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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. The question I don't have an answer to with the Dodgers would be - would it benefit him more to be a third fiddle on that Dodgers team that has a huge amount of focus from Japanese media, or would it benefit him to have some time to grow into a superstar without the immediate focus of being a Dodger? The latter worked for Ohtani - but admittedly his first few seasons were "good" rather than spectacular, in part due to having to overcome some injury issues. Would you want to hedge against that if you were this kid? Maybe?
  2. Thats not how this works? Thats not how any of this works. This will be a big money maker for a lot of people. If Reinsdorf put in $1.3 billion and the government put in $600 million, Related puts in whatever it takes to build the rest; everyone walks away in 20 years making good money. It just won’t justify the state putting in $2 billion dollars!!!!!
  3. Do the normal FA tampering rules even apply when a player is international and not a member of the union?
  4. Yeah. So, is Getz going to be honest about anything any more? Nah. Everything was great.
  5. If we were looking at an honest sport, a team coming off literally the worst season any of us have ever seen would feel compelled to make these kinds of moves, and although it might not be a playoff team next year, you have to admit it looks a lot better yes. You put a 41 win team on the field in the 3rd biggest city in the country? Yeah, your penance should be signing a $600 million outfielder and a $200 million pitcher to bring yourself back to respectability. And for reference, you said a half billion - you have underpriced just your OF addition with that amount. Talk about a billion for this roster. But no, Jerry Reinsdorf is your problem.
  6. Well yeah, if he chooses the 2024 route it’s basically because he decided to go the Dodgers at a discount. While there’s a perception he might want that, it isn’t certain and there’s plenty of reason to question it. When Ohtani signed, there was the same “oh he will probably go to the Dodgers why should anyone else try” setup and he wound up with the Angels of all teams. If he wants $4 million from the Dodgers he can probably get that in 2024 after a trade or two. If he wants to consider multiple teams, this is a spot in a major city, where there’s clearly rebuilding but less pressure on a mid 20s player to win and be great right now as a rookie. In LAD, he’d also be the third fiddle, whereas you can make a case for More individual exposure somewhere else if he earns it. And he’s also coming off something of a down season where he lost some velocity, so do we think these coaches are actually competent at working with pitchers or not? Why shouldn’t they be on the list as at least trying?
  7. Last years quote about how he “didn’t like their team” got put on T shirts. The team banned those shirts from the ballpark.
  8. It is utterly hilarious that someone could write this is the best case scenario for the white sox without realizing that it is an enormous insult to the White Sox ”The best case scenario is they might get something out of this because they’re so pathetic no player would ever consider them even when they are on an even financial footing with other teams. Ignore everything I said about the quality of staff and people they brought in, I was just making sure they liked me.”
  9. If I’ve read this correct if he waits to be posted until after December 15, then he will be in the 2025 signing pools, which haven’t been spent yet. The White Sox are 1 of 12 teams with a $6.2 million pool for 2025, the Dodgers are one of 2 teams with only a $5.2 million pool, and about 10 more teams have $6.9-$7.3 million pools to spend. if he’s dead set on LAD he can get posted and sign there for their 2024 pool, but if he waits until December 15 it could be a few million more. Money isn’t a big issue here, not as much as where he’d want to go.
  10. So you have no evidence but Hahn and KW's honorable word. Exactly.
  11. Why can't it be possible that the White Sox were outbid but Hahn and Williams didn't want to say this because they knew it made them look bad after the exact same thing happening the year beforehand with Machado. Where is your statement from Wheeler or Wheeler's family that they turned down more money for Philly? You demand evidence from me that I shouldn't trust them, give me the evidence that makes you trust them.
  12. Why would they have cared? They clearly signed with a better team with better coaches and now have a much richer second contract out of it that they'd never have gotten in Chicago.
  13. The White Sox SAID that they gave Wheeler the best offer. You are trusting Rick Hahn and Kenny Williams's honor and veracity on a story that makes them look like the martyred heroes.
  14. It is 100% possible that Jerry Reinsdorf will not commit to a top 15 payroll any time in the next several years because he feels the need to keep payroll liabilities low for the team being either sold to a new owner or moved.
  15. The White Sox's offer was 10/$250 with no opt out. There were team options for years 11 and 12 that would have taken the total value up to $310 million. San Diego gave 10/$300 with an opt out after 5 years (which, notably, was used to get Machado quite a bit more money). They were outbid because they weren't actually serious, they didn't actually believe anyone would pay $300 million on an infielder because they don't believe players are worth those prices. They genuinely thought they were going to get both Harper and Machado for around $200 million each.
  16. Wow, Garrett Crochet has not been willing to publicly criticize his "Employer". Wow. I mean, that clearly proves he loves their work. After all, everyone is willing to criticize the "People who write their paychecks", right? That's the old saying, it is simply to get a person to believe something when their paycheck depends on them not believing it. This is just dumb. The dude clearly, deliberately sabotaged any efforts to trade him publicly, while declaring how happy he was and oh really wouldn't you mind just a gigantic contract extension? And you're right he doesn't hold all the cards. But he's made his position very, very clear. He was pushed hard, early in his career and he's recognized that this is a threat to his earning potential, so his 1 and only goal is a long term, big money contract extension. If he can get that here, great. If not, he will do whatever he can to protect his arm, including refusing trades or refusing to pitch in the playoffs, to protect himself, after the abuse his arm took.
  17. You know, the Dodgers today announced they expect Betts to go back to the infield. Thats despite them having Edman, Lux, Freeman, Muncy, and their other SS whose name I’ve forgotten in the If and two of their OFs, Teoscar and k***, are free agents. They seem to need OFs more than IFs for now, so Betts moving to the IF again is odd. The immediate reaction was “Soto”, but golly doesn’t it seem like Soto will be at DH before this contract is up? And that spot, Dodgers DH, might be the most blocked spot in all of baseball. This Betts announcement makes a lot more sense if the Dodgers move an IF and return an OF in a trade.
  18. Actually 2% growth is keeping up with inflation now. Where does that article say the Braves had the best growth in the league?
  19. If hypothetically Luis Robert drops another 0 WAR season and misses another 3 months with a major injury, isn't his option for 2026 declined?
  20. A normal terrible team still wins like 50 games. The White Sox had a unique combination of a terrible team top to bottom, including the coaching staff, entire team concept from the GM, strategy, etc. It's tough to lose more than 110, it takes some serious skill at being awful.
  21. The team won the World Series 3 years before this and they're still increasing TV revenue at a reasonable rate, in a fairly tough local TV market environment. Seems fine to me.
  22. If the White Sox have decided that they are dumping Robert, I can't say I'd be furious. I fully believe they have completely screwed up his mindset and work ethic, and if they don't believe their coaches can fix it, they will be right. Taking "Whatever the best you can get" is for Robert, at this point, I can follow that. However, if the best you can get is a guy who is already in arbitration, yeah just hold him. At least give me one of Getz'z A-ball specials that the Getzlyfans can oggle for a few years until they're out of the sport. Better chance of being useful.
  23. It took 1 post for us to hear how there was strong interest in the player.
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