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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. So, at this point I think we can all unite behind supporting the lawsuit those kids are going to bring against that D.A., and the other attempts to have him disbarred and so forth.
  2. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 12:54 PM) It's what happens when you don't have overwhelming stuff. Yeah, Greg Maddux has spent the last 20 years being shelled.
  3. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 12:53 PM) How did Anderson mess up that play? I'm convinced we would have lost easily in game 3 of this year if Buehrle had stayed in the game. Oh well....this is why you have to capitalize on games in which you lead in the 9th. I just got in...what did Anderson do?
  4. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 11:12 AM) Aj hits Kennedy at at .350 clip (17 AB's) Iguchi and Anderson are 0-7 Pods hits him .250 Konerko is 11/15 with a 2.276 OPS. And I'll add, Hopefully within a few months we'll be saying that Anderson's sucky "bat v. pitcher" #'s are much more a function of his slow start to his career than his actual ability against a particular pitcher.
  5. QUOTE(BearSox @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 10:53 AM) Leaving Cintron on 3B with no outs was unexcuseable... That cost us the game more than anything else, IMO. Although...that one wasn't exactly the fault of anyone on the Sox. That was the classic "In oakland key call botched by ump" moment of this series.
  6. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 10:53 AM) So does this mean all of the claims of stolen elections are wrong as well? In 2004, I believe so, yes. In 2000...well...that election was decided by a 5-4 vote, so that's at least open to personal interpretation as to whether or not the Supreme's actions were justified.
  7. I'm not sure which bit of news I want to highlight today. So #1, on the voter fraud canard the Republicans have been trying to use to steer elections in their direction... Yup. They looked into it, found it wasn't a problem, and then the Administration told them to shut up because they needed those voter fraud claims to try to cut down on Dem votes. And second, the coup de gras perhaps: I almost hope Nuke doesn't read this post, although I'm not sure whether or not that would apply to him.
  8. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Apr 10, 2007 -> 06:54 PM) I'm confused. The show is 24. Did it not start at midnight?? Should next week not be the finale? The only season that started at midnight was season 1.
  9. So...Brad Lidge for Bobby Jenks straight up?
  10. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 09:10 AM) Walker is a great contact hitter, and it was blatantly obvious on the pitch before his hit that he was sitting back on the curve. If Bobby had his good fastball, Walker could have been trying to sit back on the curve and still probably would have made an out, because almost no one can sit back on a guy throwing 98. No matter how hard they try.
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 09:08 AM) Well, KW wasn't kidding when he said Masset had simliar stuff at least. Did I ever tell you how much I dislike you?
  12. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 08:53 AM) Bobby looks good. Has better control of his breaking stuff from what I've seen but he had a rough night. It happens. I'd much rather have him throwing 96+ with poor control of his breaking stuff than 91-92 with good control of his breaking stuff.
  13. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 09:00 AM) If you want to have real fun, put in Bush or Clinton everytime you see Guillen, and this could be a fillibuster thread Bush's right arm isn't in shape? Ewww...
  14. If we can continue to get this type of performance from our starting pitching and bullpen...we will win this division, and it won't even be close. And that's even taking into account Bobby's arm.
  15. Gosh, I'm sure this thread seems interesting...the few posts I've read are basically people arguing over how to divide up the blame for last night's embarassment.
  16. QUOTE(That funky motion @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 08:10 AM) Didn't Jenks have this same problem last year? I could have sworn in took him 3 weeks or so to get up to speed. Yes, Bobby did start off the season throwing with lowered velocity last season, especially in Spring Training. However, I'm going to have to join the "I'm concerned" group on this one, because there's a major difference from last year. Last year, Bobby started off the season peaking at around 95-96 IIRC. This year, he's peaking at 93, and regularly between 90 and 92. For Bobby, that is an absolutely huge difference, and I'll tell you why; it makes his curve ball hittable. His curve ball comes in from 86-89 or so. If bobby's throwing 95+, then his curve is nearly impossible to hit because a batter needs to be ready for the fastball. But if his fastball is 90-93, then a batter can wait back confident they can foul off the fastball if Bobby Throws that while being ready to hit the curve ball hard. Exactly what Todd Walker did last night. Bobby is simply not even where he was at the start of last season. Last season, Bobby was down about 2-4 mph from where he was in late 05 for the whole season. When you're throwing 98+, that's not a horrendous loss, because you're still throwing 98. When you lose another 5 mph on top of that though, then you're really in trouble. That's Freddy Garcia territory. Bobby Jenks is not going to be a dominant pitcher if he can't throw mid to upper 90's. Plain and simple. So yes, I'm concerned. We can't wait a month for him to find his fastball, because it'll be a turkey shoot with him for that month, and that can cost us a lot of games.
  17. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 10, 2007 -> 03:32 PM) The political system is now starkly divided and the idea of compromise has been lost. Am I the only one who thinks that the loss of the the united spirit, not only within the U.S. but within almost every country in the world, that appeared after 9/11 and was squandered on the Iraq war may well be the biggest disaster of any of these? There was so much promise there that could have been used to make the world a better place. That could have been the driver for an energy independence plan, or a new cooperation with the rest of the world, or Hell, even a mideast peace plan. Instead, we got Bush's war. Oh, and I'd like to add one more noteworthy item on the matter of Bush's supposed invite. Letters, from Speaker Pelosi to the White House. Feb 14 (happy V-E Day) March 28
  18. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Apr 10, 2007 -> 02:17 PM) AT this point, they are probably going by what team they think has more talent. For instance, the Astros are better than 2-5. And so are the Phillies. The Twins probably are worse than their record at this point. After a week, you can't say much about any team good or bad, unless there are significant injuries. The question is of course...why do some teams that start off poorly but have good talent get a pass on major drops, while other teams that start off poorly but have good talent do drop?
  19. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 10, 2007 -> 12:28 PM) Not certain with football players, but it's the first time I can remember a baseball player sidelined. I'm just offering a theoretical counter to Balta's comment. I will say if Frank played is career for the Cubs, Twins, Indians, Yankees, Red Sox, or A's tongues would wag here. I don't know about that. I think that there are specific guys who I can say with some confidence juiced, because I can present evidence in the form of either a body type shift (Bonds, Giambi), a massive surge in power (Brady Anderson, Bonds, Palmeiro), or at least a quasi-competent allegation from a teammate (McGwire). Or a positive test of course (Betancourt, Rincon, Bonds). I'm sure there are a lot of other people out there I should be angry with but can't be. I wouldn't be terribly shocked if I learned that a current or former Sox player juiced (although I'd be really angry). But I think in Mr. Thomas's case, the evidence is such that barring a positive test, I would see no way to convict him, even with the injury. I will grant you the torn bicep is a bit wierd, but it's also worth questionning how many people around baseball even start off with anything close to Frank's body type. But yes, that is one I always found disturbingly similar to the exploding tricep of Mr. tetrahydrogestrinone
  20. The LA Area has 4 channels that carry the Dodgers/Angels games. KCAL and KCOP are 2 local stations, sort of like WGN is around Chicago. KCAL gets some Angels Games, KCOP gets some Dodgers games. There are all 2 Fox Sports Net affiliates, FSN1 and 2. 1 of those channels splits a portion of the Dodgers games, the other channel splits a protion of the Angels games.
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