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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Oct 19, 2006 -> 10:52 AM) Bob Knight will be a Tech through 2012. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/news/story?id=2632045 That's going to be one hard record for coach K to katch.
  2. Hoax. You know, one of these times, there's actually going to be a real threat coming conveniently right before an election...and the rest of America's just going to laugh because they've heard the exact same thing so many times.
  3. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Oct 19, 2006 -> 02:47 PM) Alright, can anyone give me a rumor, article, maybe something that says Seattle has their ears open for Ichiro? I find it hard to believe the Mariners know anyone is talking about Ichiro. Seattle Times.
  4. QUOTE(Craig Grebeck @ Oct 19, 2006 -> 11:04 AM) Ichiro is simply not worth it. If we're going to throw those types of players around in a deal, we better get something back better than a 32 year old with a .786 OPS the last two seasons. So, as many will probably point out, for a guy leading off, there are many, many more important stats than OPS. OBP is very useful, and while it comes largely from his batting average, Ichiro boasted a nice .370 OBP last year. Compare to the .330 for Podsdenik. The 45/47 on Stolen Bases also looks very, very pretty.
  5. Take this one with just about as big of a salt grain as you should have taken with Drudge's "Kerry cheating on his wife" story back in 2004 until you get a better source, but the liberal/gossip blog Wonkette has named Illinois Republican Congressman Jerry Weller (11th district) as the person who is the focus of this set of rumors about a Congressman and female pages.
  6. Ichiro made $12,530,000 last year, and presumably he'll make something like that in 07. I'd love Ichiro, but here's the reality: add him and subtract McCarthy, and suddenly we're looking at a payroll approaching $115 million. This leaves almost zero room to resign Crede, Buehrle, Iguchi, or Dye, and if Fields and Sweeney are both gone, we'll need contracts for all 4 of those guys (since we'd suddenly have no one to play the non-Ichiro non-Anderson outfield spot after 2007). Unless we want to push $130 million on total salary, I just can't see how that works giving up McCarthy. We would almost have to trade one of our SP's in any sort of deal like that. Maybe 2 of them if Seattle would take them. Just to clear the salary.
  7. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 19, 2006 -> 09:58 AM) Just so you know, the land in question for Hastert was 5.5 miles away and is next to the property that his home sits on. Not quite the same as buying land that was depressed because of zoning, getting zoning changed for THAT land, then selling it for a hugew profit, like Reid. And of course, actually um, being able to lobby for and vote for legislation that puts a highway exit ramp right by that land and therefore massively increases the value is clearly not nearly as bad as dealing with a local zoning commission over which Reid has zero control.
  8. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Oct 19, 2006 -> 09:06 AM) To get younger? To shed some payroll? Because he eats his sushi with a fork? Ibanez made $5 million in 2006 and should, if I'm reading this right, make $6 million in 2007. For that money, he gave them a .289 average, 33 home runs, 123 RBI. If he'd done that playing for a team that was actually winning, his name would have been in the MVP race. Someone better offer them something really, really good if they want to get a bargain like that off of the M's. What would someone have to offer to get Dye away from the White Sox?
  9. Frappin Clinton News Network , always giving more coverage to Democrats.
  10. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Oct 19, 2006 -> 08:15 AM) That being said, talking about Mariners, what about Raul Ibanez? He wouldn't be the lead off answer, but the boy can hit. I can't for the life of me figure out why in the world they'd deal Ibanez. Might as well ask for King Felix while you're at it.
  11. Balta1701

    Drug Ads

    QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 04:55 PM) The whole idea of advertising for something that needs to be prescribed is absurd, in my opinion. That's the whole ridiculousness of our system. Because the demand curve for most drugs is fairly inflexible (i.e. if you raise the price 20%, most of the time people don't stop using the drug) the drug companies are basically free to raise prices almost without restraint...if a 20% increase in the cost of the drug to pay for more ads leads to more people starting to use the drug than stop due to the price increase, then profitability will go up and up and up...the only thing the company needs to do is sell more of its product (and make sure people don't forget to take the stuff they're on).
  12. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 04:55 PM) Rumor is another Congressman gets accused tomorrow in the pages of the Washington Post. Hi-O! (/rimshot)
  13. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 05:15 PM) John McCain on the possibility of the Democrats winning Congress. http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews....=rss&rpc=22 He's threatening to kill a Senator!
  14. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 04:18 PM) Alrighty then.... Steff...it's unlikely to cause any more deaths than the fact that it is, um, a bomb.
  15. Balta1701

    To Die For.

    QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 03:50 PM) I actually knew a man (father of a friend) who was buried in a tux... but was wearing a White Sox t-shirt underneath. Something from 2005 is going with me.
  16. QUOTE(elrockinMT @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 03:35 PM) The more I think about this issue the more I hope we don't make this trade or FA signing. I think we have the home grown talent to play CF and maybe we will keep Pods and if his legs are healthy he will give us the speed. That's the one thing I don't want to see next year: blind hope that Scott Podsednik will get better.
  17. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 02:43 PM) Well I'm planning on living at least a few more years. You don't live anywhere near Mr. Uribe do you?
  18. "After you get where you're going, take off your shoes and your socks then walk around on the rug bare foot and make fists with your toes."
  19. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 01:25 PM) Hunter didn't start hitting well until his 3rd year in the league. Also, he played 99 games and had just 354 ABs in 2000. If it's possible, it may not be the worst idea in the world to have Anderson be a 4th OFer while trying to get him 300 ABs. If an upgrade in LF and an upgrade in CF can come in, he could realistically play 5 games every 2 weeks and probably approach 300+ ABs...and in case of injury, he's the first one in. The problem of course occurs in Ozzie getting him out there that often, but it's an idea worth comtemplating. Yes, that is a realistic option, but it's not necessarily a good one, for the simple reason that Anderson is still very low on the "Problem" list. Last year, yeah his numbers pretty much put him in the "should be a backup" role, and if he puts up identical next year he may be on the way to that. But even with that, here's the other side: 1. He still costs us $400,000 for the next several years. 2. His defense is still superstantial. 3. We have another outfielder who need replaced first, who plays worse defense, makes a lot more money, and who contributed almost as little offensively as a rookie. Here's where I think we are: we have only enough money to fix certian problems, like the fact that Buehrle, Crede, Iguchi, and Dye are free agents after 2007, the holes in our bullpen, left field, leadoff hitter, and not-in-jail shortstop. And we don't exactly have a ton of young talent on the way up to fill all those roles. Right now, Anderson is a solid, cheap option at his position. In order to bring in 2 outfielders, we either need to spend the money on 2 outfielders, or we need to trade away talent to bring in 2 outfielders, and then stick Anderson behind them. If KW could rake someone over the coals for a center fielder, then maybe I'd be open to it, but I just think that we need to fix the other big holes on our team before we go about dealing with the cheap, good defensive rookie in CF.
  20. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 10:22 AM) Yes, a two left hand hitting platoon. Thome and Konerko aren't waiving their NTC's to leave Chicago, let alone to go to New York. If the Sox thought Gload was a capable everyday first baseman, why did they re-sign Konerko last offseason? If they thought Gload wasn't an everyday outfielder why did they trade Borchard? IIRC, Konerko only has a limited no-trade clause covering something like 10 teams.
  21. So for people interested in discussing that study, here's some rapid-fire links looking at it from both sides of the issue.
  22. "That's just the engine struggling...that's just a carp swimming around your ankles" /evil simpsons quotes
  23. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Oct 17, 2006 -> 04:48 PM) Way to buy into the SoxTalk hype. There is no, NO way Ross Gload is a better defensive LFer than either Scott Podsednik or Juan Pierre. Ross is a solid firstbasement but the only reason he touches the outfield is because Ozzie Guillen likes to make people ask the question "why?". There are many different things though that we should consider when thinking about who should wind up in LF next season. Offense, Defense, throwing arm, money, speed on basepaths, intelligence on basepaths, how the player fits into the lineup, other intangibles, etc. I would not be totally furious if it wound up being Gload if other problems were taken care of first (i.e. a leadoff hitting, not-facing-arrest SS).
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