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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Injury delay says Gameday? Someone wanna tell us what happened?
  2. Anderson .234, Uribe .239... He could literally pass our SS today.
  3. Good ol ARod, knocking in a run while barely making contact.
  4. QUOTE(kwolf68 @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 05:43 PM) Derek Jeter is bad ass...he has tied the game up over there.... MVP! Oh, wait.
  5. So let's see, in order I get home and discover: 1. The game is on WCIU and not carried at all by DirecTV out here 2. The Yankees are down 2-0 on the Tigers 3. Garland spotted the D-Rays a 3 spot. That was a pretty spiffty 10 minutes of news.
  6. Balta1701

    Pointless Facts

    Oceanic lithosphere previously metasomatized into serpentinite retains the chlorine isotopic signature of whether it interacted with fluids at mid-oceanic ridges or away from ridges when metamorphosed under blueschist conditions.
  7. QUOTE(WCSox @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 04:56 PM) Perhaps I'm missing something obvious, but why is Cantu hitting 6th and Greg Freaking Norton is in the cleanup spot? I had forgotten all about Josh Paul. LOL. OPS This season: Cantu: .685 (.559 in August) Nawton: .886 (1.093 in August)
  8. Baldelli, CF Upton, 3b Crawford, LF Norton, DH Witt, 1B Cantu, 2B Young, RF Zobrist, SS Paul, C
  9. Seriously, how in the world is Wilfredo Ledezma sporting a 1.91 ERA? I swear to God, Danny Wright would somehow look like a Cy Young candidate if he was starting for the Tigers this season.
  10. QUOTE(shawnhillegas @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 04:09 PM) ESPN says that in 101 innings, Jaret Wright has given up 46 hits and 131 walks. Is that possible? ????? QUOTE(chisox72 @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 04:06 PM) I really, really like this lineup.... Moving Thome to the 4 hole is good by me AND (drumroll please) no Mack in CF!!!! Time to kick some ass, Big Jon, keep it rolling.... Now if only we could get Crede moved in front of AJ...
  11. QUOTE(WCSox @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 01:14 PM) I agree that Ozzie should've been more aggressive in removing Javy from games in the 5th or 6th earlier in the season, but let's not pretend that B-Mac has been absolutley lights-out in long-relief this season. Of course, it's probably also worth noting that quite a few people here, including me, have been convinced that one of the reasons BMac was not lights out in long-relief is that BMac has not had regular work. Many of the outings where he struggled were outings where his usage was quite random...the best example being the month of May, where he made 1 spot start on >5 days rest, then had about 10 days off afterwards, then came out and got hit hard. He had an ERA over 6 that month. Outside of that month, he's had an ERA of 3.21, and batters are hitting .207 against him.
  12. I just purchased a car...so I could potentially be interested next year, since I can actually get there.
  13. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 01:03 PM) Is Game two of the Tiger double header really scheduled for 7:05?? That seems stupid. Even if it is a double rain out thing. Remember, this is a game in New York, which means that tickets can be sold and money made for both games. You just need the time to empty the stadium between games.
  14. Andrew Miller sees his first action. Comes in during the 9th, retires Cabrera, Hits Wilson, retires Damon and Jeter. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 12:24 PM) NY letting detroit stick around. Bad idea. Torre's an idiot. As long as he uses Rivera in the 9th, he's a genius.
  15. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 11:39 AM) 2-0 yankees it's amazing how ineffective a-rod has become. I still think he's the best player in the league. Right now, he's not even the best 3rd baseman in the league. If nothing else, he's been outclassed in every aspect of the game this season by Joe Crede.
  16. 1-0 Yanks on a solo shot by Craig Wilson.
  17. Go get em Jon. Stand em up and sit em down. Welcome back Jim.
  18. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 10:45 AM) Does this mean the Red Sox are packing it in? It sure looks like it, and can you blame them one bit?
  19. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 10:23 AM) how about Detroit drops a doubleheader and the sox pick up 1.5 games today, 2 in the loss column? Yeah...I like that idea why the hell is dimitri young hitting 3rd today? why did they drop Irod down in the order? Detroit's lineup today looks worse than anything the White Sox ran out last year.
  20. Balta1701

    Pointless Facts

    The average amount of nicotine in a cigarette has increased by 10% in the last 6 years.
  21. Usually those names are not made public, so the only way we hear them is when people leak info, either deliberately or not.
  22. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 08:23 PM) When people are forced to go to school, to tell them how to dress is fascist. You mean the same people who enforce these dress codes are the "Some people" we keep hearing about who want to surrender to terrorists? Wow! I never would have guessed! (end filibuster-type joke)
  23. The only reason I might even be open to this is that some people on this starting pitching staff seem to need a real big kick in the ass, and David Wells is that. But I would actually feel more confident with the pitching staff we have now in the playoffs than one with David Wells on it. He's giving up a ton of hits, he's old, he's already spent a ton of time on the DL, he wouldn't come for free, and his ERA would barely be an improvement over Garcia and Vazquez. The only person I could tolerate him replacing would be Cotts, and if it comes down to it, Logan might be a significantly better option.
  24. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 07:44 AM) Of the 3 of them, Thome has batted with runners on base the fewest times percentage-wise, then Konerko, then Dye. Dye has 441 ABs this season, 220 with runners on base. Moving Dye permanently to the 3 hole would actually be decreasing his RBI opportunities. But conversely, it would also be increasing the RBI opportunities for Thome and Konerko. Dye would also potentially be in a better position offensively, because how many pitchers are going to pitch around Jermaine Dye to get to Jim Thome, compared to AJ Pierzynski? And of course, the big one in my eyes, is it still dramatically reduces the ability of an opponent to steal 3 easy outs late in games, or shut us down in the first inning, simply by having a left-hander on the mound, because JD is killing lefties.
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