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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 6, 2006 -> 07:34 AM) The whole team didnt hit in that series, I think EVERYONE knows that is a fact. Except Herbert Perry.
  2. Whoever plays the Yankees and Mets.
  3. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Oct 5, 2006 -> 05:48 PM) Zito is the only one of the big 3 to go to free agency, Beane dealt the other 2, you have to remember there is extenuating circumstances surrounding the A's decision to keep Zito, it's not fair to compare it to Buehrle's situation. It's worth noting one of the key extenuating circumstances...if Beane had traded away Zito as well, he'd basically have left himself a very very inexperienced starting rotation, with guys like Haren, Harden, etc. Zito was basically the only one with any real experience, or especially postseason experience on that list. And beyond that, it seemed pretty well known that the A's would have dealt Zito at the trading deadline this year had the Metropolitans been willing to part with Milledge, which they weren't (good planning there). Even if the White Sox dealt 2 starters, they'd still wind up with a good chunk of experience in their rotation, so that is fundamentally different from what made the A's hold on to Zito.
  4. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 5, 2006 -> 05:27 PM) Why would it be so unbelievable to think that some kids could have been 'having fun' with him by stringing him along? People all the time represent themselves as somebody they are not whiel on the internet. Back in the AOL internet days you heard all sorts of stoies about people pretending to be a woman and getting some guy to have 'cyber' with them, only to later bust out and proclaim themselves a man. And before you start foaming at the mouth, noone said this in any way absolved Foley from being a creep. Then why even bring it up? Seriously, what does it gain to even tell one's listeners to think along those lines? The only purpose possible is to try to make the kids look somehow like bad guys in this.
  5. Limbaugh also struggles to find a way to blame the kids. And get this, he thinks it's Abu Ghraib all over again: nothing but a prank.
  6. I have a friend here who was on a flight over the Grand Canyon, during the daylight so you get a great view. He's also middle Eastern. He took out his camera and took some photos of the Canyon from above. A few minutes later one of the flight attendants asked him why he was taking pictures of the wing.
  7. By the way...hasn't anyone noted that there are people who wanted to be done with Brian Anderson at many points this year...yet now the vaunted Marlins scouting department, the same folks who were somehow able to put together a nearly .500 team on $16 million after taking the Cubs, Mets, and Red Sox for everything they could get...now want that same Brian Anderson? It's almost as though they see something they like from the kid...
  8. QUOTE(SnB @ Oct 5, 2006 -> 03:40 PM) oh my god, this is the worst playoff game i've ever seen How so?
  9. QUOTE(Craig Grebeck @ Oct 5, 2006 -> 03:04 PM) Crawford is not the ideal leadoff hitter. KW can't afford to give up the cheapest, youngest pitcher we have. I'd much rather get Brady Clark/Ryan Freel/David Dellucci if we keep Mac. The Little Hurt...I like it. Still have a foul ball that Grebeck hit straight at my head. Anyway...yeah I don't give up McCarthy for Crawford either. Not when he's our only ML ready young pitcher. A quality leadoff hitter will be significantly easier to find and probably cheaper than a quality young starting pitcher, especially since we have veteran pitching that we can deal. If we dealt a veteran pitcher and got another young starter, I would not be averse to trading that starter for a leadoff guy.
  10. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 5, 2006 -> 12:36 PM) Garcia. Not only because of his salary, but because a power pitcher who has lost 8 mph on his fastball needs to go regardless. I dont care what trick pitch he reinvented, he is done in my eyes, and he is the most logical to go IMO. Garcia is my 2nd choice...but Buehrle is more important, because Buehrle will bring back more in a trade than Garcia. But, if someone wanted Vazquez or Contreras enough to give us a much better deal than we'd get for Garcia, I'd be open to that as well. Also, I wouldn't be terribly angry if we wound up dealing 2 starters, if the talent coming back was right. Even if it wound up with Haegar in the rotation...if it rebuilt our minor leagues or fixed some of our key problems from last year.
  11. The amazing thing about this 50 state strategy of Dean's is that idiots like Mark Foley are exactly why you want that to exist. If you just target all of your resources on the most competitive districts, and barely even notice 50 or 100 other districts, don't even field candidates in some of them, and have absolutely no ground preparation at all...if something were to blow up, like the downfall of one of the top Republicans in the House, suddenly you'd be caught wishing that you had actually run people and recruited campaign workers in those safe Republican districts. Now, every single Democrat in the country can run ads saying that their opponent supported Tom Delay, who resigned from Congress under indictment, and Dennis Hastert, who failed to investigate a potential child abuser...and it's hard to imagine a more devastating set of ads.
  12. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Oct 5, 2006 -> 12:23 PM) Ah yes, what doesn't the government tell us. I would imagine that there is a warehouse somewhere with documents upon documents that weren't released to the American people. Actually, it's probably shredded, burned and buried. Let's not make this a Bush thing...it's a government thing. It's being handled by top men. Top men.
  13. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Oct 5, 2006 -> 12:26 PM) I understand what you are both saying, but he is our only lefty and unless we can grab another one via trade or free agency, we can't let him go. Maybe we should take a page from Billy Beane. He's letting Zito walk, but he's got talent behind him.... Also, do you stay with the horses that got you there? I believe if Kenny wants to win now, he trades Garcia and keeps Buehrle, even if he ends up walking. Yes, Beane is letting Zito walk... But that's only 1/3 of the big 3. Beane also traded the other 2/3 of it.
  14. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Oct 5, 2006 -> 12:01 PM) It's improvement. If he hit .200 the whole year, then there is an argument. But, he showed that he was improving before Ozzie started meddling (although I know Oz was just trying to get the best team out of the field during winterball). Fixed that for you.
  15. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Oct 5, 2006 -> 12:07 PM) I understand why everyone is saying BMac, Garland and Vazquez next year, but why is everyone thinking Buehrle? Because Buehrle and Garcia are the first 2 who will hit Free Agency out of the 6...at the end of 2007. If Buehrle can be resigned, then he should be. But if he wants to test the market or wants a higher price than we're willing to pay...we can't afford to lose a pitcher as good as him for nothing. We need to either have Buehrle or what Buehrle was traded for...we can't afford to have neither.
  16. If he is not signed to a contract before the start of the year...it must be Buehrle.
  17. Watched the Nine...sort of enjoyed it...nice to see Dr. Phlox is still getting work...will get disappointed if the show moves along too slowly.
  18. If either Willis or Cabrera are involved...I'm game.
  19. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 4, 2006 -> 08:13 PM) Not that it makes it better, but according to one of the IM's, he was 17, almost 18, not 16. 17 is the age of consent in DC. He is still scum. http://abcnews.go.com/images/WNT/foley_excerpts4.pdf Still, this is that wierd bit of grey area in the law...it's legal in D.C. for an adult to have sex with a 17 year old...but the way Congress writes the laws regarding internet behavior, they always draw the line at 18. So it can be legal for an adult to actually have sex with a 17 year old partner, but then illegal to go home and talk about it online.
  20. QUOTE(greg775 @ Oct 4, 2006 -> 06:19 PM) Those four guys would make a lousy AAA outfield. I dunno about that. In 2005, Gload's numbers in AAA: .364 .416 .657 1073. Anderson's #'s: .295 .360 .469 829.
  21. QUOTE(cuddlyboy26 @ Oct 4, 2006 -> 06:04 PM) If the White Sox refuse an arbitration price either this year, or next year though wouldnt he be a free agent? Also if he was traded to a new team this year, signed a 1-year deal only, and chose not to resign after 2007 wouldnt he also be a free agent before the end of 2008 then? If the White Sox did not offer him arbitration, then yes, he would be a Free Agent. That, however, WILL NOT HAPPEN. Joe Crede could shoot Joey Cora and we'd still offer him arbitration (some would offer him a raise). If he were traded and signed a 1 year deal...then he would still be arbitration eligible after 2007. Thus, he is not a Free Agent under any circumstances until 2008.
  22. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Oct 4, 2006 -> 05:42 PM) What exactly did Konerko, Lee and Ordonez do in that series? Konerko 1/9 Lee 1/11 Ordonez 2/11
  23. QUOTE(fathom @ Oct 4, 2006 -> 05:05 PM) So we can't get Bonds to leadoff and play LF next year? I would not watch a single White Sox game. Nor would I go to one. I might burn some of my merchandise from last year.
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