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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 09:49 AM) Plus a sinkerballer like Huddy would look real good. I don't know if the Braves would move him though, considering his 06 and 07 salaries are incredibly attractive. I think it's pretty clear that his contract was constructed in such a way that he could be moved right around now if the Braves were willing to save money...its entirely back loaded, so that if they do want to move him, they can do so either now maybe without having to send along cash or before 08 while sending along some cash. It looks somewhat like what the Marlins did with Delgado.
  2. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 11:28 AM) There are some people in fandom, and on this site, who are 100% about performance. I'm not one of them. I don't expect everyone to be angels, but... I just can't feel any great respect for someone who is given an incredible gift, is paid millions to live their dream, and then s***s all over the people who put him on that pedestal. Sheffield, Moss, Bonds and their ilk can take a flyer. They will never have my respect, and I never want to see them on any of the teams I root for. I'm sure they're heart-broken to hear that. I'll tolerate being an ass in exchange for performance...if, and you'll note the 2 names in bold, the guy being the asshole is also clean. Neither one of those 2 are. Be a b*tch all you want if you do your job...just do it legally. The one thing that does blur the line a bit though is that with some guys, their being a b*tch can hurt the team's performance as well, and Moss is a prime example of that.
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 11:12 AM) These guys won 90 games, Buerhle being Buerhle puts them in the playoffs. The team doesn't need a major overhaul, just slightly better years from a few guys. Problem with that of course is it assumes nothign else would go wrong next year. Dye won't fall back to 30 home runs and 90 RBi instead of 40 and 120, Thome won't get hurt, Crede's back won't interfere too much, the Tigers, Twins, Indians, and Royals won't all be significantly better next year, etc. This team is going to need more htan "Slightly" better years from a few guys if we want to keep pace with the other teams in our own division. We need significantly better years from several guys (mostly the pitching staff), and for quite a few other guys to not drop off.
  4. QUOTE(kane0730 @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 10:58 AM) I'll probably get slammed for saying this, but I'd role the dice and trade 2 (anyone but Garland/Mac) of our starting pitchers. Then insert Haeger into the rotation. You could always skip him in the rotation on off days, which would somewhat limit his starts. Get bullpen help/prospects, turn around and trade a package of prospects for Crawford. I understand where you're coming from, but I would add the caveat that you should only do that if what you can get back for the 2 starters is really, really worth it. Either way it would save us an extra $10 million next year which could be put to good use...but you've got to admit it's risky to just throw a knuckleballer into your 5th starter spot. At least if he struggles we have Broadway at the AAA level as well, but hopefully if we're dealing 2 starters we'd be getting something back in the mold of a young starter as well. And the 2004 season convinced me that skipping pitchers on off-days more than once or twice in a season is just a terrible idea.
  5. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 10:21 AM) It seemed that Rush was stating that by Fox not taking his meds, Fox's actions were exaggerated. Not regardless of his medications, he would not exhibit these symptoms. Sorry for the detour. To be 100% specific, he says that it's either him not taking his medications or him deliberately acting.
  6. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 09:58 AM) So far no one has accused Fox of exaggerating his condition. Whether he was on or off the drugs he would seem to be portraying the worst case scenario. [/color] -From the actual broadcast in question. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 10:08 AM) Well I will say one thing, Rush should be an expert on what happens when you go without your meds.... Maybe we should be listening to him? Nah. I'm so glad someone other than me made the joke...thanks guys!
  7. QUOTE(Chet Lemon @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 09:55 AM) I don't know, I think I am the only person who doesn't think putting Haeger in the bullpen is a good idea. He's an awesome pitcher who I would like to see up with the big club, but I feel he would be more of an asset in our rotation. I just picture good ol' Ozzie bringing him into a tight game, and after a wild knuckler eludes AJ's mit, an opposing runner now is in scoring position. I was concerned about the same thing, but you know what changed my mind? Charlie Haeger. He came up in September and looked damn good mostly coming out of the bullpen. If he can succeed in that role for a month, then it's perfectly fair to ask him to do it some more.
  8. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 09:06 AM) Balta, take it up with MJF. He's the one that stated the opposite. I would guess he knows his reactions to the medication. If you didn't notice, there was a Fox quote in there. And I wasn't referring to anything but this particular ad, which I thought was the whole point. If anyone wants to like Mr. Limbaugh even less btw...it turns out his show is not just broadcast over the radio, there's also video available of his show. And he does a real nice insulting head bobbing to go along with the statement about the ad. You can watch it, and also watch another recent interview with Mr. Fox, Here.
  9. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 08:44 AM) And your medical degree is from where...? And yes, I'm being an asshole because the fact is that you don't know s*** about MJF's symptoms or how HE reacts to the medication he takes. As ignorant as calling his appearance an "act". According to MJF himself, his shaking at the '02 hearing was a result of NOT taking his medication. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-69090060.html The Washington Post ran with this statement a couple days ago in its print edition. Other relevant bits from that article aside from just a statement from a national organization: Link to the partial online version.
  10. QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 08:36 AM) No one, included Rush, is downplaying the severity of Parkinsons. He's just calling into question using that as a means to get votes. I don't think it's a huge deal myself, but I consider it another negative aspect of our political system which is all about sensationalism versus talking about the issues. I wonder if he had as much of a problem in 2004 with the pro-Bush ad using a 16 year old girl who lost a parent in the WTC attacks.
  11. First they came for _____, and I did nothing, because I was not a ____.
  12. Sheff...you negotiated your own F***ing contract, you idiot.
  13. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 08:28 AM) That's what I'd like to see them do. Is that allowed? It certainly seems feasable... He could play RF for a year or two and move to DH in his third season (which would be when he's 35). Provided he stays healthy, JD should be capable of putting up a few seasons in between his last two years (.925 OPS, give or take 50 points). That would be another option, and it certainly is allowed. The only problem is of course...if you up Buehrle to $12-14 mil a year, up Crede to $10 mil a year, and up Dye to $10 mil a year...at some point, we're spending so much money on bringing guys back that we can't afford to bring in anyone else to fill holes that appear in places like LF or SS.
  14. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Oct 25, 2006 -> 06:14 PM) I see he made 6.5 last season, anyone have the info on the rest of his deal? Seriously People, it's called "The Google". It's not that hard.
  15. Ah, rain delay theater. Detroit's 6, 7, 8, 9, and 1 hitters have 3 hits this world series, all of them by Inge (who is 3/10) (Bonderman pitching).
  16. QUOTE(WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Oct 25, 2006 -> 05:12 PM) I would like to see Haeger in the pen. Even if he isn't that great, he could eat up a ton of innings. The way Ozzie uses his starters...that's really not that big of an issue at all.
  17. Balta1701

    Bye Bye Taurus

    QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 25, 2006 -> 02:40 PM) LOVE my lexus (toyota). I have owned 3 jeeps all were terrible, especially when Chrysler bought them out. Chrysler IMO makes the worst cars on the market followed closely by ford. Can't speak to all their cars, but don't discount GM on the bad list. Here in my division, we have some very large vans that we take out into the field...actual field vehicles, etc. Supposedly a few years ago they attempted some chevy vehicles for this task...and they're rapidly back to Ford. Can't say the GM vehicle I was driving in high school had any quality to it either.
  18. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Oct 25, 2006 -> 02:40 PM) Still, thats a long time from now. We wouldn't have to really deal with Boras till arbitration time. Unless some sort of health problem cropped up.
  19. QUOTE(WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Oct 25, 2006 -> 01:39 PM) The problem is there is no room without injury. He could be a good pen arm if we need someone. Guys start their careers in the pen all the time, it just didn't work out for BMAC. Didnt help that our manager failed to put BMAC in the rotation when he deserved to be there. It also didn't help that BMac's usage out of the pen was ungodly inconsistent last year. Haeger I think is almost certainly going to follow the BMac "To the pen" path this year if he's not traded, which is probably the right thing to do with him (MMac, Thornton, Haeger, Jenks...hit that sh*t)
  20. The Top 10 Signs a Ballplayer is Cheating: 10. Tested positive for uranium 9. Always asking fans for clean urine 8. After each win, receives congratulatory phone call from BALCO co-founder Victor Conte 7. Name on back of his uniform is "Bonds" 6. You can find him in the clubhouse corking himself 5. Distracts opponents by throwing out the frozen head of Ted Williams 4. Somehow got three RBIs during the seventh-inning stretch 3. You haven't seen someone with that much Vaseline on them since the last Paris Hilton video 2. Pete Rose called him a disgrace to the game 1. His nickname is "Needle Ass"
  21. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 25, 2006 -> 01:24 PM) I'd take Pelfrey as well and it's not even close for me. But as far as Milledge goes can I ask why the attitude concerns? Cause I remember him getting fined(I believe) for high fiving some fans after a homer but what exactly has he done wrong? Honest question, cause I really don't remember. Yeah, after a home run he went and started high-fiving the fans. He also has supposedly mouthed-off to some of the Veterans on that team, had talkings-to by Randolph et al, etc. Linkity. As soon as we read about Milledge giving a knee-to-the-crotch to one of the Mets trainers, then we'll know he's ready to be on the Chicago White Sox.
  22. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Oct 25, 2006 -> 11:52 AM) Rumor has it Cobain wrote most of that Hole record that put them on the map, can't remember the name. Celebrity Skin was the name of the album, the first single, and a mid-80's band that Love wound up having to pay royalties to.
  23. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 25, 2006 -> 12:00 PM) Funny, I enjoyed Celebrity Skin, a little. That's because Billy Corgan wrote most of the music.
  24. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 25, 2006 -> 01:01 PM) Stop using it as a cupholder. At this point, I may as well try that.
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