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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Um...yeah...and someone thought this was a good idea?
  2. Hmm, it seems Mr. Thome is a little bit behind on the rehab schedule they tried to set last week. Starts a rehab assignment today, will miss the Cubs series.
  3. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ May 13, 2007 -> 01:00 PM) Could easily play 2nd and leadoff for us right now. Interestingly...he was in LF for the Bravos today.
  4. QUOTE(fathom @ May 13, 2007 -> 12:57 PM) I have no clue who was available, but the GM's job is supposed to be to find players that can fit into the holes you have. Willie Harris.
  5. QUOTE(fathom @ May 13, 2007 -> 12:51 PM) Any chance Zambrano doesn't dominate us next week? I really don't like how we match up with the Cubs right now. I'd say that out of the pitchers the Cubs will throw at us, Z seems to scare me the least.
  6. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ May 13, 2007 -> 12:45 PM) I'm glad you can already tell us by just watching the whole two months of baseball that Chris Young has played -- and I'm sure you've seen every single movement by Young this year, too. Pray tell, why aren't you a major league scout again? Just to add on to this point with what I think is a more important argument...if the White Sox want to be a better team next year than this year, and have room to bring in someone in FA like an Ichiro who fills a real obvious need, or even just to hold on to some of our guys like MB, the Sox really need to have a couple of young guys to bring in other than just Danks. The only way we can afford to bring in an Ichiro is if we get some success out of Anderson, Sweeney, Fields, and some of our pitchers. If we can't get these young guys to succeed, we don't have the money to buy our way around those failures. If you throw in Young...even if he's never an all-star, even if he's only an average OF...the White Sox could desperately use an average offensive OF who is making the league minimum right now.
  7. Willie has 4 doubles in his last 8 at bats.
  8. QUOTE(caulfield12 @ May 13, 2007 -> 11:33 AM) The problem is that it's highly unlikely that Anderson is an .800 or even .700 OPS player next year. Perhaps that second or third prospect will be Josh Fields in LF. I think it'd just be absolutely outrageous if this team couldn't turn Brian Anderson into a >.700 OPS player next year given how much time and effort they've put into him as a first round draft pick, how he's performed in the minors, and how much simple athletic talent he has. If the team can't turn him into at least a decent player, then the White Sox really don't deserve to be a playoff team. At some point, unless you're the Yankees, you have to draft and develop players.
  9. QUOTE(briguy27 @ May 13, 2007 -> 08:36 AM) ah yes, i have been saying it all along- ICHIRO if they do not resign erstad, i would love to see them go after ichiro. now keep in mind ichiro is already 33 and will be 34 in october. maybe a 3 year 24 million or a 4 year 36 million dollar contract. i would love to see him in a white sox uniform if we cant get ichiro, and if crede is gone, go after a-rod. see what we can do. lets spend some money, and actually get a well known mlb SUPERSTAR in chicago. im tired of everyone saying konerko isnt, even though he has 3 straight season of 40 homers/100 rbis and dye hitting 330 last year with 40 homers and 110 rbis. come on KW, lets get ichiro or a-rod in the cell. I've said it before and I'll say it again...the only way that the White Sox can afford to get a player like Ichiro is for Fields, Sweeney, and Anderson to come up and produce, along with at least 1 more young pitcher to replace Buehrle (if not 2). To hold onto this team as-is right now next year will cost something on the order of $130 million or more, and that's without a single upgrade. Plug in an Ichiro replacing a Podsednik, and that team is a $145-$150 million team.
  10. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ May 13, 2007 -> 12:18 PM) I don't think Iguchi is worth the $5mil he will ask for after the season. Tadahito may well be pricing himself right back into something the White Sox could afford.
  11. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 13, 2007 -> 08:57 AM) We trade with so many countries with terrible track records against the US, their human rights records suck. Perhaps it's time to drop the embargo. It's been time to drop the embargo for a long, long time. Man, the economy of that island is just going to absolutely explode if that ever happens, and it'll make a lot of people a lot of money. Then again, I just want sugar to replace the corn syrup in my carbonated beverages.
  12. Here's a chance for all you Republicans to laugh at me and say "I told you so".
  13. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ May 12, 2007 -> 09:00 PM) That is correct, and if Javy keeps pitching as well as he had and should, this trade won't be one we regret. I dunno entirely about that, and here's why. The White Sox 1 big need coming into next season is some additional cheap, successful, producing young talent. We're a $110 million team right now, and if we want to keep this exact team together as-is next season, we'd have to be a $130 million team. Add in about another $8 mil for Buehrle, raises for Crede, Uribe, Thome, God knows how big of a raise Dye gets, and even more to hold onto Iguchi, and just to hold as-is right now, we'd add a ton of payroll. And that leaves us no room to upgrade, say, our LF/Leadoff spot or anything like that. The White Sox really, desperately need a couple young guys to insert into the lineup next season. Just 1 won't do it, it has to be on the order of 2-3 guys. One of those young pitchers will probably step into the rotation, possibly 2 depending on what the Sox do with Garland, but that's still not going to give us any room to upgrade. So, what do we really, really need? We need 2 of our 3 top prospects to produce well in the field next season, so that we can afford to fill other holes. If we could, for example, get Anderson and Sweeney both to produce, along with another young pitcher in addition to Danks, then that could give us room to resign Uribe, Iguchi, and to make a serious run at someone to fill our other OF slot. But that doesn't work if we only get 1 decent producing field prospect. If that happens, we're pretty much going to wind up stuck with Erstad as a $6 million option because we don't have any better choice. If Anderson continues struggling and Dye walks, then we lose a lot of salary flexibility and really have no other option than Erstad. If we had Young, we would have another young OF option ready and waiting, which could have freed up salary this season and beyond. Long story short; for me to be happy about this deal, we need Anderson and Sweeney both succeeding for the Sox next year. End of story.
  14. Fields seems like he was hitting below the Mendoza line like 3 days ago.
  15. QUOTE(fathom @ May 12, 2007 -> 10:33 AM) Yet he keeps putting Erstad out there, who's now 3-30 against LHP all year, and his only extra base hit was in his first AB of the season. When you're a grinder, you contribute more than your numbers. Of course, that's a real strong argument for an Erstad/Terrero platoon...which would require keeping Luis on the roster...
  16. Now this is just sad. "I'm sorry, I only hate gay people when I have to pee." I wonder, if Thompson keeps this up, if he can move into Gravel territory.
  17. I don't know if anyone else noticed...but damn, that swing by JD reminded me an awful lot of one he had in the 8th inning against the Astros.
  18. QUOTE(mr_genius @ May 11, 2007 -> 04:28 PM) That article was so lame. A weak attempt at a "hit job" on a presidential candidate, it won't effect the campaign at all. John McCain takes a moment to call that lady.
  19. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 11, 2007 -> 04:25 AM) Oh, and BTW, Moore is a dickhead and unless Cuba has some radical medical treatment that was these people's only hope, he deserves what ever punishment we dish out. Nuke, you smoking any Cuban cigars? Well, I can't speak to them having some sort of radical treatment, but they do have a health-care-for-all system which is, honestly, incredibly good compared to the amount of money they spend on it, which is the point Moore is clearly trying to make. From the Wiki Gonzalez entry on Cuba's health care system: Their life expectancy is roughly equal to that of the U.S., infant mortality seems similar, etc. I'm sure there are some categories where the U.S. does win, but the point Moore will make is that the U.S. spends like 12% of it's GDP on health care, Cuba spends about 7% of its GDP on health care, and Cuba gets similar results. And you can also take a second to think about the values of the GDP of each country - for cuba, 7% of it's GDP levels out to spending about $250 per person on health care per year, to get results that at worst are not horrendous compared to the much larger amount spent in the U.S.
  20. These folks are adults. They are and should be responsible for their own actions. It's not like this is a high school team. And another question...so what happens in an alcohol free clubhouse when you win a division? Spray grape juice over your teammates? That said...teams should really be ramping up efforts to make sure people do have options. Teams should be providing taxis to take players home if they so desire. They ought to have a specific person the players can call. Make it as easy as humanly possible for them to get a ride. And there should be punishments for DUI from the teams.
  21. Anderson 1/3, 2 BB, 2 runs scored, 1 strikeout. Fields 2/4 with a home run and 4 RBI. Wikipedia with a home run and 5 RBI. Haeger did not pitch. Babula got the start, Carlos Vasquez appears to have gotten the win, throwing 2 scoreless innings in relief.
  22. QUOTE(watchtower41 @ May 11, 2007 -> 08:20 AM) Terrero should get some playing time.... he hasnt seen an AB in over a week Ryan Sweeney should not see the bench until next Tuesday if he's being sent down. Get him every possible Major League at bat that can be gotten for him. Including against righties and lefties. Kick some ass Jon.
  23. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ May 10, 2007 -> 09:52 PM) I was thinking... hypothetically speaking, because this trade wouldn't hapen (at least right now) -- since BJ Ryan is done for at least a year, would you trade Dye + MacDougal/Jenks for Rios? I would, although I'm not sure Toronto would necessarily do that (for one), and after Dye took the lesser contract to come here (keeping his word), I feel like the Sox are in some way 'indebted' to him. When you consider that if the White Sox hold on to Mr. Dye, and he departs as a FA, the White Sox will still receive 2 compensatory top-of-the-draft picks, and if Mr. Dye goes to Toronto those picks would go to the Jays, I think that's a little much to give up for Mr. Rios. But we're on track with a decent line of thought there, and it could well just be a matter of changing a player or two.
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