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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Dec 15, 2006 -> 03:00 PM) That explains why she wants to rape her neighbors dog. Hey, if it works as an excuse for Congressmen...
  2. For the last 3.5 months, the defense department has begun classifying the total number of attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq.
  3. QUOTE(NUKE @ Dec 15, 2006 -> 02:46 PM) Anyone want to guess at potential NUKE theme songs? "Ready to die" - Andrew W.K. I can't do it justice just by posting the lyrics.
  4. QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 15, 2006 -> 01:54 PM) Spam spam spam spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam. Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Spam spam spam spam!
  5. A time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together...
  6. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 15, 2006 -> 12:48 PM) Because one side won't move from their "hugs not Jihad" platfom, and the other won't move off of "kill em all and let God sort em out." because they know they will be blasted for changing their minds. So, wait a second, now you're implying that the ability for a politician to change their mind, to be flexible, to adapt to a situation, to do something that could be described by a particular type of footwear is not the most evil, heinous, terrible, awful, bad, sadistic thing in the world? Holy ****.
  7. QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 15, 2006 -> 09:06 AM) Apparently, the accuser has given birth ... 9 months after the alleged crime. The defense attorneys are asking for paternity tests. And, as it should be, a judge has ordered paternity tests. I doubt it'll happen, but man oh man, what I would give to see the reaction on one of those kids' faces if he was told he was the father. The D.A. does say she used a morning-after pill after the alleged incident, so it's pretty darn doubtful that anyone will get to see that.
  8. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Dec 15, 2006 -> 01:48 PM) Clemens was mentioned in the Grimsley affadavit too. Reportedly...we haven't actually seen the affadavit released, that's just what the LA Times (a pretty good paper but not beyond being fooled) reported was in it.
  9. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 15, 2006 -> 12:26 PM) Yes, the Republicans screwed up on this. There's a way that this can be done that complies with laws... they've said as much, so go get it done that way, so everyone can move on. But again, that way is not the way the Bush administration has been willing to accept.
  10. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 15, 2006 -> 12:00 PM) We actually want to try these folks since they were picked up in "battle" as a military tribunal, but our friends in Congress won't let that happen. It seems people forget that. Yeah, Damn that Republican Congress, I always knew it hated America! More seriously, this is actually not the real issue. The Supreme Court itself, if I understood the Hamdan ruling correctly, also had no problem with the concept of using military tribunals to try these guys, but the problem comes about with the specific way the Bush Administration wants to try them. They want to try them on a charge that really doesn't exist, in courts where the defendents have virtually no representation, barely if ever hear the charges against them, have almost no right to prove their innocence, where the Judge and Jury are appointed by the same civilian in the Defense Dept, and where the defendents have no right to appeal whatsoever. That was the system Mr. Bush tried to build, and that was the system the Supreme Court threw out in the Hamdan case. The issue is not whether military tribunals are appropriate or not, and to keep saying that only obscures the facts. The issue is whether the trials can be held in a purely unfair system that violates treaties signed by Congress, not whether it should be in military or civilian courts.
  11. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Dec 15, 2006 -> 11:14 AM) I can't speak for anyone else but the thing that bothers me is the KW quotes and the Cowley story that suggest/say that the Sox won't resign any of our pitchers (ie Buehrle) for being too expensive. That is cheap. I would say it's an intelligent way to view an overinflated marketplace, but then again, that's just me. If pitchers are getting contracts that are more than the performance of those pitchers will justify, then you're killing yourself if you decide to play that market for more than a bare minimum of players.
  12. QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 15, 2006 -> 09:55 AM) When push comes to shove, there are not that many blacks electing to play baseball these days. Most focus on football or hoops. Which is baseball's loss, IMO.
  13. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 09:35 PM) I really wonder how much money I've spent on Jimmy Johns the last year and a half since I've been down at school. You have no idea how much I miss that place...
  14. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 08:56 PM) and wasnt Clemens mentioned in Canseco's book? And as much of a scumbag person Jose Canseco is.... the names he put out all seem to be pretty legit. He was mentionned, but wasn't in the "I stuck the needle in his ass" group. Link
  15. QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 09:02 PM) I think what Balta is asking, is at some point in the season did a West or East coast team have a better record. We know they won the division wire to wire, but did they always have the highest win percentage in the AL every day of the season? The Cardinals did wind up with a better record, but that was an NL team.
  16. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 08:25 PM) Where was the intent of the voters when Jeffords switched parties a few years back and changed the makeup of the Senate? Or how about when Republican Senator Paul Coverdale died of a stroke in 2000 and the Democratic governor appointed a Democrat in his place? Sure, it was Zell Miller, but at the time noone knew he was more R than D. Johnson narrowly defeted Thune this last time, so there was a lot of voter intent for the other guy as well. Clearly, they should appoint Thune as his replacement.
  17. Filmed a portion of it right down the road from me.
  18. On a different topic...I think my mind just fell apart on this one. Either that or I just simultaneously unraveled every mystery of the universe at once. Possibly the single greatest argument as to why homosexual parents shouldn't be allowed, regardless of the data: Context and ID of speaker here. Still laughing.
  19. QUOTE(beck72 @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 06:21 PM) KW is pretty good friends with Omar, right. I'm inclined to believe that Omar knows Kw's asking price [which is better than what the Astros would have given for Javy, which was reported as the same as Garland] and could probably meet it. Any deal would have to include Pelfrey for the sox. If the mets would move Pelfrey soon, I'd expect them to put some whispers out in the media that he wasn't all that he was made out to be. Or at the least that he was replaceable with what they already have. A few days ago.
  20. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 04:18 PM) What's "violence"? Mom screaming at the kids? Do you seriously think that with the sorry state of the Iraqi police force there are actually records of moms screaming at kids? Here are the actual words of the ISG report, reccomendation 76. Judge for yourself. Nearly 2 million people have fled that country in 3 years according to the U.N. There are hundreds to thousands of attacks, murders, etc. per day. Virtually all reconstruction has ground to a halt because of the total lack of security. There is a literal migration underway of Sunnis and Shi'ites into unmixed neighborhoods, especially in Baghdad, a virtual self-ethnic cleansing. The strategic position of the U.S. in Iraq and in the world gets worse every day. Unemployment is something on the order of 50%, give or take 10%. At last report, the capitol was getting around 2.4 hours of power per day in October. Of course, at the small scale, there are still good things going on. But they simply aren't numerous as to even make a dent in how bad the situation has gotten.
  21. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 04:35 PM) Peter Gammons called them one of the best teams of the past 30 years right after they won it. Only two teams in baseball history have won wire to wire, had the most victories in their league and also swept the World Series: the 1927 Yankees and the 2005 White Sox. Did the White Sox have the best record in the AL from wire to wire? (remember, the Yankees didn't have to deal with divisions)
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 04:36 PM) If you know more than him, then why aren't you the manager of the White Sox? I doubt he enjoys rocks as much as I do.
  23. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 04:30 PM) I doubt however that Ozzie would be willing to only use him against lefties. Isn't it absolutely amazing how Ozzie will go to great lengths, even lose ballgames, in order to get the lefty-righty matchup with his lineup, but then he'll leave Neal Cotts in against a righty who is 3/3 with 3 home runs in his career against him?
  24. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 04:24 PM) If we move Buehrle and get Humber instead of Pelfrey, get a lower level guy that you think has some upside and Milledge than you got yourself a deal. I don't mind it since Mark will be long gone anyway. It better be more than a guy with just "Some upside" to go for Humber instead of Pelfrey, it better be a pretty big upside. Especially with what Jennings just pulled in from the Astros.
  25. QUOTE(fathom @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 04:18 PM) I've changed my stance, and I want the Sox to trade Buehrle. We could get Lastings and another pitching prospect from the Mets for Mark. There's not a chance in hell we re-sign him after next year, so lets get a marquee outfield prospect for him who has the chance to be a very versatile offensive player I still can't believe thought that KW traded Garcia away without getting someone who he's sure can help us in 2007. If Buehrle is moved, it sure as all hell better be Pelfrey coming back from the Mets along with Milledge. But there's no way the Mets make that deal if they sign Zito, since they'll already have 2 darn good lefties in their rotation. So in other words, cheer on Texas.
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