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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Mar 21, 2007 -> 11:36 AM) Because it'll be either him or Pods hitting #1, and Erstad, who won't waste 25 outs getting caught stealing, is the lesser of the 2 evils. He also has a little bit more pop in the bat, and will get on base at the same rate Pods would. Erstad's OBP the last 6 years .331 .313 .309 .346 .325 .279 Podsednik .371 .313 .351 .330 I'd say Podsednik's actual getting-on-base in his worst years is as good or better than Erstad in his best years. But yeah, there is the whole CS thing. And the "little more pop" you talk about...well, that's basically the difference between probably 2-3 home runs and 5-6 home runs over a full season. Similar amounts of doubles for both players also, Podsednik with a few more triples.
  2. QUOTE(Craig Grebeck @ Mar 21, 2007 -> 11:30 AM) Why on earth would anyone want Erstad within five miles of the top of the order? Walks just clog up the basepaths.
  3. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Mar 21, 2007 -> 11:25 AM) The piching will be key. The lineup will do more than enough to win a world series. Would you agree that the better our defense is, the better the pitchers will be?
  4. An interesting bit of 04 data from a Dem Pollster.
  5. Rumor is the Texans are giving up a 2nd rounder. I think that sounds like a fair price. But man, would the Texans ever have been better off with Young.
  6. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 21, 2007 -> 10:42 AM) The per capita emissions are completely irrelevant? Not if you want to see how grossly oversized our consumption is here. But tell me - is Al Gore suggesting that China and India be exempted from the obligations of the Kyoto successor? Here's one of Mr. Gore's statements from this morning on the China matter: And here's a blip from Mr. Gore's opening statement. Only included because I like it. If the Crib's on fire, you don't speculate that the baby is flame-retardant. I'm writing that one down.
  7. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 21, 2007 -> 10:22 AM) And China is slated to add over 2,500 coal powered power plants in the next 3-5 years. By 2010, they will well exceed our CO2 emissions. And no, I don't have a fancy link for this, but I know I've read this even in the last two weeks. A "per person" amount of CO2 is completely irrelevant. The Goracle IS suggesting that China and India get breaks. Again, I don't have the link, but I know he's said it in the last month or so because of all the attention he's getting. Not sure exactly what numbers are correct, but this is a paraphrase from Mr. Gore this morning on what China is actually building. His numbers could be wrong also.
  8. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 21, 2007 -> 10:19 AM) And China is slated to add over 2,500 coal powered power plants in the next 3-5 years. By 2010, they will well exceed our CO2 emissions. And no, I don't have a fancy link for this, but I know I've read this even in the last two weeks. You are also correct.
  9. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 21, 2007 -> 10:11 AM) You don't even have to go that far. Look at real estate in Gary IN. Nightmares...
  10. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 21, 2007 -> 10:11 AM) Who's serving up the BS now, Kap? Even with more than 1 billion people each, China's total CO2 emissions are just over 1/2 what the US puts out, and India is at about 1/5 of our total. Fixed that for you.
  11. You know, given the media focus...this is starting to sound like it could get ugly. The GM is chiming in on this, and it's only ST. They're just going to keep this up the whole year, aren't they.
  12. QUOTE(max power @ Mar 21, 2007 -> 09:46 AM) How in the hell does one successfully assassinate such a grinder? Bullets bounce off of him, knives turn to rust in his presence. Sandpaper. You must grind away at the grinder. If the quartz is not hard enough...you must use diamond sandpaper.
  13. So...a couple key "Developing world" type points. 1. In a significant number of the negotiations internationally regarding climate change, the key countries in the developing world often use U.S. objections to the projects as a reason why they don't have to do anything. If the biggest emmitter is refusing to do anything, why should they have to do anything, is the argument. 2. The U.S. economic power is key to giving the developing world a reason to participate in these agreements. If every country in the West other than the U.S. begins using its economic clout to try to convince people to limit their emissions, but the U.S. does not, then it is simply an empty threat. If you can market to the U.S., and you're a Chinese or Indian business, you can deal with some restrictions from a large part of Europe. 3. The cap-and-trade type system that would be the most likely to encourage the developing world to spend the money on cleaner technologies simply is not ever going to be strong enough or have enough money without U.S. participation. If U.S. businesses enter the market for Carbon Credits, then that is an awful lot of money available to encourage the developing world to expand in a much more carbon-neutral way. Without U.S. business, it's pretty much a Europe-only system.
  14. QUOTE(max power @ Mar 21, 2007 -> 04:37 AM) A drunken soxtalk member assassinates Scott Podsednik on opening day "for the good of the team." A sober soxtalk member assassinates Darin Erstad for the good of the team.
  15. You know what has me a lot more negative than I was either of the last 2 years? I think that KW this offseason took a lot more gambles than the previous 2 offseasons, and this team has less potential for success even if every one of those gambles works out. I was pretty unsure about the Lee trade myself (even though I wasn't here), but looking at the lineup coming into the season, I found myself quite a bit happier. When you looked at our problems from 04, almost all of them had been upgraded. The bullpen before Shingo? Hermanson, Vizcaino added to it (thus giving us a couple closing options). 2nd base? Iguchi. Catcher? Pierzynski. SS? Uribe permanently put there. 3rd base? Still weak, but still talent in Crede. LF/Leadoff? Podsednik. RF hole? Dye, although an injury risk. In 05, at least you could look at the team and say "Well, we have someone who can fix the problems we had last year". In 06, the main problem we had to fix? Lack of a left handed, high OPS type bat. The solution? Jim Thome. We also added some innings to the rotation in Vazquez, hoping that it would replace El Duque. We made even fewer gambles that offseason than in 05, IMO. This year, we're back to big gambles, bigger ones than in 05, IMO. CF, we're gambling on Erstad returing to his form from 7 years ago. LF, we're gambling on Podsednik returning to form from 1.5 years ago. SS, we're hoping Uribe can come up with something. Bullpen, we're gambling on like 4 young guys. Starting rotation, we're gambling on 4 guys returning to form and at least 1 rookie. In 05, at least I didn't know what to expect from a lot of the new guys. We were gambling that the new guys would be good. In 07, I think I have some idea what to expect from people. And this time, we're gambling that the same guys will somehow be better than they were last year, or in Erstad's case, better than he's been this millennium. I think those are much bigger gambles than taking a flyer on new guys or young guys. So, I think that is a bit of reason for some pessimism coming into this year.
  16. So, since this thread turned into another Anderson/Erstad bash thread, unsurprisingly, I think I'll just stick to the topic at hand now. Teams that could actually have real use for Anderson: Minnesota. On paper, top of the list for need and talent that they could trade for him. But seriously...yeah right. Florida. #2 on that same list. Right there with Minnesota. Alex Sanchez is the favorite for their CF spot I think. He has the notoriety, if I've got the right Alex Sanchez, of being the first Major Leaguer suspended for Steroids. They might do this deal...but they're only going to do it if they feel the White Sox are selling low. Of course, if the Sox are stupid enough to trade Anderson, they're probably selling low, so this would be the top candidate. Oakland: They have a lot of OF depth, but they've had injury issues in a lot of places recently. Milton Bradley is penciled in as their CF starter, but I believe that's only because of other injuries, and Bradley hasn't exactly been healthy lately. And you never know when he might shoot someone. Texas: Kenny Lofton is their starting CF. Do you need to know more? I propose an Anderson for McCarthy swap. Atlanta: Andruw Jones is a FA at the end of this year, and they always have talent to move. Philadelphia: I'm not going to say it. Washington: Hey, a Nook Logan sighting! They'd have room for Brian, but I doubt they'd have anything to trade we'd take. Cincinnati: Ryan Freel is out there right now, with Griffey moving to RF, but I dunno how thrilled the Reds are about that. They might be willing to go young. Throw in some of that bullpen talent we acquired or a starter and there might be a matchup for a major deal. They always seem interested in moving Dunn. St. Louis: You think they wouldn't want to move Edmunds to a corner OF spot? They still have Chris Duncan and Preston Wilson as their LF platoon right now. Chicago (NL): Soriano, CF. If Felix Pie struggles, they may decide Soriano is intolerable out there. San Fran: Dave Roberts right now is their starting CF, but there's always a real risk of him breaking down soon. Randy Winn and Barry Bonds are their corner OF. A senior citizen team that could use Anderson's legs, especially to cover ground next to Bonds. San Diego: Mike Cameron is a fixture in their OF, but they're weak in LF with Terrmel Sledge starting there. Anderson and Cameron together would fit very well covering ground at Petco.
  17. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 05:49 PM) I think there are a lot of rumors of him switching to linebacker. Could this actually be a replacement for Briggs? 6'0" 223lbs - Archuleta and 6'1" 240 for Briggs. Archuleta adds 10 pounds and he can easily replace Briggs and we can trade Briggs for a lot more than a 6th round pick I betcha. Plus I think the Bears staff likes the safeties we have, they are just a young and inexperienced. Archuleta is not exactly a great safety and would not be considered an upgrade over what we currently have at safety. If this move is for a replacement for Briggs I love the move. If it is to be one of our starting safeties then I am a bit opposed. Couldn't really hurt to try him there if they have the playing time, but I think this is sort of the "Mike Brown is always hurt and this guy is cheap and could still be decent in the system he grew up in" type deal.
  18. QUOTE(CrimsonWeltall @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 04:27 PM) Can anyone tell me why the Vice President is so evil? I've been asking that for over 6 years now. Oh wait...this is the 24 thread...dammit!
  19. QUOTE(tealeafreaderii @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 03:50 PM) thanks for the play by play balta. Just padding the post total...
  20. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 03:54 PM) I love Roto sometimes. I believe those numbers are before today's action. He's hitting .303/.385/.505 after today according to MLB.com's stats. (for those who don't want to add, that's an .890 OPS.)
  21. Well, Mr. Bush just gave a very angry and defiant press conference on this matter. Earlier today, the White House offered to have Mr. Rove and other White House officials talk to the Senate committee investigating this matter...with the testimony not under oath in a private talk with no transcript recorded. Obviously, Mr. Leahy has rejected that offer, considering it pretty much wasn't an offer at all. Mr. Bush is saying his administration will go to court to fight any subpoena which is issued in this case. However you wanna look at it...here we go. Either you can say "the Dems are willing to go to a huge fight over an issue like this where there seems to have been no crime committed by anyone but Gonzalez", or you can say "the White House is refusing to let their people testify under oath despite the fact that such testimony was common in previous administrations, including under Clinton". Either way, there appears to be a major fight brewing here. Edit: Oh, and 1 more note. The penalty for refusing to testify following a subpoena from Congress is to be held in contempt of Congress. Who prosecutes those cases? You guessed it. Frank Stallone The U.S. Attorney's office.
  22. Ozuna grounds out on the first pitch from Halsey (top 9) Cintron strikes out swinging. Down to our last man. And Konerko comes up for the 5th time. And the first pitch bounces off the wall...for a single. Sweeney takes a 4 pitch walk. Molina bloops a single, Konerko scores from 2nd. Owens in to run for Molina. 5-3 A's. Fields up, tying run on 1st. Fields falls down 0-2 and works a full count...runners will be off. Fields strikes out looking. Ballgame is over. 5-3 A's. 2 hours, 2 minute game. White Sox had 11 hits and 4 walks...and scored 3 runs. A's got 8 hits and 4 walks and scored 5.
  23. Thor goes full on Ledee, couple foul balls, Ledee hits it right to Terrero. Logan and Thor essentially untouchable.
  24. Thornton comes in, and promptly blows away Buck on 3 pitches. See ya. QUOTE(tealeafreaderii @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 03:22 PM) Has Logan given up any runs? In recorded ST games, not "B" games, Logan has an ERA of 0. Including today. 4th pitch is popped up to Molina. 2 outs. Ricky Ledee coming up. QUOTE(SoxAce @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 03:22 PM) Damn that BA. Thinking he earns a spot here. Average back up to .303.
  25. So, while the Site froze: Fields struck out. Anderson singled to Center. Ozzie Guillen Murdered Brian Anderson as punishment. Terrero grounded out. Uribe pops out on a supposedly excellent play.
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