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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 13, 2006 -> 11:58 AM) He was always better going to his side on a fly ball than he was going back on a ball. He's the opposite of Dye. He had to go back a country mile on that one hit by Pods also. I'm just still amazed at how long that ball hung up.
  2. I have no idea how Mags caught Podsednik's ball in the first inning and couldn't get to that. What in the world is that wind doing.
  3. NICELY Done all around this inning. AJ good at bat, BA great at bat, Pods good patience, Absolut with a great job on 0-2 on a breaking pitch.
  4. Is this the first 0-2 count Miner has had today?
  5. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Aug 13, 2006 -> 10:16 AM) You want to be concerned about airplane bombings? Don't worry so much about liquid explosives. This is not an easy thing to do, and a terrorist is as likely to blow himself up on the way to the airport accidentally as he is to detonating a liquid explosive bomb on board an aircraft. What should concern you is that cargo that flies underneath you in a commercial flight goes uninspected. 21% of what travels on a plane receives no inspection whatsoever. If a bombing's gonna happen - it's probably gonna be there first. Or, we could actually have the DHS spend the money it is allocated to try to deal with those problems. But that'd be too complex, I guess. Spending money on useful things is just something our government isn't good at.
  6. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 13, 2006 -> 11:48 AM) Minus the power. Give him time. He's finally getting solid hits a lot now, getting more solid AB's, the power stroke is not long behind. That was a hell of an AB by the kid.
  7. QUOTE(shawnhillegas @ Aug 13, 2006 -> 11:44 AM) i missed the 1st. im presuming there were some great plays by the tigers? Granderson with a dynamite over-the-shoulder catch to save a run, Guillen with a great stab & throw from deep in the hole to save a run.
  8. AJ looked foolish on those first 2 curve balls, then Miner gave him a cookie of a changeup.
  9. QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 07:34 PM) Lucky for us, they don't have unlimited funds. If they had more money to spend, who's to say they wouldn't set off a bomb outside a public place in each state? How much money do you actually think that would cost? Remember, these guys aren't exactly buying JDAM's or F-22s, the 9/11 attacks happened on what was it, less than a million dollars IIRC? The equipment for such an attack is avaible easily on the world market, or even in the U.S.
  10. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 03:10 PM) I'd also like to add that Brian Anderson better be in cf. Minor is a righty, correct? And BA's played both games this series, so I'm afraid Mack will be in CF, and there's nothing we can do about it. So let's just hope we can get to Minor, our 3-4-5 has had a couple of slow games and been picked up by the end of the order, they're due to really light someone up. Anyway, Freddy, come on, you'll get no help in Cf, but hopefully they won't hit many balls there. Time to Man up.
  11. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 07:09 PM) The Astros are starved for offense. If they let him go and he's not hitting against NL pitching in that bandbox, put a fork in him. Preston Wilson blows. Even on a team starved for offense, you can sometimes only have so many players you use as platoon guys. He may blow, but the question is, does he blow when compared with Pablo Ozuna (post-injury), who has been running as sort of our left field platoon player?
  12. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 01:14 PM) He made a couple of nice plays in center today, too. He makes it look sooooo easy. Sadly, Mackowiak will almost certainly wind up starting in CF tomorrow.
  13. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 01:03 PM) Fox should put one game on the National channel, one on FX and one on Fox News on a Saturday afternoon. It'd be more intelligent than any of the other stuff on Fox News Seriously, that's 2 games sitting in front of my computer listening to Singleton and Farmer that I paid for to see on TV.
  14. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 01:00 PM) They have the best record in baseball. You take them however you can get them. I'll wager that Detroit has won quite a few games on the strenght of sloppy play by the opponent's defense this year, and I doubt they complain afterwards. Yeah, Detroit gave us a few runs on defense...but we also didn't give them any gifts back.
  15. I understand where you're coming from...but I just can't say so yet. There's just too much baseball to play, and we still have to go to Detroit. We win the first 2 games next time we're in Detroit...and you make this thread...then I agree with you.
  16. That bullpen is just SICK. Excellent job of managing the pitching staff today Ozzie. Didn't try to get too much from Buehrle, didn't obsess over giving him the win, and wound up winning the game because of it.
  17. Cannon to the right of them, cannon to the left of them, cannon to the right of them...AND THIS BALLGAME IS OVA!
  18. QUOTE(Wedge @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 12:44 PM) volleyed and thunder'd... theirs was not to make reply theirs was not reason why theirs was but to do and die into the valley of death rode the 600 I'm stealing that one.
  19. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 12:40 PM) Someone who saw him pitch a few days ago said he looked great. I said it when he was first up and when he was sent down...the Legend has real talent. Fastball in the low 90's but looks like it flies up there, very deceptive delivery, I think he has it in him to be a better version of Cotts. When he was up last time he just got a little shell shocked and was afriad to throw strikes, so he was just nibbling and it was killing him, as happens to many rookies. He throws strikes, he's going to be one good Loogy for a long time. Man do I love our Center Fielder.
  20. 97 from the right, 98 from the left, 99 from the right...take it away big man.
  21. Nice, bring in the lefty to face Thome, and he can't throw strikes.
  22. You know...he's still no where near as good as Rooney, but Singleton has improved markedly during the year. At least I know what's going on in the games now.
  23. THIS is why Kenny Williams did a damn fine job dealing this year.
  24. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 12:22 PM) Yep, his stuff is very impressive. We just need him to stay healthy. Hopefully, that's up to Cooper now. Mechanics, mechanics, mechanics. Do have to note that Cooper's pitchers seem to have a pretty decent record of staying healthy over the last few years, except for the guys who are already injured when he gets them (El Duque, Hermanson).
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