    If we are going to make some guesses I'll go with the guys appreciated a manager who left them alone to be professionals. 

    And we learned that young professionals today need someone on their ass to perform. 

    I think it is difficult for a person to say something honest when their paycheck depends on them toeing the company line.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 minute ago, TaylorStSox said:

    A lot of clubhouse responsibility falls on the veterans of the team. Both Keuchel and Grandal come off as real assholes and it seemed pretty clear to me that they divided the clubhouse. I wouldn't be surprised if the chemistry and effort are much better this year.


    The White Sox knew they were signing one of the most dependable and accountable left-handed pitchers in baseball, but even management has been taken aback by his clubhouse leadership.

    “Well, contrary to popular belief,’’ White Sox vice president Ken Williams said, “numbers don’t tell the whole story. There is a human element to this game. There is a very real leadership and motivational component. And presence will always remain something that is very hard to quantify. You know it when you see it.

    “And this guy has got it.’’


  9. Just now, South Side Hit Men said:

    It’s not that they are unprepared as much as they just aren’t capable in their mid to late 30s. 

    Hitting OPS 2023 & 2022

    (Games Played)

    • Maldonado .606 (116) ; .600 (113)
    • Stassi DNP (2023); .571 (102)
    • Moustakas .685 (112); .640 (78)
    • Phillips .601 (39); .466 (83)
    • Ortega .613 (47); .688 (118)


    Yeah, I'm just a little surprised that "they're all that completely decayed". A lot of times, older guys can come into the season knowing what to expect and get an advantage over young guys based on that. These guys are just so far down the path that the age is winning out.

    It is interesting to see the improvement from Maldonado though. :)

  10. Just now, Texsox said:

    The biggest surprise for me was TLR stayed out of clubhouse matters. Guys initially we're actually happy to play for him. Luis and TA had positive things to say.  Liam said it was a positive reason for him to sign with the team. Only a few guys have ripped him after leaving. 


    Every person you mentioned was being paid by the White Sox at the time they said positive things.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, SoCalChiSox said:

    Disagree. NYY lacks leverage here.

    Unless they are willing to pay a ton of money and tax, they are stuck, especially if Martino's report is right about other teams having superior offers.


    “Unless the Yankees are willing to spend money they have no leverage”.

    I would like to challenge you to read this sentence again.

  12. 2 minutes ago, DirtySox said:

    Not sure how to read this. Is he comparing the current Yankees offer to past offers from other teams? Or does this read as Getz is soliciting a bunch of current offers from other teams that trump this new Yankees proposal?

    The Yankees probably put in a polite call to see if the Spring results had dramatically dropped the price on Cease, but aren’t going to pay a high price for him based on this. The likely scenario is that this loss is a huge problem for them and trying to barely patch it with Cease isn’t getting them anywhere.

  13. Just now, Quin said:

    Somehow still better than Pedro's clubhouse.

    I’m honestly not sure about that. I think Pedro had a worse roster, and an organization around them that cared less (see Clevinger getting to use Gold Digger as an example). I think that 2022 clubhouse was a disaster.

    More people in 2022 were clearly under contract for the next year, and no one was traded away, so fewer people to rip the team. The only guy they got rid of, Keuchel, ripped the team.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, SoCalChiSox said:

    Yeah but that's the scenario at issue. He knows he doesn't have forever because JR could go at any time, so he does need immediate or close to immediate returns on his trades so he can burnish his rep for the next owner or if they are gonna clean house either way, then he needs some positive results to get another job.

    I just don't see him taking a main piece that won't see the league for like 3 years. Secondary pieces that are high upside but far away (Lalane)...sure...main ones no.

    Eh, if this offseason tells me anything, it's one of two things:

    a. He really believes he's built a good team out of defenders and former Royals, and will be stunned by the results in April, or

    b. He is willing to think long term and not make Hahn-like decisions that do damage to the organization long term.

    This sure looks like the offseason of someone who is willing to think long-term. He didn't rush a Cease trade for the MLB-ready pieces that Milwaukee brought back, he didn't trade away many of the key guys who might take until 2026 to even arrive (Quero, Schultz both could have been that), he didn't waste very much on win-now money. Contrasting this with Hahn's 2023 offseason with the Benintendi signing (ugh), the Clevinger signing (UGH), bringing back Andrus (Sigh), and there's a clear difference. 

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Tnetennba said:

    This spring should serve as all the confirmation we need. Perhaps another org can turn him into a viable bullpen piece, because it sure doesn’t look like it will happen here. 

    If his April is a disaster, I'd definitely give it a shot. I wouldn't judge that based on spring alone, it's not like we are looking at a team where every win in April is likely to count. See how he looks in the first 5 starts, and if they're like yesterday, give the bullpen a shot. 

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