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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(BearSox @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 03:36 PM) Giovany Gonzalez > Chris Young... Chris Young is highly overrated, IMO. He has only had decent numbers in the minors, but his "potential" to be a 40-40 guy makes everyone get a boner for him. I see him being a decent OF AT BEST. um... He has the potential to steal about 20 bases a season. He is actually a pretty good base stealer, but he was never on base before to show it off. Man, right now, I don't think the stats back that up too well...Gio being more valuable than Chris. Gio's looking at a 4.17 ERA and a 1.36 WHIP in AA for the Phillies this year. Giving up a lot of walks, and 21 home runs (not sure about that park, but his record is also 7-10 with that ERA, so it's not like he's destroying opponents). He's at least stayed healthy thus far, but he doesn't look like a top-of-the-line starter just yet.
  2. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 02:13 PM) Heres a question. Where in the lineup would sweeney be most effective? 2-hole? I think that by the end of next year, and maybe even by the beginning of next year, the best 2-hole hitter on our team will be Brian Anderson.
  3. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 12:58 PM) Cotts and Riske pitching = conceding? Have you seen Cotts pitch lately?
  4. God Damnit, DO NOT START THE KID'S ARBITRATION CLOCK! WE HAVE NO SPOT FOR HIM UNTIL 08! AND HE'LL SPEND MOST OF NEXT YEAR IN THE MINORS ANYWAY!!! ARGH! The one good bit of news is that might keep Mack out of CF. But the cost of starting Sweeney's arb clock this early is pretty damn high, IMO.
  5. I doubt highly that Brandon is being worked in 100 pitch sessions on the side. He's only pitched 3 innings because that's what Ozzie has needed, in close games where we have the lead he can do the MMac, Thor, Jenks rotation and it's over, in games where we're behind we're throwing in Cotts and Riske and conceding the loss.
  6. Yet another reason why the White Sox never had and never will be interested in him again. The rumor thus far is that Texas is really interested in holding onto Lee this offseason. Given that Texas and Boras seem to have a "Thank you Sir may I have another!" sort of relationship, i can't tell if this helps or hurts that cause.
  7. Internal poll Here, so take with a grain of salt (usually there's some level of truth to internal polls that are relased, but only the good internals actually are released), but it is quite consistent with a recent Rassmussen poll showing the race dramatically tightening.
  8. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 11:44 AM) There are going to be a few idiots who blame Williams, but if the Sox fail to make the post season, IMO its ALL on the players and staff. Williams built a WS club, and ADDED to it in 06. Anything can happen from year to year, but we should be talking about setting up the playoff rotation right now. Instead we are talking about how are starters make way too much money for the efforts they have been giving.... Well, at some level there can be blame placed on KW as well, first and foremost for taking the chance on Javier Vazquez despite 2 straight years of evidence about how risky he actually was, and secondly for not taking any steps to try to upgrade the starting pitching at the trade deadline, when it had clearly passed the bullpen on the list of "shakiest parts of this team." You can give him some credit for fixing the shakiest part of the team, the bullpen, with a couple of damn fine acquisitions, but I think that some blame can be placed on him for not doing anything about the starters, even if it was just to shake things up. Move Garcia for prospects and bring in BMac in July when there's time to stretch him out, or move Vazquez, or heck, just start DL-ing people who are struggling to give them a rest and stretch out McCarthy in the meanwhile. Something, anything to help would have been nice. But anyway, enough b****ing about KW, if the pitchers did their jobs there wouldn't have been a problem.
  9. This was the funniest thing I read all day yesterday.
  10. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 06:40 AM) I am sitting here wondering, what percentage of the population is as f***ed up as this guy? I don't know, what percentage of the population are reporters covering the case?
  11. So I'm not sure what to be happier about...the fact that I didn't watch any of the White Sox game last night, or the fact that I didn't watch any of the game because I was off buying my first car. 2006 Honda Civic EX. Metallic Blue color. I'm fairly happy. And I didn't have to see Jose get hammered again. Yay!
  12. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 08:18 PM) I'm gonna barf the next time somebody claims Kenny traded a top 20 prospect in hopes of getting back a typical #5 starter -- especially one that makes as much paper as Javy does. You're 100% right. He came in at #23.
  13. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 09:53 AM) Couple new polls out this week in CT Senate. Lieberman 45, Lamont 43, Schlessinger 6, Rasmussen Lieberman 44, Lamont 42, Schlessinger 3, ARG. MO Senate Talent (R, Inc) 46, McCaskill (D) 44 Rasmussen Talent 46, McCaskill 47 Survey USA MT Senate Burns (R, Inc) 47, Tester (D) 47 PA Senate Santorum (R, Inc) 41, Casey (D) 47 Strategic Vision Santorum (R, Inc) 42, Casey (D) 48 Quinnipiac On everything but the PA...KICKA**!!!
  14. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 03:36 PM) And they've got Frank Thomas. But, at least for 2 weeks, no Houston Street.
  15. QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 03:23 PM) dont remind me! This is why it is really important to beat the Tigers and catch them because the Twins have our number. If the Central is unreachable and the Tigers have it by that final weekend and we are tied for the wildcard with the Twins going into that series, I dont like our chances of reaching the playoffs. So yeah the Twins scare me. Our last 3 games last season were with the Indians. Ah, happy memories.
  16. Podsednik, LF Iguchi, 2b Thome, DH Konerko, 1b Dye, RF Pierzynski, C Crede, 3B "Instant offense (for the Tigers)" Mackowiak, CF Cintron, SS Contreras, P Granderson, CF Monroe, LF Young, DH Ordonez, RF Guillen, SS Rodriguez, C Casey, 1b Perez, 2b Inge, 3b Verlander, P
  17. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 02:43 PM) Best 1-2 punch in baseball? Who's that? Manny/Ortiz. And yes, he's still right.
  18. QUOTE(Bonderman38 @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 02:28 PM) I guess Perez is starting. Horrible trade by the Tigers. Hopefully Infante gets traded so he doesn't have to deal with this bs anymore. I really, really hope that Leyland gives Perez as much playing time as Dusty did.
  19. We'll know the answer to this question in 4 games. If we sweep those 4, I say yes. If we split or worse, the answer is no. Both us and Minny would have to leapfrog Detroit in 40 games. Which means both of us need to keep playing well, Detroit needs to keep playing poorly, and they can't make up too much ground while the Twins and White Sox play each other. Liriano and Verlander are also big pieces of that puzzle, and God only knows what each of them will be able to bring to the table the rest of the year.
  20. Allen's lead drops to 3 points. 48-45, down from a 19 point lead in an identical poll in June.
  21. Balta1701


    Blueberry nutri-grain bar and a banana. (At least the banana was organic). I could really go for a cup of soup. Something with a decent amount of veggies in it.
  22. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 11:38 AM) So, there are degrees of racism? Hmmm. I would say so. I for one would judge that insinuating that a lot of people of a certain race wind up at certain jobs is slightly above randomly dropping a racist word, which is slightly above directly using a racist word in an insult (ie that stupid N*****), which is slightly above an actual racist action (like denying a person housing based on their race), which is slightly above racial violence. Probably a few steps i didn't bother to think of, but I would judge a person who launches into a racial tirade worse than a person who drops a random remark, and a person who commits a crime in the name of race more harshly than almost any of the others. Seems to make sense to me.
  23. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 10:55 AM) ah, i see. what a prick. meh, i think it was racial. kinda like saying "Martin Luther King worked at Kentucky Fried Chicken in St.Louis" It may not have been intentionally racial, but she certainly managed to lump in Ghandi with what would be an exact negative stereotype of the sort of work Indian-Americans might be expected to do. I for one don't believe that was any more of a random choice of jobs than I believe Allen's choice of words was just some random pick. So yeah, Hillary's remark was definately racial, it's just a matter of where do you drop it on your personal scale of offensiveness.
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