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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Brandon Inge agreed to a 3 year, $24 million extension with the Tigers. He was arbitration eligible and could have become a Free Agent after 2007. YOU HEAR THAT JOE?
  2. QUOTE(iamshack @ Dec 9, 2006 -> 11:18 AM) I must say I am quite happy with the direction KW is taking. I think we have all enjoyed the past few years where Kenny was able to acquire big name players through trades, and being able to resign some of our favorite players (Pauly, Jose, AJ, Jon, etc). But the writing has been on the wall for some time now that the organization could not go on this way. We have been debating about what to do with several of our guys who need new deals after 07' or 08', but we all know there is no way we were going to be able to keep all of them here. By trading these guys now, we are restocking the farm system, creating some payroll flexibility, and giving ourselves far more options than before. If we would have continued down that path, KW was right, we would have gotten old, pricey, and left ourselves in a position to rebuild. Hopefully this way, we can restock on the fly, meanwhile staying competitive, reaching the playoffs, and as we all saw this October, if you do that, anything can happen. You hate America!
  3. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Dec 9, 2006 -> 01:05 AM) Agreed on #1, but why the hell would Denver or Minny want him? Minny I keep hearing wants to dump Garnett, and Denver has J.R. Smith (thanks Pax!!) and Carmelo Anthony lighting it up right now. And with Boston, he'd be heading into the same type sorry ass situation. But then again.....those are the 3 best candidates, but none of them make much sense to me IMO. I'll guess he ends up in Minnesota though, with James playing the 1 and Davis the 3, then AI at the 2 and Garnett doing the big boy work. That's pretty formidable. Oh, and Luol Deng has finally realized he's THE scorer on the Bulls. If not for the enraging blown lead against Sac-Town early, we'd be undefeated at home. Good to see the UC advantage coming back. Minny doesn't necessarily want to dump KG, they'd prefer to keep him, and won't be dealing him unless he requests a trade. That's been made very clear. And KG would love to play with Garnett, he indicated so immediately last night when he was asked.
  4. Argh!!! Incoming house intelligence chairman Silvestre Reyes... At least, if nothing else, he did get the questions about which side were the Sunnis and Shias in Iraq and Iran correct, which is more than we can say for the FBI or for the previous chairman, but COME ON PEOPLE!
  5. QUOTE(TLAK @ Dec 9, 2006 -> 10:51 AM) Joe Crowley quoting Gavin Floyd in today's Sun-Times: At least he's not complaining about being treated like a piece of meat. I'd hate for him to sit out a game because his arm was feeling tender.
  6. Thanks for the memories Freddo.
  7. QUOTE(greg775 @ Dec 8, 2006 -> 07:30 PM) That would be funny if Floyd beat out Brandon in spring training for that starting spot. Real funny. I don't think it'd be funny at all, I think it'd be great, because that would at least be a small sign that Floyd is not a lost cause.
  8. QUOTE(SoxHawk1980 @ Dec 8, 2006 -> 03:56 PM) Spin, spin, spin. If you think about a trade long enough, you can convince yourself that it was actually great for your team. I don't know if it was a great trade, and I don't think anyone will know for about 3-4 years. But in the end, it's almost impossible for it to be a horrible trade. If everything goes wrong with it, what is the worst that happens? Garcia has a big year for Philly, then walks for a $16 million a year, 4 year deal, and the White Sox miss out on 2 draft picks and that big year (assuming of course he even could have a big year in the AL). Then the Sox hold onto both of those pitchers, and they flop. So what? All we've done then is turn those draft picks into people who could compete for us earlier, we save $10 million this year, and we clear a rotation spot for the brightest star in our system, BMac. And hell if BMac struggles, we still have about 5 other options sitting behind him now in Haeger, Gio, Floyd, Philipps, and Broadway. Remember the phrase, low risk, high reward? That fits very well with the deal KW made. Very low risk, potentially very high reward.
  9. And the beauty is, when 2009 rolls around, we can tear this deal up, add another year, and keep him at a still reasonable price til 11-12 if he's performing and healthy
  10. Balta1701

    Spamming Email

    QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 8, 2006 -> 12:50 PM) I assume they are fishing for good addresses, but why do spammers send out nonsensical emails? It's just gibberish. example: The reason to send out nonsense emails is to try to get around spam filters that look for specific words or phrases. Some things with specific phrases or words will be able to get through.
  11. And suddenly the Yankees have a pitching staff. Wang, Pettitte, Hughes, that guy from Japan, Johnson, Pavano if he ever shows up, Humberto Sanchez, Mussina, that's a good 8 potential starting pitchers, 7 if you assume Pavano is just a wax figurine.
  12. Clearly, we aren't paying enough money out. Cheap bastards. Trade him for Lilly.
  13. QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Dec 8, 2006 -> 01:54 PM) My conclusion is that terror organizations in the US don't have the people or money (or both) to do small things, so they resort to the big targets. Can you imagine if bombs were detonated in malls in 20 different states this Saturday afternoon? People wouldn't shop for months. My conclusion is somewhat different, because I can't imagine how it would be difficult for a person to actually cause such an incident. You don't even need a bomb, just go to a gun shop and buy an assault rifle. It really would be shockingly easy if Al Qaeda or someone else really wanted to. Couple hundred dollars, and a person who can get into the U.S. My conclusion from the fact that this hasn't happened yet is that Al Qaeda et al. so far have just been interested in the big sort of attack for ideological reasons. They don't think about wasting time on smaller attacks to actually wage an economic war, they want to go for the big, gigantic, massive attack against a major U.S. symbol. That's why they hit the Cole (we can hurt your military), that's why they hit the Trade Center. They want to launch the big, apocalyptic attack that will bring the U.S. to its knees all in one blow and force it to submit to the leadership of their God. If they ever really do realize that they could wage an effective economic war in this smaller manner, and decide that may be a more valuable method, we'll be in real trouble.
  14. QUOTE(Soxfest @ Dec 8, 2006 -> 10:20 AM) Jerry the money is there use it or sell the team............fans did there part now do yours! Money clearly guarantees victory.
  15. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 8, 2006 -> 05:13 AM) And I bet 9/11 was an inside job all at the same time from our bumbling idiot of a president. Iraq war...great war, or greatest war?
  16. Think he'd be willing to go to AA ball? Right now, our rotation at AAA looks like Floyd, Gio, Broadway, Phillips, Tracey, Haeger, with 1 of those probably in the bullpen in the big leagues. That doesn't leave a ton of room to throw in another guy.
  17. QUOTE(ChiSoxLifer @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 06:46 PM) Let's put it this way, if the $25 million dollar man bunted Jeter over, don't you think he would've got reamed for not swinging for the fences? "We pay him $25 million a year to bunt?" Would have been nice if he could have at least moved the runner over. Would have won the game.
  18. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 06:24 PM) How about spending the money on paying Walt Hriniak to teach Brian Anderson and Juan Uribe how to hit like major leaguers in order to conpensate for the Double A pitching staff KW is plotting? Seriously, a lot of people are going to wind up embarassed next June/July when a few of us start reaching back and bumping these threads.
  19. Governor Bill Richardson: I'm Running. - Fox news. Update: The Richardson camp says that Fox made this up.
  20. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 02:49 PM) solar winds That's a fundamentally different phenomenon than this. Those are high energy particles which are ejected from the Sun. Mars, amongst several planets, actually has enough gravity to sustain an atmosphere, which does allow for wind, and some fairly gigantic dust storms to boot.
  21. QUOTE(WCSox @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 04:00 PM) Can you cite an example to back up that statement? 2005 ALDS, 9th inning, Jeter on first, Yankees down by 1, 0 outs, ARod GIDP while swinging to try to get everything in one swing.
  22. QUOTE(sox-r-us @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 02:46 PM) Again, where are we changing any pitchers by using the 10M to upgrade the OF? Garcia deal is done....now what do we do? Go get Zito ......is that what you are saying????? Any team signing Barry Zito will wind up regretting it. And the OF is upgraded just by having Anderson in his 2nd year instead of his first. LF could be improved, but the OF is already going to improve.
  23. QUOTE(Soxman72 @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 02:57 PM) What I do not understand is that they are a club that has to be very careful when it comes to their budget and they go out and sign Meche. I know the exact dollar amount has not been released yet, but we all know the range it will be in. I expect a team that has money, like the Cubs to overspend, but I did not expect it from the Royals. I think this will be a deal you can add to the list of - Come back to bite me in the ass 2006 Free Agent deals. Based entirely on the team that is writing the deal and their total salary ($47 million to start the season last year), I feel I have no problem in saying this is the worst deal that will be written this offseason. It will take Meche turning into Johan for that deal to make sense for the Royals. The Royals will now have something like 1/3 of their entire salary for next season tied up in Mike Sweeney and Gil Meche.
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