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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Mar 12, 2007 -> 01:05 PM) Thats why the Democrats should clearly team up for the ET/Insider Presidential Gossip Forum in Nashua, NH this October! That would make a lot more sense than having Fox News host a Dem debate.
  2. Brian Anderson is responsible for all the wars in the world. And he once called a cop "Sugar t*ts".
  3. QUOTE(knightni @ Mar 12, 2007 -> 12:19 PM) I heard the BA shot the sheriff, but he did not shoot the deputy. Anderson sucks at baking pie.
  4. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Mar 12, 2007 -> 11:21 AM) I must be one of the few that has Georgetown going out relatively early. That probably means you'll be right.
  5. Kansas, Wisconsin, Georgetown, and Texas A&M
  6. Wow. I'm just going to leave it at that.
  7. QUOTE(Melissa1334 @ Mar 12, 2007 -> 09:56 AM) if perez doesnt make the team then who becomes the backup 1st baseman? Presumably, for the 10 games or so where Konerko doesn't play, Mackowiak for most of them, probably Thome in a couple of interleague games.
  8. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Mar 11, 2007 -> 04:42 PM) I think there's a serious case to removing the current AG by his open flouting of complying the laws that he is charged with enforcing in regards to his report to Congress, as well as a number of other issues debated here previous. Frankly, he oughta not just be fired, but rather impeached. His utter contempt for the laws that rule how his office operates itself is disturbing. Which is, of course, exactly why this administration nominated him. Nothing you said there couldn't have been said by me before he was even confirmed to the position.
  9. So, I gave this reminder last year and I think it was definately worth it. They broadcast either most or all of the games of the Tourney over the internet in the early rounds...but, at least last year, there was a pretty long line waiting to get in. If you go to www.ncaasports.com/mmod however, you can sign up early to guarantee yourself "VIP Access", basically cutting the length of the line you get stuck in by an awful lot. Do it early...last year there were only so many VIP slots.
  10. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 11, 2007 -> 02:56 PM) Who the hell scouts in Brazil, anyways? DJ was right -- how many major league players come from that country? I'm sure young children rather play soccer than baseball. Brazil has a population of 180 million. The Dominican Republic, for a counterexample, has a population of about 9 million.
  11. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Mar 11, 2007 -> 02:22 PM) Yes, there is. The Dem guy himself said it in the original article, that if they were going to succeed in getting elected, they needed to reach a wider audience instead of preaching to the choir. When CNN hosts a debate, isn't it CNN, and not also MSNBC and CSPAN? It is one debate, and they just couldn't stand up to the outcry from the nutroots that they would actually have to turn on Fox to watch a debate. Do you think the moderator would stand up there and throw a few one-liners at the candidates between questions? Should the Republicans now not debate unless it is co-hosted by someone other than CNN or ABC? That is just a lame excuse to cave in to the fringe of the party because, as with all fringe elements, they are the loudest. The example is not the Republicans and CNN or ABC, they make plenty of effort to find some sort of balance. The comparison would be to the Republicans holding a debate on Air America radio. The Dems will gain a lot more benefit from finally getting the rest of the media to acknowledge that Fox is a partisan outfit that makes no effort to be anything other than a pro-Republican channel than they will by going on Fox and having them bash the Dems like they did when Fox hosted a Dem. debate in 2003. random link to blog with summary of that event. Fox also reportedly cut away from the debate before the debate that they were hosting was actually over, giving time to their talking heads to begin dissecting it. The first person they had on, who they had to cut away from the actual debate to hear from, was Bill Bennett. No report on how much Bennett had riding on that debate. We have Fox's record from the last debate of making the Dems look bad every way they could. We have Fox still giving air time to Ann Coulter last week. We have Fox making up a story to try to make Sen. Obama look bad. And that's all just in the last couple weeks. The Republicans wouldn't have given a debate to Air America, and the Dems should treat Fox the same way. It is a partisan outlet that does everything they can to make the Dems look bad, and that is how they should be treated.
  12. So, what are the odds that CC starts the season off healthy and Lee misses a month?
  13. Ugh, does the NYT seriously think that replacing Gonzalez would do anything productive? I can think of basically 1 replacement in the entire Bush Administration where the person coming in seems to have been an upgrade; the removal of Rumsfeld. Replace Powell, get Rice Replace Ashcroft, get Mr. "Quaint" Gonzalez. Replace Thompson, Get Chertoff. As long as the same people at the top are making the decisions...replacing the lower-level guys does nothing.
  14. QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 11, 2007 -> 12:08 PM) Not necessarily. In fact, it doesn't matter whether he'd start elsewhere. I just don't see Mack having a spot on the Sox and feel he'll be moved. The best way to make absolutely certain that Rob Mackowiak never plays CF for the Chicago White Sox again is for Rob Mackowiak to never play for the Chicago White Sox again. He's a nice tool to have around...but good lord, every time I see his name in the lineup, after last season, I'll be swearing to myself, even if it wasn't his fault.
  15. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Mar 10, 2007 -> 05:13 PM) Nevada pussy-Democrats can't take a joke? "I'll take my debate and go home! Waaaaaa!" Pluueeeease. Grow a sack, will ya? If they can't handle some snark from Ailes, how are they gonna handle partisan debate in the house? Or all the garbage that comes up during a campaign? The pussification of America continues. Did ya read the word "Excuse"? There's no good reason at all for the Dems to have Fox News and only Fox News host one of their debates. They might as well have Hastert moderate. The Nevada folks were pretty desperately searching for a way out of the debate, and Ailes gave them something they could use as an excuse.
  16. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Mar 10, 2007 -> 02:03 PM) When Jenks dropped off 8-10 on his fastball last spring, they said he needed time to get ready. I would imagine Prior, if he makes it without hurting himself to opening day, would be at about 90-93. If he gets back to that speed, he'll be in much better shape than he is now. BUT...just from my memory, he had a long time last year off, then came up to pitch after getting into shape, and I don't recall his fastball being able to hit 90 then either.
  17. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Mar 10, 2007 -> 02:01 PM) The White Sox bullpen was the least used in both 2005 and 2006 I believe. One year it was awesome, and the other, not so good, kind of like the rotation both years. Exactly my point; in 05, our bullpen pitched the 2nd fewest innings in baseball...but with the way our starting pitching was throwing, why would you want to go to the bullpen? In 06, our bullpen pitched the fewest innings in baseball, but with the way Cotts, Politte, Logan, Tracey, McCarthy, and even Jenks outside of save situations pitched, why would you want to go to that bullpen. We haven't yet seen what Ozzie would do if he was put in a situation like the Twins had last year; starters who were somewhat inconsistent, but a dominating bullpen.
  18. QUOTE(fathom @ Mar 10, 2007 -> 01:55 PM) One thing Guillen proved last year is that no matter who the pitcher is, they'll give you at least 6 or 7 innings. The problem with that last year was that the 6th and 7th innings were disasters, and too many times our starter went from 6 innings, 3 runs to 6 1/3 innings, 5 runs. Well, it is worth asking what Ozzie might do if he had a starting pitching staff that was struggling and a bullpen that was dominating. In 05, he had a damn good bullpen and a damn good rotation, to the point that he was usually justified in showing confidence in his starter and leaving him out there for most of the game, no matter how good his bullpen was. In 06, he had struggling starters (the same guys who had succeeded the year before), but he also had guys like Politte, Cotts, Logan, McCarthy, and so on out in the bullpen who had a ton of difficulty keeping teams shut down. If he went to his bullpen in the 6th, that meant Cotts or McCarthy were coming in until late September when callups happened, so that meant he was going to give up at least 1 run, if not more. Ozzie hasn't recently had to deal with struggling starters and a dominating bullpen. Last year, about the only pitcher who wasn't a better option than Cotts was 2nd half Buehrle.
  19. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Mar 10, 2007 -> 01:53 PM) Its just funny to me that Prior is getting beat around and the board is lit up talking about how he is done. Buerhle gets lit up for a half a season and is getting lit up again this spring and everyone wants to get him signed long-term. KW better wait. There are more than a couple of scouts that think Buerhle is heading south, although unlike Prior at this point, he could get away with throwing 88 if he can get his command back. A drop of 8-10 mph from your fastball and like 4 straight injury-plagued seasons is, to my eyes, slightly more severe than a drop of 1 mph from your fastball and 6 straight 200+ inning seasons.
  20. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Mar 10, 2007 -> 01:31 PM) Singleton said BA laid off a breaking ball off the plate...which will be good for him cause he had some serious trouble. BA sac fly to RF. Good for him. Sounds like Anderson is having a fairly solid game. That's some good stuff to hear.
  21. QUOTE(fathom @ Mar 9, 2007 -> 11:15 PM) Don't know if this was posted, but Comcast said the package would revolved around Logan. If it's Logan and a middle prospect, go ahead and do it. If the White Sox were to reacquire Rowand and he were to depart as a FA, do people think he could qualify as a Type A free agent and bring the Sox 2 2nd round/better draft picks in return? If we could pull that off, it'd basically be a swap of Logan for a second and a sandwich and an extra year for Anderson in the minors, which might be tolerable if we're not planning on trying out Sisco as a starter.
  22. Looks like the higher-ups in Nevada are even smart enough to use the Dem-bashing by Ailes as an excuse to do what they should have done anyway.
  23. The Politico devotes an article to the "rumors" about Bill Richardson without actually contributing anything useful about whether or not he's done anything inappropriate.
  24. QUOTE(watchtower41 @ Mar 9, 2007 -> 02:01 PM) I could see that. I dont think Tubby is a bad coach, but the pressure is too thick in the bluegrass state. He may not be a bad coach, but there are many different aspects to college coaching; specifically, the actual coaching part, and the recruiting parts. You can be great at one and simply not good enough at the other and your program will suffer. SI had a littel bit on Smith and recruiting a few days ago.
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