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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 02:12 PM) He just doesn't look right at the plate right now. When he came to bat with the Sox down a run against Rivera vs. the Yanks the other night, I wanted him up, but for some reason, I could feel he was going to make an out. Rivera is absolute murder on lefties. For example, this year, lefties are hitting .194 against Rivera, with 0 dingers and a dominant .451 OPS, while Righties have a non-great but better .254, 2 home runs, and .652 OPS. Lefties simply have no chance against him.
  2. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 01:58 PM) that new GM of the Royals is from the Braves organization right? If so they might be the twins 2.0 in our division in a couple seasons. Yes, he comes from the Braves, and he's doing a good job IMO thus far, but that team still is in trouble just from the inconvenient fact that there isn't a lot of talent on that team to deal. You can only get so much for Mike Redman, for example, which is one of the reasons that he wasn't dealt at the deadline; you can only get so much for a 5th starter, especially when Kip Wells and Corey Lidle already are on the move. That team needs to think of itself as the Brewers...stockpile talent, don't rush it to the big leagues, occasionally sign someone and make sure to get something in return for them, and don't let people walk as FA's. As weak as their system is right now, if they do things right, and the rest of the division makes a few mistakes, in 5 years, they could be at the top.
  3. As long as Rob Mackowiak is not considered to be an every-third-day center fielder, that article is right on the money.
  4. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 12:29 PM) without question, Uribe. But I don't think it's a fair comparison given the number of plays involving a SS. And Abreu nearly beat out a sharply hit ground ball to Cintron last night after Alex took an extra step to load and fire. Juan's got a cannon - we miss him. So, Uribe's been out for 5 games or so...can you point to a single game where Uribe being out has cost us a run on defense? I don't think I can. However, in the last 3 times Mackowiak has started in CF, I can point to 1 instance in each game where him being in CF has directly cost us a run, and several others where him being in CF has either made the pitcher work harder or made a situation for a pitcher worse and wound up costing us runs that way. It may just be because of the much larger difference in performance between our "2" center fielders, but I feel a lot worse when Mack gets a start than I do when Cintron does.
  5. This season, Brian Anderson, because Uribe has not been as good as I'd hoped he would be after seeing him in the 2nd half of last season.
  6. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 11:37 AM) im thinking he's just getting tired. He did have basically a week off also. Thome will be fine. And I bet you'll be surprised how soon he'll be fine. He's just in a little bit of a rut right now power-wise.
  7. UN Deal reached Israel, unhappy with U.N. Deal, launches larger offensive
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 09:57 AM) There is one bit of logic missing here though... the enemy we are fighting doesn't care about total fatalities as much as they care about making a huge impact on the USA both ecnomically and having a big show to prove to the world that they can take on the Great Satan and we are powerless to stop them. They have no interest in killing people one by one. They want to kill 10000 at a time, once, not 50 a day. The amazing thing is though, if they really wanted to bring this country to a standstill, they'd be able to do it easily with just a few per day, as logn as they happened in this country. We're damn lucky they haven't figured that out yet.
  9. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 09:22 AM) How would you repsond to this . . . The risk on the street is greater for the individual. You are correct that a bomb on an airplane would be more likely to kill a group of people. But for the individual, does it matter if they were the only ones killed by a car bomb, instead of one of a hundred that were killed on an airplane? Isn't this about protecting individual lives? Doesn't the person on the street also run the risk of knives, guns, cross bows, traffic accidents, etc? I'd be interested in adding up airplane fatalities through terrorism versus car bombs, suicide murders, etc. Well...when you count Iraq... Seriously though...yes, in terms of total numbers killed, there are more people killed walking down the street by terrorists than in planes. But in terms of per capita...there are quite a few more people on the streets of the world every day than there are flying in planes. Like 7 billion versus a couple million. So the odds of being killed in a terrorist attack will almost certainly go up considerably the moment you step on a plane.
  10. QUOTE(VAfan @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 09:08 AM) Then we should ship him out pronto. He has value if he can hit lefties and run the bases, but right now he can't do anything. Give him some AAA ABs and bring up Tracey. Ozzie needs the flexibility to start yanking our starters after 5 without wearing out the bullpen too. Our bullpen still has pitched the fewest innings of any bullpen in baseball. On top of that, we actually have a long releiver already in that bullpen who we can hopefully call on when starters leave early, and we've removed a couple guys who pitched innings for us earlier in the year (Politte) and replaced them with guys fresh off the DL who haven't thrown a ton of innings. Ozzie has all the flexibility with the bullpen he wants. The only guy he's used about as much as he could be is Jenks.
  11. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 07:40 AM) I believe my inebriated "Lets Go Ghey-Rod" chants were the difference in the game. In the first inning, I swear the Mic's caught someone chanting "Steroids" for Giambi. I was happy.
  12. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 08:53 AM) I was posing that to the group. I believe there are two themes here that would make intersting discussions. Why go through all this screening to stop one person in a crowd of 200 on an airplane, when there will be at least that many on a crowded street corner in every major city? You don't have to walk down Michigan Avenue you chose to. Isn't the risk just as high? When we consent to being searched everywhere else, does our right to keep the government from searching us become meaningless? The risk on a street is not nearly as high as it is on a plane. Planes are basically flying bombs (Jerry, at the NSA, this is only a description, not an actual threat). You are flying through the air on the principles of physics with a gigantic tank of highly flammable and potentially explosive liquid only a few feet underneath you. If you want to kill 200 people on a street in Chicago, you need an absolutely enormous bomb. You need to quite literally drive a car into a gigantic crowd of people and blow it up. To do that on a plane, you need a small explosion, good enough to either puncture the fuel tank or rip the skin of the plane. Hell, a Fire alone can bring a plane down if it catches the right thing (i.e. that Valuejet flight). A plane is the safest way to travel because of how well built they are, but they're so incredibly well built because they are flying bombs. If they're not well built, they can go off.
  13. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 07:16 AM) That might, or might not mean anything. If they are claiming a denial of service, that could be important. If they are claiming they were hacked, that is a different story, and how much traffic is on the site doesn't matter. They've basically backed off of their DOS claims that they made earlier. They're still sort of saying they were hacked, but they're not saying what the Hackers did at all except spike traffic, which sure sounds like a DOS attack, which they stopped saying it was. Confusing enough? Anyway, that Alexa graph...that's some damn good evidence in my mind. That's the sort of thing that makes me think filing a false police report charges could be coming down against people in that campaign.
  14. Astronaut. Caveman in poor shape. Astronaut much taller. Eat more good.
  15. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 07:54 AM) Especially if Pierre and Ramirez both leave as FA's this off-season (I think Aramis can opt out of his deal this off-season can't he?). And to get one of those 2 players you've mentioned, they'll definitely have to give up a Felix Pie, so who replaces Pierre if he leaves? You are correct, Ramirez can opt out of his contract. Personally, I think Felix Pie winds up replacing Pierre if he's not resigned. It is worth noting though that with Wood's contract finally up, and Pierre's up, and Ramirez opting out, and Maddux gone, the Cubs will have some money to spend this offseason.
  16. It's time for this team to man up. You want this division? You want to run around the bases chugging a beer on someone else's field in September? You earn it this weekend. Go get em Jose. Whatever you've been missing since May, I hope to God you find it. And here's someone who can help:
  17. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 05:40 AM) Can Ozuna be optioned down right now without having to pass through waivers? I am almost certain that Ozuna can be sent down.
  18. Huge F***ing win last night. We won a game on a night when our 3-4-5 guys had exactly 1 hit. We won a game where our starting pitcher only went 5 innings. We won a game against a very, very tough lineup, and with one of our 2 lefties out of the bullpen still being a disaster. And, IMO, most importantly, we won a game with one of the worst umpiring jobs behind the plate I've seen all year. Mussina had a strike zone about a foot wider than the plate, and Javy/our pitchers really got absolutely nothing. The only pitch Mussina didn't get all night was the 1-2 pitch to Anderson 3 inches low and 6 inches off the plate in the 6th inning (anderson struck out on that same pitch earlier in the game.) BA doubled on the next pitch. Seriously, that strike zone was just awful. I'm surprised the pitch that nailed Dye didn't get called a strike. Javy goes 6 last night with a decent umpire behind the plate, and the White Sox score 8 of of Mussina. Anyway, we won, no more B*tching, hopefully we get a new set of umps for this series.
  19. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 05:08 PM) OH MY GOD AARON ROWAND RAN INTO THE WALL Did he survive this one? So, according to the grounds crew, the rain was supposed to be stopping right now. It's also downpouring right now. That 7:40 start might be a bit optimistic.
  20. Pregame: Uribe says he's ready to go tonight, will probably be in the lineup tomorrow.
  21. Tarp is on the field. They're guessing baseball at about 7:40-7:45 tonight.
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 04:48 PM) From about four different radio personalities yesterday. I didn't see the replay, as I was too busy typing "when will Ozzie learn" after the Mackowiak error. The more our pitchers get pissed off after Mack makes mistakes in CF, the happier I am. Ozzie might listen to them every so often.
  23. QUOTE(Sonik22 @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 03:50 PM) Freddy is apparently interested in getting traded to the Rockies. The Rockies might have problems with that for other reasons...
  24. QUOTE(My Dixie Normus @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 03:18 PM) Interesting thing I read was that the Brits became aware of this by doing much the same things that Bush is getting racked over the coals for, monitoring electronic communications and such. Don't have all the specifics but it seems to work. I wonder if this will put any egg on the face of the nay sayers. Mmmm, nah, probably not. Of course, no one out there has really suggested anywhere that the government shouldn't be able to monitor electronic communications at all. All we want is for Mr. Bush to follow the law and get a FISA warrant when he's doing so.
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