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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 9, 2006 -> 04:08 PM) I just want to point out that Bolton is not going to get another hearing. Of course if it were up to my party he probably would have, but Chaffey (a moderate repub) is completely against the Bolton hearing and because of that they will not have it. I'll take the direct words from Bill Frist over the NY Times. Oh and this is my first post over in these parts. Which is a good and valid point, and which I think only makes my point stronger. There's absolutely no reason to nominate Bolton again at this point. His confirmation was already dead months ago...if Chaffee wasn't going to change his mind after losing then his nomination wasn't even going to hit the floor, which means that the chances of success are zero...which basically, as far as I can tell, means that the nomination is a giant middle finger tossed in the direction of the new majority.
  2. Ah, the ol' Uniter not Divider comes back. Yup, there's a way to create amity between the White House and its new working partners...ram through 2 nominations, one possibly controversial and one ungodly controversial, before the new working partners have a chance. Good to know that the Presidential "Middle Finger" still works quite well...because that's what this is to the Democrats. Especially the re-nomination of Bolton.
  3. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Nov 9, 2006 -> 02:13 PM) don't fight privatizing Social Security - just get rid of it entirely!!! No.
  4. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 9, 2006 -> 09:58 AM) My guess is Seattle. Supposedly Seattle pulled out of the posting bids, so they have 0 chance.
  5. QUOTE(spiderman @ Nov 9, 2006 -> 09:42 AM) Thanks for the good information! For all practical purposes we are really at $94.4+ (+ is what salary they add back in a trade, but I'm really just expecting maybe a relief pitcher, and prospects) since a starter will be traded, and the DiamondBacks/Phillies are paying some of Thome/Vacquez. Has Kenny Williams indicated how high he will go with the payroll ? As far as I know, we have only guesses to this point as to how high JR and KW will be willing to go with the payroll.
  6. Well, on top of those items...I gotta say, this should be fun.
  7. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 9, 2006 -> 09:11 AM) Your right and I wouldn't be shocked to see him help the repub's from time to time. Although he will not change to being a republican. He gave his state his word that he wouldn't and Joe isn't going to go back on his word. Now that's hilarity. Joe has a long history of doing whatever Joe thinks will benefit Joe the most.
  8. QUOTE(maggliopipe @ Nov 9, 2006 -> 08:35 AM) So what will Dan Savage's response to Santorum's defeat be? Linkity.
  9. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 9, 2006 -> 09:01 AM) I'd actually consider voting for Lieberman. And your right he may be better than the alternatives (Clinton or Kerry especially) and quite frankly Obama has really had to do nothing so I can't speak enough about him cause his history as a politician doesn't tell me much aside from the fact he's well liked. I'd consider voting for a Republican over Lieberman.
  10. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 9, 2006 -> 09:00 AM) McCain is still a republican. Yes he's a more moderate republican but the guy will not leave the party. Thats like saying Lieberman will team up and vote republican when the republicans need him. The 2nd option is a hell of a lot more likely than the first, at least based on the last few years.
  11. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Nov 9, 2006 -> 07:49 AM) I hope the Cubs pay Carlos Lee big bucks. If I were to pick the worst contract that'll be handed out this winter, it would definitely be C-Lee's. Guy's gettin' heavier, is already awful defensively in LF, and is STILL going to get about $13 million per season. I'd much rather see the Cubs get him than any of the other huge name free agents (Soriano, Zito, Mats). Read someone a week or so ago saying that Carlos Lee was basically eating himself into a DH spot.
  12. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 9, 2006 -> 07:58 AM) Did you really think that was a good comparison? We dont have anyone that touches Santana, and Liriano would be our Ace. Our pitching needs to improve, not our offense. 2006 should have taught you how much more important pitching is. Yes, I think that is a very good comparison. You're saying a team can't get by with more than 1 rookie starter. But look at the whole spectrum, the Twins had Santana, Silva, and Radke pitching last year to go along with those rookies, which towards the end of the season became Santana and Silva with no Liriano. And the White Sox have a much better offense, who can pick pitchers up out of a hole a lot easier. Even if the White Sox run with McCarthy and Haeger both in the rotation next year, there's still 3 veteran pitchers sitting at the top of it, and there's still backup plans sitting at AAA in Broadway and whoever we were to get by trading 2 starters. And we'd be sitting on a cool $20 million or so that we'd have freed up. It's not my preferred option...but if teams start throwing out the farm to try to get starting pitching, which we do have, I wouldn't turn my back on it.
  13. That deal makes sense...if the Yankees pay ARod's entire contract.
  14. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 07:00 PM) sore winner Seriously, I'm not bragging. Barring legitimate campaign finance reform to the extent that all money is thrown out of politics, I give it about 6-8 years before the Dems are corrupt enough that they deserve to be thrown out, assuming they aren't beaten out of it beforehand. That's just how our system is built. People try to go into it with the best intentions, and there's just so much money being tossed around that within a few years, people start taking and taking and taking and taking. Speaking of which, what happened to Rep. "Money in the Fridge" Jefferson? Ah, runoff election.
  15. By the way, I know how ungodly flawed the logic is, but if the market had gone the other way we'd have heard the reverse, so what the Hell, I'm writing my own headlines.... DJIA surges to a new all-time high on Democratic victory!
  16. QUOTE(Balance @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 06:32 PM) I tell ya, if Webb's victory holds up in Virginia, this day will have exceeded my wildest hopes as a frustrated Democrat!
  17. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 06:50 PM) Id gladly take whichevr one the Knicks willing to trade Fyre or Lee. I think we need to make a trade soon with all these players we have. Idonno if Pax wants to do it this season with the expiring contract of PJ Brown use it to bring in a star or in the off-season. But I think a trade will happen. Well, we've got Brown's contract, a boat load of 2nd round picks, a full 15 player rotation, Duhon, and if necessary, the Knickerbockers pick...so the Bulls do have a ton of assets to deal. It would be pretty silly of Pax not to at least be in the discussion come trade deadline, as many people/assets as the Bulls have.
  18. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 06:32 PM) dude, this is a GOP only thread Hey, I waited what, nearly a year before I got to 2 posts in this thread? The way I figure it, now its the Democrats turn to become obnoxious, corrupt, out-of-touch pork-mongers, so I might as well get my feet wet in here.
  19. QUOTE(R.Sweeney @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 05:49 PM) Oh come on now I didnt say anything about that prick Carl .I never did understand why the Sox traded for that idiot in the first place .Someone should have taken him to the Field Museum to see the Dinosours that never existed . No, you did not say anything about Carl, but when you imply even remotely that Jim Thome had anything to do with our decrease in speed this year compared to last year, it begs the question as to what exactly Thome did. The decrease in speed-runs this year was due overwhelmingly to 1 man, and 1 man alone: Scott Podsednik. Rowand was not a huge base stealing threat, although he got a few, and Iguchi was still here. If Scott had been able to steal at a 75-80% clip, like he should have, then whether or not Thome was in the lineup, he'd still have been running. The reason we had to start keeping him at first base was that he was getting thrown out too much and that was hurting Thome's RBIs, not that Thome was somehow keeping him from running.
  20. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 05:50 PM) But, taking your position then, you must give credit to the honest, intelligent politicians of New York instead of Bush for the response to 9/11. And that makes sense. I always wondered how he could have been so great at one, and sucked so bad at the other. I caught a replay of the first Saturday Night Live after the attacks a few months ago. Giuliani introducing Bernie Kerik as the head of the NYPD, standing next to him. I couldn't help but laugh.
  21. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 04:42 AM) Successful politicians would not be photographed anywhere near me. I just pray that Bush realizes he stood next to a meth using homosexual and lightning didn't strike, he didn't get any gay cooties, it didn't "rub off", or any of the other dire warnings dunderheads think. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 10:19 AM) If that's true, my Columbia College looks a whole lot better than it used to. I really, really wanted to try to come to Caltech as an undergrad, but my dad convinced me to stay in state. In hindsight, it's really really really nice to be here and have them footing the bill for grad school after saving as an Undergrad.
  22. QUOTE(R.Sweeney @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 05:23 PM) I agree with ya but they played great defense,stole bases and ran the bases well too.It wasnt just homers that won games . Think of how many times a pitcher lost his composure because he was pre-occupied with guys like pods,tad and rowand on base . There was alot of things that helped win the series but yes the most important was pitching and hopefully they get to where they should be in 07 Dont get me wrong im not a Thome hater by any meens .Just want to see faster guys on the bases to put the pressure on the pitcher . Clearly, we should put Carl Everett back at DH. He was quick as all hell. And anyway, Anderson learns any actual technique on how to steal bases, and he'll be more of a base stealing threat than Rowand. More raw speed, just doesn't yet know how to use it.
  23. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 05:24 PM) How does that help us next year? If we have 2 rookies starting in our rotation, we are in 3rd place no matter how many runs we score. Liriano, Baker, Bonser, and Garza say hi.
  24. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 05:09 PM) KFed and Rummy sitting in a tree!
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