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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 07:50 PM) If AG goes, Karl Rove will too. And then, even Cheney... and I'm almost serious. Honestly, in this case, I disagree. Rove and Cheney and even Bush 2 did absolutely nothing illegal. Even with everything that has leaked so far...no matter how bad it looks to remove people because they're investigating Republicans or because they're not "True Bushies" (to use an actual Rove quote I believe) the Administration did nothing that is outside the law. The only things that are actually "Wrong" in a legal sense that were done were the Republicans in Congress who tried to pressure the Attorneys into acting on more Dems and AG Gonzalez and any of his underlings who lied to Congress in Feb. I think there's really few options other than having the AG resign. Otherwise, the Dems have plenty right now to say he perjured himself before the Congress. But no one else has testified under oath, and even though it seems pretty bad on the surface, there is nothing illegal about having the President remove a U.S. attorney for any reason he wants, even insufficient partisanship. It suggests something Congress should fix (gave my suggestions a few posts ago), but no one above the AG seems to have broken the law. If anything was going to take down Rove or Cheney, I think their behavior in the Plame matter was more deserving of scorn than in this case. Or in anything they did dealing with Iraq of course.
  2. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 07:54 PM) Well, the software did something weird, but here's the split topic. Actually this is a pretty interesting topic. Woo-Hoo! One of the Republicans called one of my topics "Interesting"! Yayayayayayayayay!
  3. I just walked back to my computer...there was a 1 seed, 4, 5, and an 8 playing...and every game was within 2 points. That's something.
  4. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 07:19 PM) I started wondering about this connection when the New Century story broke last week. Scary. This is probably worthy of it's own non-Buster thread - it would make a good discussion. Well, for some reason they don't let me moderate in here...almost as if I'm too partisan ...So I'll leave it to someone else to break that one out if they want it.
  5. QUOTE(South Side Fireworks Man @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 07:09 PM) I could live with that. Anderson could be starting every day in AAA and he's only a phone call away if the Sox need him. IMO, that's still a significant downgrade from the best lineup the Sox could put out, which is why it annoys the Hell out of me
  6. 5 to 1 someone starts a thread on this after I post it without seeing it here first... Gustavo Chacin is this year's Liriano...in that he picked up a Spring Training DUI.
  7. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 06:48 PM) My biggest fear by large is that the OF plan is Pods-Erstad-Dye with Mackowiak and Ozuna as the backups with Perez making the roster. Replace the currently-injured Perez with Terrero and I think you're looking at your opening day lineup.
  8. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 06:55 PM) By all accounts, it seems as though Anderson hasn't been lazy at all this year. How can anybody still use that argument? Because we need some excuse to put our best CF in AAA this year, and that's the only one left.
  9. Adding the Illini to my "Dead to me" list.
  10. F***ing Illini...screwing up a perfect round for the Big Ten. If USC wins, this will be the first year in like a decade without a 12>5.
  11. Both CBS and CNN have run reports tonight saying basically this:
  12. I wasn't exactly sure where to stick this one since there were plenty of Dems in the pocket of the banks who voted for this bill, but it's interesting, and I pretty much figure this is my thread. Credit Suisse has put out an interesting analysis of one of the effects of the new bankruptcy bill that the Congress passed in 05, making it much harder for people to declare bankruptcy. Their conclusion? By making it much harder for people to declare bankruptcy, Congress may have inadvertently exacerbated the sub-prime and foreclosure issues currently plaguing the housing market. Their argument is pretty simple; it's now much harder for people to file bankruptcy, which used to be an option for people who wound up in financial messes. But without that option, people who can't pay their bills wind up having no other way out of debt other than to completely lose things they'd bought on credit, i.e. their mortgages. Based on that graph, there has been a 50% drop in people who are in foreclosure filing bankruptcy. This clearly can't just be from fewer people getting in financial trouble, and the pre-law change small spike doesn't nearly make up for the 2 year drop. In other words, 50% of the people who used to be able to stave off losing their homes by filing bankruptcy are now going straight to foreclosure, and therefore, helping feed into the mortage issues plaguing the economy right now.
  13. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 04:19 PM) If we could just merge Mack's hitting with Anderson's fielding... //Dr. Evil laugh... http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7577/19...hickenfight.jpg
  14. Well, the good news is this is the last we'll hear of this until July. The bad news is we'll hear about this again in July. Hopefully in July it'll finally be put to rest if they can't find any more "evidence".
  15. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 03:50 PM) Could be. I'm not convinced. And I think Anderson and Terrero are both more likely than Perez, but I seem to be in the minority there. But if Erstad is the starting CF, then yeah, Anderson goes down and Terrero/Perez stays. I think Terrero is a lot more likely, since he can play CF (at least in their eyes anyway), and KW and Oz have both stated the need for a backup CF. That, if no other reason, makes Perez highly unlikely to make the team. Well, the good news I see is that Erstad is unlikely to stay healthy for very long at all while playing CF, so that roster spot could open up really quick. And i'm usually one of the guys who hates it when people root for injuries too.
  16. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 02:53 PM) What do you guys think about Valido and Perez and some of are other infield prospects? Just from the numbers and articles, without having actually seen many of them in person other than a handfull of ST at bats...I'd say that the White Sox should make plans to hold onto Uribe and Iguchi for the next 3-4 years. There's a remote chance that anyone in your minors could pull a Booooone and suddenly turn into a good player...but I'd say the odds aren't with us in this class. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 02:54 PM) I agree, although from quotes and various newspaper articles it appears Sisco's position is all but guaranteed. I have a feeling the final cuts this year are really really really going to piss me off.
  17. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 02:44 PM) Damn, Logan gained some muscle since I've last seen him. Throwing harder as well. It would be so useful for him to actually make the team and succeed...thus giving us the 2nd lefty and putting Sisco in AAA.
  18. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 02:32 PM) More play by play please. I'm at work and all I know (according to yahoo) is that Valido gave up a homer to Murton. Sorry, your usual PBP guy is watching basketball.
  19. The first American wounded in the Iraq war, who recently came out of the closet, appeared on CNN to discuss Gen. Pace's remarks. Video @ link.
  20. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 02:27 PM) I know there are alot of people out there who dont want to hear it. But I am very encouraged to see Scotty play the way he is playing today. Aggressive, good defense and he appears to be seeing the ball well. All of that would be encouraging if we knew he could still run.
  21. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 02:26 PM) i guess Ozzie said Anderson will either start on the MLB club, or be in AAA. won't keep him as a bench player. atleast thats what i've been told. I know, I know. I'm just saying I don't want the roster to be Erstad/Terrero instead of Anderson/Erstad. I'm talking roster spots. You just have to learn to tolerate my gibberish.
  22. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 02:17 PM) As much as trading Young was heavily criticized from the beginning, Anderson was available. Who's behind Anderson? I wouldn't consider Sweeney an option, either. Well, just because you wouldn't consider Sweeney an option doesn't mean that the management doesn't. And they may also love the hustle of "Terrero" too (honestly, I still wouldnt' be mad seeing him on the bench this year, but not at the expense of Anderson). And by mid 08-09, they may be penciling in Aaron Cunningham at this point.
  23. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 12:38 PM) I think Mr. Armitage is covert, seeing as how he's NEVER mentioned. LOL
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