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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Balta1701

    TV Pilots

    QUOTE(The Critic @ Mar 5, 2007 -> 11:09 AM) The George Lopez Show That show just perpetuates the myth that George Lopez is funny.
  2. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Mar 5, 2007 -> 06:43 AM) Nate Clements? 8 years, $80 mil. He won't see all of it, but that's still a big contract. Any idea how much is guaranteed? ESPN is also reporting that Bly is moderately unhappy with this deal.
  3. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 5, 2007 -> 07:30 AM) I am still shocked that people seem to be hearing this for the first time. Maybe its having a Dad for vet, but this stuff has been around for years. Now the rest of the stories are starting to hit the media as well. Its sad, but veterans in this country get treated like crap, and have for a long time, by tons of different groups. Hopefully this starts to turn the tide. The only part of this story I'd heard about were the very long waits that could build up for the VA facilities, but they did a pretty good job of keepign the conditions at the facilities for returning soldiers out of the public eye, at least as far as I can tell. I mean, how many hundreds of photo ops have political leaders had with wounded troops at Walter Reed in other buildings since 9/11? I'll admit some moderate surprise that they were able to keep the other buildings out of the public eye when there's that much media on the grounds.
  4. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 05:57 PM) And I don't really think Kerry's joke was 'botched'. I think it became 'botched' when he realized that he just flushed whatever was left of his political life down the toilet, and he was trying damage control. The transcript of his prepared remarks that he gave out to media folks before that speech and the words he actually said were totally different. The prepared version was much less offensive. He paused in the middle of the line and then flubbed it. It wasn't nearly as obvious as the classic "Fool me once", but it was clearly botched.
  5. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 5, 2007 -> 09:13 AM) No kidding. What does he really expect. I mean, sure, we will send you to the raiders or the Lions, happy career. See, everyone disagrees with me until there's a player's name attached.
  6. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 05:20 PM) Well, SHE called it a joke, sorta like Kerry called his comment a joke. Gonna believe one and not the other? Seriously? I'm not saying it wasn't a joke, I'm saying it wasn't botched. It wasn't botched when she called Edwards a f*g, it wasn't botched when she called Gore a "total f*g", it wasn't botched last year at this exact same event when she called Arabs "ragheads" and threatened violence against them or saying that she "had a shot at Bill Clinton", and so on and so on and so on. It's not a botched joke here. This is exactly what she does. Over and over and over and over. And her completely-non-apology apology fits exactly with that formula. Her schtick is to say the most offensive thing humanly possible, whether it's a joke or not, it is 100% deliberate. And every time she does something like this, the mainstream folks condemn her for a day, then give here 2x as much time on TV, give her another cover on Time Magazine. And then the Republicans invite her repeatedly to conferences just like this one, they show up knowing full well what kind of person she is, and then they come out and praise her.
  7. You know what I like about this thread? Rush Limbaugh says something that isn't obscene, obnoxious, shocking, threatening, or evil, which was actually sorta funny the first time I heard it before Limbaugh stole the joke, and everyone is so surprised by the fact that it isn't outrageous that it gets its own thread.
  8. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 10:12 AM) Still can't believe Broadway is in the race. I have a feeling he's going to need a little more seasoning in the minors. I think that it's entirely possible that each and every pitcher on that list could benefit from at least a few months in AAA.
  9. That's the fastest I've ever heard anyone say the words "Jack Bauer".
  10. QUOTE(Reddy @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 02:35 PM) control issues... Well, that's why we employ the witch doctor...
  11. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 02:29 PM) He's not related to the Trio of Major League Molinas I know. But hey, hitting a home run against the Cubs has to be a part of the admission price, right?
  12. QUOTE(quade36 @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 02:27 PM) I don't understand a comment just made. "Will Ohman looking good against some tough right-handed hitters." ??? What right-handed stud hitters are still playing for the Sox? Gustavo Molina?
  13. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 02:15 PM) So, botched jokes about military intelligence = ok Botched jokes about a candidate being gay = bad Got it. And before you get yourself all worked up, I think both are bad, just trying to figure out how you can excuse one, but not the other. You're calling Coulter's remark a "botched" joke? Seriously?
  14. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 02:09 PM) The cubs cannot stop overhyping some of the worst players ever. How can you sit there and say Cliff Floyd is a great player, when the guy hasnt touched the field for you yet. And calling the cubs a good team already is starting to make me sick. Newsflash: your team blows. Hell, at some point, I'm even one who's willing to suspend disbelief...that's the job of these guys! It's a spring training game...the job of these guys right now is to generate some hype for the team, whether or not it's justified. That's why you get interviews with both Pinella and Trammel, that's why you get repeated mentions of all the new guys, etc. Yeah, sometimes it's gonna get annoying, but we're better off just putting up with it and ignoring it. If you let the fact that the Cubs announcers are trying to be positive in spring training get to you...then you're gonna wind up with some anger management issues pretty darn soon.
  15. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 12:13 PM) Do you think he will face any death threats as Hank did? Every stadium across the country needs to start playing Waylon Jennings "Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way" when Bonds gets to bat. Of course Bonds will face death threats, because almost every public figure does. But here's the thing...I guarantee you, the absolute worst of them, Mr. Bonds will make sure that the media somehow hears about them. Because for a nation of people who don't pay attention, when you've made 95% of the nation despise you, what better way to make your fans even more die-hard than to use the actions of a few idiots to smear everyone else who doesn't like you.
  16. Good guys enjoying that left field wall. Good work 32. Keep that up.
  17. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 03:01 PM) Mitt Romney's latest supporter. Ann Coulter Link. Glad we cleared that up.
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