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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Man, hit like .243 in AA ball this year...That guy was hitting like .320 for a month with the Tigers at the start of 05, seemed like he killed us, then all of a sudden he couldn't hit a thing.
  2. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 03:12 PM) maybe if we are losing a game 10-0 we can see Sweeney pitch an inning Well, Mackowiak is in CF today it looks like, so I think today's as good of a chance as any.
  3. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 03:13 PM) oh, now I get it. He does well. Better bench him. Today's Lineup, per Reifert Pods, LF; Iguchi, 2B; Dye, RF; PK, DH; AJ, C; Crede, 3B; Gload, 1B; Uribe, SS; BA, CF. Are you sure you're not looking at Thursday's lineup on Riefert's page? QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 03:02 PM) AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Pods-Mack-Dye in the OF. Ozzie is a farking idiot I think Ozzie just hates winning. Seriously, he just wants to lose. Write down a 3 spot for Jose, we've already spotted it to them.
  4. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 02:43 PM) Haeger I am torn on. A knuckler out of the pen???, would of rather had Tracey instead of Haeger. If Haeger comes up and struggles, he's sent back to the minors next year until someone finally decides they have room to take a chance on a knuckleballer. If Haeger comes up and succeeds, his trade value goes up considerably...he had a good season in AAA, but a guy throwing a knuckleball won't have the same value as a guy throwing a 96 mph fastball even if they put up identical numbers until the knuckleballer proves he can get big league hitters out. I think he's up to try to build trade value.
  5. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 01:32 PM) I think Sweeney won't see much playing time. I am looking forward to seeing him though. I also am looking forward to seeing Stewart play although I don't think the plan is to play any of these guys much. If Logan or Haeger pitch a lot, it means something has gone very wrong. I certainly hope that if they're calling up Ryan Sweeney, they plan on giving him a non-trivial amount of playing time (Hell, if nothing else, I hope we NEVER see Rob Mackowiak in CF again with this guy up). Solely because sitting on the bench and watching a pennant race will not help his development as much as playing in the minor league playoffs, but facing big league pitching in a pennant race may do a lot of good.
  6. QUOTE(maggliopipe @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 01:07 PM) I'm a little torn. I'm happy to see these dudes up (and very excited in Sweeney's case- starting his clock already signals that he might very well be in the plans for next season) but I really would have liked them to get some playoff experience in AAA. IIRC, none of them have been on any highly successful teams since entering professional baseball. They're all on a highly successful team in a pennant chase right now.
  7. I think it would be really, really disappointing if we called up Ryan Sweeney and only used him sparingly.
  8. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 10:54 AM) weird. that guy looked to be a rising star last season. what's the word on Polanco? I also read that Maroth is toast for the season, anyone else read that? Dunno about toast for the season, but definately a setback it seems. Maroth felt something wierd in a bullpen session. He was actually tentatively scheduled to start against the Yankees.
  9. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 12:32 PM) We can't negotiate with these people, nor can we withdraw our troops now. Any talk of this is 'appeasing' the terrorists and basically giving in to say it was too tough to do. It can't happen, or they will become even more emboldened then they are already because they know that we don't have the stomach for it over the long haul. Yes, it's that important. Aye, but you see, there's the rub. The question remains...are we killing more of the terrorists than we are creating? Given how the violence in Iraq has worsened every year we've been there, and violent movements throughout the middle east have been strengthened significantly during our presence, I would contend the answer is "Absolutely not." Now, this begs the question...if our current strategy is creating more terrorists than it is removing, do we have any other options which would allow us to cut into the supply? One potential method would be to dramatically expand the size of the U.S. forces in Iraq in an effort to remove more terrorists and establish order, but since this conflict is not important enough to call for a draft (and thus destroying Mr. Bush's political career), that won't happen. There simply aren't more troops to commit. Another option would be to actually have a real reconstruction plan with a goal of something other than profit, but it may be too late for that given the lack of security and the inability to move supplies around that country. The only other option I can see beyond those is to start some sort of pullback. You can say what you want about how that strategy would "Embolden" the terrorists, but if it could cut into the supply of people directly fighting the U.S., who cares about emboldening them? Besides, isn't a man willing to strap a bomb to his chest or drive a car carrying one pretty emboldened as it is?
  10. QUOTE(chaerulez @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 12:35 PM) Didn't Gload have shoulder surgery in the offseason? I don't know if he can throw a ball far enough to play in the OF. I'd say a platoon of Pods and Ozuna should be what happens in LF. You realize who you're comparing Gload's throwing arm to, right?
  11. Welcome to the show, piece #2 of the best young outfield in baseball.
  12. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 11:43 AM) Small ball is crap. Anyone can tell you winning baseball is about pitching. It doesn't matter how a team gets their runs across so long as the team's pitching can keep the oppositions runs to a minimum. Actually, some of us would argue that there are ways to make your offense more effective in certain situations by being able to make use of either small ball or moneyball type games, for example, some pitchers you can beat much easier by running (i.e. they don't walk a lot of people), but others you can beat by just being patient and expecting to hit the 3 run bomb. The real beauty is being able to recognize beforehand or early in a ballgame which is going to be most effective for your team that day. All of that though is an after-after-after effect. Variable #1 is your pitching, variable #2 is your hitting, Variable #3 is your defense, maybe variable 4 is how you employ your hitting.
  13. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 11:11 AM) BTW, Sweeney is not on the 40 man, correct? What does that exactly mean for September? That if we want to call him up, we have to put him into one of those open spots we have on our 40 man roster. At which point, we can't take him off unless someone thinks he could clear waivers.
  14. Blatantly stealing this one: Neifi Perez: Great second baseman, or greatest second baseman?
  15. It would be really, really great if Haeger could perform well in this stint. Not only would it give the Sox another pitching option next year if they decided to deal 2 starting pitchers...but it would also push Charlie's trade value higher. Right now, teams are too nervous to go and deal for a minor league knuckleballer because no one knows for sure what he'd actually give you in the big leagues. If he could come up and get people out for a month, that'd be dynamite in helping him wind up with a starting job somewhere next year.
  16. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 10:28 AM) By the way, ever wonder where they film all those car commercials on open desert roads? West Texas. There is nothing and I mean NOTHING west of Dallas, except maybe El Paso. They film a surprising amount of commercials up in the Mojave and in the mountains around L.A. also. You spend enough time up looking at rocks up there and you start to recognize the scenery. Heck, just last week, I saw an ad for a GPS navigation system where the guy was using it to navigate roads, and I'm like "Hey, that's a mile west of here".
  17. Balta1701

    Pointless Facts

    QUOTE(mreye @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 10:17 AM) What's with the potty mouth? There are few things in the world that I hate as much as dust mites.
  18. I love this guy. Almost makes me wish I was back at Field Camp.
  19. The Tigers took Nook Logan off of their 40 man roster.
  20. Balta1701

    Pointless Facts

    QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 09:43 AM) Did you know that after two years, 10% of your pillow's weight consists of your dead skin and the microscopic organisms that feed of it. Some of us have annoyingly strong allergies to those f***ing things. You get the right cleaning system and you can prevent that buildup, but god I hate those little f***ers.
  21. Balta1701

    Pointless Facts

    QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 09:07 AM) For the pessimists out there... It is always raining somewhere on planet Earth. I would bet that it's possible to find a finite unit of time where there is actually no raindrop hitting the ground anywhere on earth. You just have to subdivide the units of time far enough.
  22. The more at bats Neifi Perez gets, the better the White Sox are. Plain and simple.
  23. QUOTE(gosox41 @ Aug 31, 2006 -> 08:42 PM) The question is: How do we get the pitching better. I can live with Javier pitching 5-6 innings and giving up 3 runs. Not ideal. Not even good, but he's keeping you in the game. Of course it would help of Riske and Cotts would get someone out once in awhile and save wear and tear on the pen. The pitcher that bothers me the most is Freddy. Whether he's hurt, tired, lacks motivation or whatever, I dread when he's pitching. He's not pitching 'good enough' to win. The offense is saving his behind right now. When is he going to dial it up? Bob we can get by with 1 pitcher struggling. We have the offense to do that. If the other 4 could somehow come out and give us 6-8 innings with a maximum of 4 runs or so, then we'll still take this division. That's totally within all of their powers if they're not hurt, including Garcia. What we need to get is something like 20-25 quality starts. If we could somehow pull that off, we'll take this division. That's a stretch though, considering our whole staff only has 66 this season. Last year they had 95.
  24. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 07:29 AM) I realize these are merely your projections, but if reality were to mirror this rotation five years from now, we're in trouble. Still won't match up against Detroit or Minnesota. Need to do better than this. Even though Santana will likely be gone (no way in hell he's signing under market value again), Liriano and Garza are a formidable 1/2. Detroit would still have Miller/Verlander/Sanchez. You're assuming that they all stay healthy and have absolutely no dropoffs. I'll almost guarantee you that at least 1, if not more than 1 of those pitchers will wind up having some sort of injury problem that plagues his career and ruins his potential. It's just way too common.
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