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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. US Embassy asks Bush twins to withdraw from Argentina. Bush twins refuse, vowing to "Stay the course" and saying that setting a timetable for their departure would embolden the purse-snatchers.
  2. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 27, 2006 -> 11:55 AM) Why would anyone have a problem with Carlos Vasquez? The guy was a throw-in, it's a little early to be second guessing a trade that was made only a few weeks ago. Because he has a steroid suspension on his record.
  3. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 27, 2006 -> 10:47 AM) pirates blog info on Casey Rogowski: http://buccoblog.mlblogs.com/my_weblog/200...y_rogowski.html Marte for Rogowski!
  4. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 27, 2006 -> 09:58 AM) Why should McGwire be held to a different standard than everyone else? Are you saying we should get every single borderline HOFer from this era to testify under oath to what they did and did not do? I would see no problem with holding them to that standard.
  5. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 27, 2006 -> 09:48 AM) There is also the story floating around that they are investigating the chance that the guy committed suicide, or that he screwed up another mission dealing with the radioactive substance that killed him. Granted I don't believe it, and I think it is the Russian government trying to shove the spotlight off of themselves, but interesting none the less... I have trouble finding a reason why almost anyone would be handling highly enriched polonium-210, unless the guy was planning a terrorist attack. Even then, that's some pretty risky stuff that would be damn hard to get your hands on.
  6. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 27, 2006 -> 09:51 AM) Unfortunately, we have no real way of knowing for sure if he did anything that was actually illegal, just like the other sluggers of this era. Short of them admitting it, we will never know for sure who cheated and who didn't. Then he ought to sit down, preferably under oath, and answer questions about it. And not just about him, about his teammates as well. These guys want to be rewarded for possibly tainted performances, then they ought to help MLB and the US construct a complete picture of exactly what happened, who was tainted, what they knew, what they did, and when they did it. Otherwise, I hope the HOF voters use their best judgement on who was dirty and who was clean and vote that way.
  7. Mac can sit until he's willing to talk about the past.
  8. QUOTE(ptatc @ Nov 27, 2006 -> 07:29 AM) I think this is a little short sighted. Everyone of those players will be better this year than last year. Uribe has done it before. Pods while not great was an acceptable players for leadooff. Anderson well in case you forgot he was a rookie and will improve. I agree that if improvements can be had at a reasonable price it should be done. However, with the way rhis market is currently going I'm not sure any of that is possible. The only one of those 3 I can say with strong confidence should be better in 07 than 06 is Anderson. Uribe, I'm just not sure. He's had multiple chances to finally learn how to get his swing under control, take a few pitches, and become "Better". His 2nd year defensively at SS to my eyes was worse than his first year there, although not by much. He has enormous room for improvement, but thus far I haven't seen anything which will convince me that he actually will improve. Pods last season was certainly not acceptable for leadoff. 40/59 in stolen bases, plus a bundle of pickoffs at first, is simply not acceptable, especially not from a guy who's job it is to steal bases, and especially not from a guy who puts up a .330 OBP. He has room for improvement again, but I can't say with any certainty that he'll be healthier in 2007 than he was in 2006 or that he'll get over any of his other problems.
  9. QUOTE(WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Nov 26, 2006 -> 09:56 PM) I doubt we pick anyone up, it's hard to have a rule V guy on a contending team anyways. It's always possible to deal someone from our 40-man to a team picking higher if its someone we actually want.
  10. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Nov 26, 2006 -> 09:31 PM) Why, 'cause the Bears lost to a top three AFC team on the road by four? That convinced you? Let's see how Dallas does at New York next week. Should be a decent measuring stick, considering the Bears have rolled through every 'good' NFC team put on their schedule... Right now, playing the Giants doesn't look like that big of a measuring stick. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 26, 2006 -> 06:38 PM) This falls straight on Rex's shoulders and Turners play calling. Oh and Lovie for being a dumbass and not going for it on that 4th down (even though we did end up getting the ball back and would have had a shot to win the game). At least i wasn't the only one who thought that. No matter how much confidence I have in my defense, I do everything I can to tie that game before giving the ball back to Tom Brady's team. Make Brady have to drive and score against that defense, not just waste the clock.
  11. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Nov 26, 2006 -> 08:19 PM) Thats because 1 owner decides to overpay for a f/a on the market and than if he gives some player 12 million a year and there is a better player who is also a f/a of course he isnt going to accept anything that isnt a couple million higher than that. That doesn't mean that another owner/GM has to offer that money to the player as well. If 1 team is desperate for a player and spends $17 million, that doesn't have to mean that every team has to offer every player $17 million a year...that just means that other teams have to be willing to control themselves. At least the White Sox aren't involved in this mess. We won a world series by missing out on the last spending binge.
  12. You know, I can understand $100 million for Matz. I really can. It makes sense to give that money to a pitcher if you're convinced he's another Johan, especially if you have the money to spend. But at least to my eyes...this type of deal for J.D. Drew is absolutely insane.
  13. QUOTE(Damen @ Nov 26, 2006 -> 12:16 PM) They didn't vote for the war, actually, but I'm straining to see how that's even related to the discussion right now. If the Democrats in Congress didn't realize that giving George W. Bush a blank check for the use of force in Iraq was going to wind up with the U.S. invading Iraq, then they're idiots.
  14. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Nov 26, 2006 -> 11:11 AM) That's a nice theory but the reality is your leadoff hitter is only guaranteed to leadoff once a game. Pods got way too much credit for his contribution to the 2005 White Sox. He scored a very pedestrian 85 runs. He actually was a better offensive player in 2006 save for the batting average and a few more ks. He drove in more, he scored more, he slugged better, and everyone agrees he wasn't very good in 2006. 21 more strikeouts, 19 fewer stolen bases, an OBP 21 points lower. Not to mention the times caught off first. You know the thing you're missing with that analysis? Carl Everett. You put a ton of emphasis into the fact that Podsednik scored only 85 runs in 05, but seem to forget that he had a terrible guy hitting 3rd almost all year. Last year, he was hitting ahead of the Thome/Konerko/Dye monster, so even if he got on base less, he was guaranteed to score more, because the people behind him were better.
  15. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 25, 2006 -> 01:27 PM) At the same time, it sickens me that we are going to have to make a big trade to really improve this team. Personally, I'm still happy that we're in a spot where we actually have the goods to trade to do so.
  16. Every time one of these signings comes through, I keep having the same reaction; I'm glad we're not the one taking that gamble.
  17. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Nov 24, 2006 -> 09:54 PM) McCarthy on the other hand is a guy that I believe will be out of baseball in five years due to injuries and, beside that, I think he's average and nothing more. In a couple years, maybe even this year...I'm going to find a nice, shiny picture or a specific trophy, and I'm going to bounce this thread and laugh a lot. I just hope its because that guy is still pitching for the White Sox.
  18. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 24, 2006 -> 09:52 PM) that's a good goal. I recommend weezer. Or at least becoming friends with people who like weezer. First 2 Weezer albums or more recent Weezer albums? I've got the first 2 covered. The last couple though...(shakes head)...
  19. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Nov 24, 2006 -> 09:44 PM) And trust me, any girl that would hit on me simply because I picked up a guitar -- I'd throw her ass out of my life so fast, it'd be like a ska band horn player was f***ing some girl. He'd be in and out so fast, like a flash of lightning. Aww come on dude...you know that's deep down what every guitar player is thinking about. Personally, I'd like to get an acoustic sometime soon and actually learn a few songs as entertainment around a campfire.
  20. Thanks for the advice from another person who is stealing it.
  21. QUOTE(hitlesswonder @ Nov 24, 2006 -> 09:29 PM) I know it's not a trade everyone would make, but I think that's the kind of talent it would take to get Crawford (who is young, all-star level talent, and signed through 2010 I believe). Jenks did have a 2nd half ERA of 5.72 and I think MacDougal might be just as good as Jenks. The Sox definitely would need to bring in another setup man then, somehow (too bad Speier signed with LAA). I still think the Sox have more acceptable options for putting together a bullpen than they do for a leadoff LF/CF Anyway, I know I may be the only person who would make that trade, but I was just trying to put together a reasonable proposal for a premier player. You are right on 1 thing...that is roughly what it would probably cost to pry Crawford away from Tampa Bay. But as quite a few teams the past few years, including for example the Cleveland Indians, the New York Yankees, and a few other teams with dominant offenses have proven...you simply DO NOT win championships with offense. Carl Crawford is a premier offensive and defensive player who is very cheap for the next few years. However, Carl Crawford is still not a pitcher. If we want to win this thing, we need to follow the 2005 formula...pitching, pitching, pitching, pitching, pitching. Every single team, by my count, to win the W.S. since the Yankee dynasty has done so on the strength of their pitching. The D-Backs with Schilling and Johnson, the performances of Lackey and KRod in 2002, Beckett in 2003, Schilling, Wakefield, Arroyo et al. in 2004, 4 straight complete games in 2005, and then what we all just saw in 2006. No matter how talented the guys you acquire are...you just can not win if you don't have pitching. Starting pitching and bullpen pitching both. And young starting pitching is without a doubt the most valuable quantity in the game right now...which is why that's what Tampa Bay wants back for Crawford. Brandon McCarthy is our young starting pitching right now. And to my eyes, we need at least 2, if not 3, solid young starting pitchers to fit into the rotation in the next 2 years unless we have $150 million to spend.
  22. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Nov 24, 2006 -> 09:17 PM) Ha! Jenks AND McCarthy? We need a strong bullpen, thanks. Jenks stays. I wouldn't deal either of those guys, McCarthy included, unless we had 2 guys waiting around from trades to take their spot of equal/greater talent (i.e. Pelfrey, Billingsley, E. Santana, etc.). With the age of our staff and the fact that in 2 years holding it together would cost $70 million a year or greater...we need some youth in there.
  23. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 24, 2006 -> 08:33 PM) If you look at his stats so far, everything is down. Points - 7.3 to 6. Boards - 11.3 to 10.3 FG% - 51% to 43.6% Blocks - 2.2 to 1.7 Here's an article on him; The whole point in acquiring Big Ben was to try and win now. Because in a year or 2, when he gets worse and he gets older, and with that contract, that's going to be harder to accomplish. What exactly is going to be harder to accomplish? Trading him at the end, or winning? Because even if Ben slides down hill, this team still has a very very solid, young core, almost none of which is at NBA Prime age, or even close to it. TT, Thabo, Kirk, Deng, Duhon, Gordon, whoever we draft this year...we still have a ton of talent that is on its way up and getting better every single year. Hopefully this year's team will turn it around at some point. It'd really be frustrating if it didn't, because BWall should fit in damn well with them. But all is not lost if they don't...this team still has a ton of room for improvement with the guys they already have.
  24. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 24, 2006 -> 06:28 PM) Bonds to the A's it's all coming together and MLB is pulling the strings God I hope he winds up hurt. And I'm usually the last person to cheer at an injury, even if it helps the White Sox.
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