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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 08:07 PM) I don't know if I have that long right now. I'll try to read this sometime soon, cause I think it's interesting. Besides, technology like this, if it's done right, is a great investment opportunity. That's actually one of the big debate topics there...as one of the guys involved in the debates is investing heavily in ethanol technologies, while the other is contending it won't work and ever be profitable without government subsidies (as it is now).
  2. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 09:59 PM) And just watch us get swept. Boston is in some bad shape, but the Sox just split 6 games between the Royals and Drays. We aren't exactly a world beater nor do I consider us a very good team. I think he's thinking of Jon Snyder who we dealt to the Brewers along with Navvaro in the Jose Valentin deal. Without Ortiz and Ramirez, the lineups of both K.C. and Tampa Bay scare me more than that of Boston.
  3. The website "The Oil Drum" which keeps track of these sorts of energy related issues has had a very fascinating, long-running discussion on ethanol and cellulosic ethanol in particular. If you want to hear a very detailed discussion of the topic, here you go: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 Link 5 Link 6 Link 7
  4. QUOTE(shawnhillegas @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 07:33 PM) but our guys are tired. Clearly, Ozzie needs to rest his regulars more.
  5. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 02:43 PM) I would have been all for trading McCarthy for Soriano if we would have extended Soriano's contract on that day. If we had Boston Red Sox money to play with, and a replacement righty in our system somewhere, I'd agree. But at some point, having that young righty is going to be ungodly valuable. Next year it'll be the difference between a $50 million pitching staff and a $40 million pitching staff, if nothing else.
  6. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 02:39 PM) The pitching in the AL Central is only going to continue to get better though as guys like Liriano, Sowers, etc. continue to blossom. We definitely have to upgrade our lineup against tough lefties though. First, add McCarthy to your list too. And second, there's still no guarantee that these guys are going to come out and be dominant from the start, and able to hold everything together and stay healthy. It's entirely possible that we might be seeing peak years from some of these guys who've dominated this season, just as the White Sox got peak years out of a couple guys last year.
  7. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 02:33 PM) We're going to have to upgrade our offense. We have a lot of aging players, and we can't expect guys like Dye and Thome to match their numbers next season. Hopefully we'll get a boost from a new LF. Arguing about Tejada is pointless though, as we don't have anything they'd realistically want that we'd give up. We can't expect guys like Dye to match their numbers next season...but that's only because Dye has been so good. Thome, I could still see putting up similar numbers, all he needs to do is avoid major injuries. On top of that, hopefully we'll get improvement from Anderson, which will help as well. And it's not that bad to go from being the #1 to the #3 or #4 offense in the AL. We could get by with that easily...IF we get some damn pitching.
  8. QUOTE(3E8 @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 02:10 PM) Does anyone have any thoughts/opinions on Howard being the first player to possibly break Maris' home run record without the use of steriods? Also, before todays game, Howard had more home runs away from the small park in Philly and besides Citizen's Bank the AL East stadiums are a b**** to hit home runs in. It would sure be freaking sweet to see someone actually hit 60 without being dogged by accusation and inflation.
  9. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 07:17 AM) Methinks you should watch the movie "Trekkies" for a better understanding of the word. The movie shows you many things(probably some things you wish you didnt see), and is good for a laugh if anything Or you could just hang out with me.
  10. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 01:49 PM) I still think will lose 2/3. I have no confidence in this team whatsoever. None. Right now, there are very few teams with less motivation than the White Sox appear to have right now. Teams like K.C. and Tampa are trying to play spoiler, teams like Minnesota and Detroit are pushing for the finish. Boston has even less motivation than the White Sox right now.
  11. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 07:22 AM) As I said, I believe that if there is an independent Kurdistan, then the incursions into Turkey will stop. So, I believe the opposite of what you suggest is true. I think the primary motivation of the Kurds at this point is to obtain independence. I agree that is their primary motivation, an independent, functioning state. The problem is, any independent Kurdistan would either steal territory from Iran and Turkey or would create a minority across the border that wants to join the independent Kurdistan in both countries. That is a dangerous proposition.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 02:17 PM) We do look gassed on the field. There's a reason that guys like Pablo and Gload look like they have twice the energy the rest of the guys do. Don't worry though, Ozzieball never slumps. So...you're advocating Ozzie giving even more rest to his starters?
  13. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 11:06 AM) Really? Like what? I'm curious. Well, the example other people always cite is sugar cane, which has a much higher energy content per unit crop harvested than corn (Think; eat a pound of corn and a pound of sugar. How many hours before you can go to sleep after each?) A lot of people discuss how Brazil has had some success in this, but the numbers are often poorly understood, and claims are made that only end up wasting energy and costing American consumers even more $$.
  14. QUOTE(cgaudin @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 02:04 PM) Lots of you folks out there should slow your McCarthy kool-aid consumption. He wasn't that impressive out there. Overall, this can't be put on Freddy. He pitched good enough to win. Sox just couldn't wake up the bats today. I really love watching the kid pitch, but man, he just hasn't had any luck the last few games, and he hasn't been able to bail himself out either. That slow roller to Uribe that no one could get? That was just painful to watch on a very good pitch.
  15. QUOTE(shoota @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 02:04 PM) I'd hold on to Neal because of his 2005 season, age and salary. All of which make him a very valuable trade piece, btw. If Logan can come up behind him and do a decent job...Cotts can turn into something very useful next year.
  16. This team just doesn't have or want it enough.
  17. Qapla'! There were days when I could recite the entire scripts, from memory, of Star Treks 2, 4, 6, and 8, along with those of several episodes. I own one of the late-DS9/Movies 8-10 Uniforms. Have worn it quite a few times. I spend much of my weekend time in High School playing online games of Star Trek Trivia. Central time, the schedule was 10 on Friday and Saturday, and 2 on Sunday. I was one of the top people. Kicked some major ass at DS9 Trivia. Spent Prom night in a game hosted by a guy nicknamed "Really4Rob." Won. Watched the 2nd to last episode of DS9 during my open house after the end of high school. Own every movie, and an ungodly collection of episodes, many of which are actually on VHS. The Registry number of every enterprise other than Archer's ship starts with NCC-1701. Take a look at my name here. There is a box of some 30 action figures, all unopened, some autographed, sitting in my closet in Indiana. I might pick them up when I'm home getting Married next summer. Have about 6-7 posters from the show sitting in storage right now. Have a NASA solar system poster that actually appeared in an episode of Voyager. Pasadena hosts a major Star Trek convention every year. Haven't gone yet because it would have cost me about $500 to get all the autographs I want. Now that the Fiance is employed...next year... Dif-tor heh smusma.
  18. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 07:17 AM) I've actually said from the beginning, if you are going to do this (which I wish they hadn't at all), you should allow at least the Kurds to break off and be their own country. Trying to keep these 3 distinct groups together in a whole Iraq is just another typical cold war, nation-state mentality mistake by this administration. Let there be a Kurdistan, and they are more likely to leave Turkey alone. The Shia/Sunni problem is a little more complicated, because they are now spread out over a lot of common territory. There is no longer going to be a good solution to that one. And I'll also reiterate... we can't leave now. I agree with Kap and others that it would get much, much worse if we left. We made a mistake, and we need to clean it up. The moment that happens, it provokes a Turkey/Kurdistan war which may also involve Iran. The absolute last thing Turkey would ever want is an independent Kurdistan. They're already bombing Kurds inside Iraq as retaliation for acts by kurdish groups inside of Turkey. Iran could get involved also in such a conflict, as all 3 countries have significant Kurdish areas. And then of course there's the Kirkuk question...Saddam expelled a bunch of Kurds from this oil-rich city and replaced them with other Muslims to try to better control the city...so who gets that city and all of its oil in any partition?
  19. QUOTE(Rooftop Shots @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 03:37 PM) I was wondering if someoe who has seen Sweeney play, or read some scouting reports could give me some specifics on him. Such as.......... 1) What is his on base percentage? 2) Is he patient at the plate and good at fighting off pitches and taking walks? 3) Is he quick out of the box? 4) How is his speed compared to Pods? 5) When stealing bases, is he a "JOLT" from the get-go, or does it take him a while to get it going, because the frst step in stealing is probably the most important. 6) Is he more of a power hitter, or scrappy like some players on Minnesota ? 7) Does he strike out a lot, or is he more of a contact guy? I know it's a lot of questions, and would require a long reply, but obviously him and Fields look to be our future, so in reality, these questions that I pose, really pertain to both. Would appreciate any/all info that can be given on these guys whether they pertain to the above questions, or anything else you may wish to add. Anything can always happen differently in the Majors than what they did in AAA, but would just like to know what to look for in these guys, and be abe to pass along your input to some guys at work who have been asking many specifics on both of them. Thanks!! 1. Sweeney's OBP this year in AAA is .350. His career OBP in the minors is .352. His high is in the .380s. 2. 3. That I can't answer 4. His numbers suggest he's a step slower than Pods (post-injury pods). He can steal a base, but not well. 5. You don't bat Ryan Sweeney leadoff for stolen bases. 6. Currently, he is hitting .296 with 25 doubles and 12 home runs in a hitters park in AAA. He's still very young, but he has a very sweet swing. He would at his best be an ideal #3 hitter, high average, home runs in the 20's-30's if everything develops as we hope power-wise. Right now, he's probably a decent average, lots of doubles hitter. I'd guess a healthy BObby Crosby might be a best-case comparison for where he is now, a worst-case comparison I dunno, maybe a Scott Podsednik. 7. 73 strikeouts in 450 at bats this year for Sweeney. 88 in 460 at bats for Podsednik. QUOTE(chisox72 @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 09:38 PM) Oh please....give me the other options he had?? Brokeback Hermanson? Jenks getting in there was a no brainer....Especially given how he had handled the rest of the season. Meanwhile, Brian continues to look stellar in CF, puts up great numbers since the ASB at the plate and yet Mack still gets 1/3 of the starts....explain that one.... Get off of last year, its a different season. And a majority of the starts against righties. Including 4 of the recent 7 games against the Tigers and Twins.
  20. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 02:50 PM) The market just can't maintain $70+/barrel. There isn't much we can do for short-term demand, but we've all seen how the higher gas prices have greatly increased talks about hybrid cars, E-85, alternative power sources, cutting back, etc. etc. Mid-range and long-term demand is a lot more elastic than the short-term for oil. Ethanol currently does almost nothing to cut into our energy demand.
  21. QUOTE(Bonderman38 @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 07:48 PM) Carlos Guillen strained his hamstring. Jones may very well be hurt as well. Some shaky defense cost them the game tonight. Sounds very familiar...
  22. Come on Freddy, we need you to step it up massive tomorrow. There is no game left that is not a big game. We need a big game from you. We don't need a shutout. All I want is a quality start. 6 innings, 3 runs. Give us that and give it to the bullpen. Come on guys, 4-2 against these 2 teams is respectable. In this last 32-game stretch, if we win every series, that gives us about 96 wins. We can't afford to lose series, we need to win this one tomorrow.
  23. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 02:19 PM) Why didnt 29 other teams find Zumaya or Sanchez? Hell why didnt other teams find Rich Harden he didnt go till something like the 17th round too right? And Bonderman was a 1st rounder too that they traded for... it wasnt about us finding him. They also got Carlos Pena in that deal as well right so they must of gave up something pretty big. And we also did trade for a top SP prospect and he is in our current rotation... right now he is the ace of our staff. Why didn't 29 other teams find a 38th round pick left hander who is now 1/1 in saves in the world series? Why didn't 29 other teams find a 17th round pick with a 94 mph fastball and a freaking dominant changeup? We've gotten some steals of our own too. Shame we didn't draft that Pujols guy instead of Rogowski though.
  24. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 04:04 PM) dont sell us 2 short. We still will have the highest payroll to work with in the AL Central and that will always keep us in it. Especially if we reload our team with some young guys this off-season and shed some of the bigger contracts.(Garcia, one of Vazquez/Count) We just have to spend money wisely and we will be alright. Spending money on Vazquez right now is not wisely spent money.
  25. QUOTE(kwolf68 @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 08:05 PM) We will never get Jake Peavy....No one would trade him. Although this would be a decent time to go after him with his record being down a bit. We need some nasty arms to compete with Det and Minn next year...Peavy is that type of talent we need, but Im not holding my breath. We have nasty arms. I don't care what people say about this season's numbers, Jon Garland, Mark Buehrle, and Jose Contreras makes up a damn good top-3 rotation, and I've been sold on Brandon McCarthy since I sat down and watched that game against Boston at this time last year. That kid is absolutely freaking nasty, and if he has that changeup working, it's one of the 3-4 best pitches in baseball, up with Santana's changeup, Rivera's cutter, and so on. We have nasty arms, they just need to remember it. Both Garland and Buehrle have gone through dead-arm periods this year, which hopefully won't be repeated next year. Jose...I'm not sure yet what he's going through right now. But if those guys are healthy and ready, that's as good of a top-4 as any other team in baseball. QUOTE(wcw2323 @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 10:38 AM) Charlie's numbers have been nothing but impressive for the last two years. His record is 28-11 during stops at B'ham and Charlotte. He led the IL in wins with 14 this year and was fourth in ERA, just over 3.00. He also started the AAA All-Star game! He has proven himself to be successful at every level, so why not in the show? Charlie suffered from first time jitters during his brief stint earlier this year, but who wouldn't?. I think he would be great as a long reliefer, spot starter next year. Move B-Mac into the rotation and let Charlie take his spot as the long reliefer, mop up guy for the first year. Then move him into the rotation in '08. What a great asset to have in the bullpen. He can chew up innings and recover very quickly. It gives him a chance to get his feet wet. The one problem with that idea is that knuckleballers sometimes need more work just to stay in a groove. We've talked a bunch this season about how BMac's change is a touch-pitch, he needs to throw it a lot to keep the touch on it, a knuckleball is even more so. If he gets only 2-3 innings every 5 days, those 2-3 innings may really suck. My big hope is that Haeger comes up right now and absolutely dominates for 10-15 innings in relief or maybe in a spot start, solely because that will prove to anyone who asks that he can get big league hitters out with that knuckleball. That's the big question anyone is going to have when they think of trading for him...can he get big league hitters out. A couple shutout innings is a good start. He keeps that up, and suddenly he goes from a risky piece to a fairly proven piece in a trade. I wouldn't be mad if he was with the squad next season, but I'd worry about him in the McCarthy role this year, for the same reason BMac has struggled. If we could get something valuable and young for both Javy and Freddy, then I'd live with Haeger in the 5th spot, but that means we get a real good deal for both starters. Otherwise, I'd either try to deal Haeger for the best thing I can get, or start him in AAA again next year and try to keep him as a starter.
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