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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Apr 4, 2007 -> 07:38 AM) roto also speculated that Ozzie is going to use more lefties against Santana. That is a great idea, even if it means Pods and Erstad. Santana is absolutely disgustingly good against righties, but doesnt get lefties out at nearly the rate. Scott Podsednik is 1/9 career against Santana. Pablowned is 14/49. Erstad is 10/39. Anderson was awful, unsurprisingly. I can understand putting Erstad in there, but I don't think Pods would have a chance.
  2. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 08:57 PM) If you really wanted to judge teams based on 1 game, then why in the blue hell are the Red Sox number one? they looked as bad as anyone on Opening Day. Mr. 35 win has not pitched yet.
  3. Well, at least that's something. If the market deflates this year because the big spending teams realize they blew everything on sucky people last year we might have a shot. But I still think Mark is good as gone.
  4. So, today's marquee game to my eyes, at 12:35 PST we get a matchup of the 2 pitchers I really wanted to see as our #4 and #5, or #3 and #4 (however you want to figure it) starters. Brandon McCarthy vs. Ervin Santana. Brad Lidge blew his first save attempt of the year Monday, and the 'Stros pen has blown both games for that team already.
  5. Perhaps it was a double cross. Set up a trip for the Republicans in Congress, wait for Pelosi to fall into the trap, and go after her if she makes the same trip. That Rove, such a genious I tells ya.
  6. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 05:48 PM) I'm currently watching the Rockies/D-Backs game thinking of how great Willie Taveras would look atop the White Sox lineup, the guy has legit track speed and some great instincts on the basepaths. You should see the clip of him bunting last night.
  7. Orlando Hernandez getting the roster spot in the 05 playoffs over BMac. Granted it turned out to be the right choice...but it sure didn't look like it coming in. The Chris Young/Javier Vazquez trade fits well with that even if it was KW pulling the trigger. Blocked McCarthy & picked up one of Ozzie's golfing buddies.
  8. I believe the legend probably started with Timo Perez.
  9. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 03:18 PM) But I do know that the idea of immigrants coming here and picking up English in 3 easy steps is a complete falsehood historically. Most immigrants tended to settle into areas of like speakers. They did not learn English as a rule. Their kids on the other hand DID learn English and were the ones to assimilate into America. The initial generation immigrants tended to congregate into areas where people already spoke their language, so the pressure to assimilate wasn't really there. If you don't believe me, look at neighborhood maps of older US cities, and tell me how many "Chinatowns", "Greektowns", "Germantowns" etc that you find. The ethnic neighborhoods were huge in the 19th century with the large immigrant waves. Which, interestingly enough, is exactly how it works today as well.
  10. QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 02:55 PM) Well, I think it’s all crap, no matter which party is involved. The role of the Congress is to deal with matters at home. The executive deals with foreign affairs. They’re creating a situation whereby the system can be manipulated. What if she gets goodie-goodie with the Prez of Syria? What if he refuses to work with Bush and demands Pelosi do x, y, z? She (or whoever else does it) is usurping the power that was intended for the Executive alone. But it’s not much of a surprise. The original form of government contemplated by the founding fathers continues to whither away. I’d really like to know how they feel about the President being in charge of just about everything these days thanks to his status in the media. I’d bet Jefferson is turning in his grave as he watches the Fed government gain so much power, the Executive branch in particular. Congress has all sorts of powers over international relations, not the least of which is the declaration of war. But beyond that, Congressional resolutions can have profound influence over the foreign policy of the country, most notably through it's funding authority. Those billions that go to Israel every year need to be approved by Congress, Congress can exercise a lot of control over the state department through funding, and so on. Things like the Cuban Embargo are in the hands of Congress. Trade agreements go beyond that as well. The President is still the key person in setting foreign policy, but to suggest that Congress has no authority when it controls the budget, the war powers, and a bunch of others is just incorrect. Here's a good summary from teh State Dept. The key parts of the constitution that are relevant:
  11. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 02:53 PM) Why not then have a Chinese/Russian/Indian/Farsi/alien language ballot then. They do actually make ballots in foreign languages, including chinese (link just for an example). Not sure about the other ones, but wouldn't be surprised at all.
  12. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 01:39 PM) Titanic grossed $1.8 billion worldwide. That doesn't make it a good movie. Bravo.
  13. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 01:06 PM) That's a good point. Who in the bullpen probably thought: Contreras is starting and we'll be seeing action in... the second inning? At this point, with an offday today...how different was it from just another ST type outing?
  14. Bears turn down Redskins proposed deal.
  15. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 11:52 AM) She is third in line of the executive branch, so she can go wherever the hell she pleases. I just hope she keeps her mouth shut. See, now that's something I can agree with. There's nothing at all wrong with any Congressperson meeting with anyone they want. But that Congressperson should be very careful in exactly what words they say, given that they are not the final arbiter of U.S. policy (although they may have some influence in it). For example, it would seem like a bad thing if Mrs. Pelosi were to threaten to declare war on Syria, and it would seem to be a bad thing to say that the U.S. will never engage in hostilities with Syria. And so on.
  16. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 11:15 AM) I was a little confused as well. All I can think of right now is that Pierre came off the books, and Wood I thought had like a 10 million dollar/per year deal, and he isn't making anywhere close to that this year. However, thats the only two I can really think of that are actually off the books. Rusch couldn't have been making that much, was he? Link. Total @ that point $96,424,499
  17. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 06:01 AM) So, we need to figure out whether or not CO2 emissions are really as big of a problem as some might think or if its a little overblown. We already have figured that out. It's just that a lot of people with a lot of money don't like the answer. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 12:29 AM) Even a person who thinks that the idea humans are causing global warming is BS like me thinks that C02 can and should be regulated. I mean why the hell wouldn't somebody want cleaner air, or at least to try and create cleaner air? If you think that anthropogenic climate change is not happening, then you have no reason to support CO2 regulations. CO2 at current concentrations is simply unnoticeable by humanity. CO2 is non-toxic and not noticeable by humanity until CO2 gets to about 2% of the air you're breathing...about 20,000 ppm. This whole issue of CO2 caused climate change relates do CO2 shifts on the order of a few hundred ppm, from about 300 to about 350 ppm or so in recent yearsa.
  18. So, let's see, just last week, Rep. Robert Aderholt’s (R-AL) and Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) took a visit to Syria and Israel. Rep. Wolf is the top Republican on the committee which decides funding for the State Department. And along on the same trip as Speaker Pelosi is Rep. David Hobson (R-OH) along with a few other Democrats. This sort of visit happens all the freaking time, by both parties, to countries all over the world. The White House just wants something else to attack Pelosi on.
  19. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 09:47 AM) We are not attacking Iran in a week. That might be the most stupid thing I have ever read. Although I can't rule anything out with this hostage issue, the deployment schedules seem like the most opportuine time is around the end of this month. The USS Nimitz and its strike group just departed San Diego on its way to the Gulf to replace the USS Eisenhower, with the Stennis already there. Supposedly the Ike group will be departing as the Nimitz arrives and the U.S. will not maintain 3 carriers there at any time, but it wouldn't be that hard at all to have the Eisenhower task group wait in one spot for an extra week and launch a few missiles.
  20. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 07:26 AM) I am getting bored with this show. Where's President Logan and Martha. She stabbed him and nothing. Also, maybe Jack might want to be in an episode soon. Logan died in the ambulance.
  21. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 08:55 AM) We could have used a chicken sacrifice yesterday, though... I think we were much more in need of rum. A lot of rum.
  22. QUOTE(Y2HH @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 08:44 AM) Nobody blamed walker in the first half of last year. Just the second half when they were all tired/slumping. Yea...that's Walks fault. This seemingly shortsighted, what have you done for me lately, finger pointing blame game seems weak...and it seems like one of the CONSTANT themes around here as of late. I just wish the lot of them could go back to enjoying the game of baseball instead of finding ways to bash every little flaw they see. Well, some of us did blame Mr. Walker for the fact that 2 of our guys seemed unable to learn how to hit for the entire first half last year, even if we were pretty happy with the work he'd done with Mr. Crede.
  23. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Apr 3, 2007 -> 09:26 AM) Excuse me, but why are we looking at 2006 MLB payrolls on April 3, 2007? What's the deal? Because we now know officially who has made each team's 25 man roster.
  24. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Apr 2, 2007 -> 05:39 PM) Last year Dye was actually better hitting 4th or 5th than he was hitting 3rd. That could always just be a function of the fact taht Dye only hit 3rd for less than a month.
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