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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 09:43 AM) Once the Sox deal Garcia, that will be $9M from this year off the books right there but at the same time you then have to go out and find a new leftfielder/leadoffman, hopefully a 4th OF and probably 2 bullpen arms, s*** adds up. Hopefully the Garcia/Podsednik deal(s) can fill some of those holes.
  2. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 09:40 AM) Nah. This sounds like something that was years in the planning. I would doubt it was a knee-jerk reaction to the sudden rise of Hezbollah in the headlines. That doesn't mean that they couldn't have ordered it to spin up now in response to that mess.
  3. QUOTE(juddling @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 09:31 AM) Maybe if Freddie goes to Baltimore the great Leo Mazzone can maybe show him how to hold a runner on 1st base. Actually, that's one of the places that immediately popped into my mind as a good destination for him. They want to compete now, it seems Angelos doesn't want to trade Tejada no matter what they're offered, they have a young pitching staff who could use a vet leader, and they do have some young talent/pitching that we could ask for.
  4. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 09:18 AM) Betemit is a legit everyday major league 3B with some pop in his bat, whereas Aybar is an unproven attitude problem...and I'm sorry, but Baez is AWFUL. I just think the Dodgers got a great deal there. Baez is awful, but being awful still makes him the 2nd best pitcher in that Braves bullpen. If they were going to have any shot this year, they needed bullpen help, so I think they were willing to tolerate whatever they could get. And IIRC, Baez is gone at the end of this season anyway, and might net them a draft pick or two if they offer arbitration. And we all know, sometimes an attitude problem disappears the moment you put a kid in the right spot. Bobby Jenks and AJ Pierzynski say hi.
  5. QUOTE(beck72 @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 09:20 AM) I just doubt KW would try and help another AL team--and Freddy could help another team improve their SP, even at his current production. I think personally that KW will try to make the best deal humanly possible for the team. I mean, he even just traded a prospect with the Royals to get a reliever he thought was key for the stretch run, a prospect who may in a few years be hurting us. He may at least think "Do I want to send him to an AL Team", but if someone comes through with a deal he likes, he's not going to turn it down because it's an AL team.
  6. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 08:59 AM) What if American's wait was also 30 minutes because you couldn't carry anything on, you had to wear AA slippers, and all coats would be sealed in a container before boarding the plane? 100% searches?No belts, no hats, etc? I agree if the wait was longer, they would be toast, but I wonder how restricted we would accept. Probably worth pointing out that the wait is not the only issue with all of this security...it also winds up costing a lot of money. Money that is paid for by the people who are flying. If you want to have enough security personal to say, do like El Al does and interrogate everyone for 10+ minutes, and profile people, and bring anyone who you think might be a medium to high threat into a separate room...you're going to need a massive upgrade in both the quality and quantity of the security personnel in U.S. airports. In other words, the costs would be very, very large, and they would probably be enough to push business away from the airlines, and force their lobbyists to arrange for another bailout or something like that.
  7. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 09:00 AM) Its a nice piece on Al Gore anyway Bloody hell, that's what happens when you have USA Today articles open in 2 tabs right next to each other.
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 08:58 AM) I think you are digging way to far into what YASNY was saying, and that is why he blew you off, I also think you really missed his point that the way your are brought up has a lot to do with the person you grow up to be. In general, yea I'd agree with that, but I think that goes beyond just allowing kids to experience failure. There are so many different aspects to a person's mind that are formed during youth that it's impossible to simply point at 1 reason and say "This is why that kid went wrong".
  9. Here's a nice little bit on El Al's security program, at least the un-classified portions of it, for anyone who's interested.
  10. QUOTE(AbeFroman @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 08:52 AM) It seems like we've heard the phrase "must-win game" 10 times this season... When you don't win the games you're supposed to win, you wind up with more games you can't afford to lose. The Tigers don't have many Must-win games right now.
  11. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 08:41 AM) Good point. I think we place too much value on some of this stuff, but in this case you could be right. Didn't Colon have the same problem? But, if winning another WS in our lifetimes is a goal, isn't there room in the rotation for one "Big Game" guy? I'd love to have him in Rocktober . . . I'd love to have the "Big Game" Freddy Garcia in October too. But we haven't seen the "Big Game" Freddy Garcia since last October.
  12. QUOTE(YASNY @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 08:31 AM) Whatever. I love the in-depth, highly detailed replies and point-by-point refutations I'm getting today. Anyway, here's a summary of an FBI report on the actual psychological state of the 2 kids involved in Columbine. If we're going to bring that mess up, I think it's important.
  13. We're 1-4 against the Yankees this year. We're now falling behind in the Wild Card, and we're several games behind the Yankees as well. We've got the Tigers this weekend, who were beaten last night by the Twins. It'd be nice to have momentum against them. This is the definition of a must win game. Javier Vazquez can forgive a lot of ills by repeating his Toronto performance tonight.
  14. QUOTE(WinningUgly85 @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 08:31 AM) why are we making freddy think hes walking out the door. I don't see this as a good thing. Freddy might not be playing wellbecause of this. I don't see how this could cost him 4 mph on his fastball.
  15. I had a scoutmaster named Art for several years.
  16. QUOTE(YASNY @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 07:20 AM) Allowing kids to experience the little disappointments as they grow up prepares them to deal with the bigger disappointments life will surely throw in their paths. We wonder why kids go 'Columbine' on us. It's because they weren't taught how to deal with things as they were growing up. Pretending that there is a simple explantion for not just Columbine, but for any of those school disasters we've seen is just silly. You cannot just change one thing and prevent the psychopath who initiated that mess from showing up. It's almost as productive as blaming the whole thing on Marilyn Manson or the NRA.
  17. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 07:03 AM) In a wierd way, right now might be the safest time to fly for Deploderer. Help me out here. I don't know much about liquid explosives. but part of what I read mentioned that liquids, such as hair gel, hair sprays, perfumes, etc will be banned from carry on luggage. Why did it take so long for someone to realize this? Dude, do you have any idea how many insane things they still let you bring on as carry-ons? Heck, they still make sure to let people bring lighters onto planes, so that when passengers get off, they can quickly light up a cool, refreshing smoke. Never mind that lighters could be used to, say, light something else. Side note/other topic for discussion: does anyone think that something like this may have been an effort by Al Qaeda to steal some of their thunder back from Hezbollah, now that the Shi'ite group has taken over as dominating the news and seems to have the mantle of main group resisting the invasion of the West? I've sort of been wondering if they would shoot for something like this in response to those events.
  18. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 11:09 PM) CBS Exit poll results. Primary voters only. Exit polls would have been taken before people knew who actually won and before Lieberman's "Sore Loserman" speech that night. So as far as I'm concerned, until I see something actually taken on the ground, all previous polls are meaningless. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 05:49 AM) See, I don't know. Out of the Dems eligible to vote, about 40% showed up in CT, and 51% of those voted for Lamont. So, that means 16% (or however the math works out, whatever, you'll get my point) voted to remove Joementum from office. It was a smaller percentage then anyone wants us to see, let's put it that way. This is *HUGE* to all the Dems and liberal media because it's a "referendum on George Bush". GET THE f*** OFF OF THAT. It is NOT. But they sure want us to believe it. And all of the Republicans want us to believe it was a Democratic purge, that the Democrats are lurching to the left of the party uncontrollably and they're going to embarass themselves for the next decade. Each side is going to come up with its own narrative, and is going to ignore everything else factual in order to fit things into that narrative. I'm just happy that he won't be able to go on Fox News on a panel of 2 Republicans and Lieberman and allow them to claim balance by having a Democrat there any more. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 05:34 AM) ANy candidate that has the reeeeeeeeeeeeeeverends behind him on primary night should have his head examined. Well, at least in this primary, there was a specific reason to involve them; his opponent had the man casually referred to in some circles as the "First Black President" campaigning for him, and at least in the primary, there was a non-trivial African American voting block, so they were there to help counteract the Big Dog's influence.
  19. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 09:28 PM) I'm still trying to figure out what the point of it is or what functional purpose it serves. Make me angry. And you...wouldn't like me when I'm angry...
  20. Oh! Way back, he looks up and you can put it on the board, Y-ES! Joe Crede! His 2nd home run of the game, and the Sox win it in extra innings, 7-6. JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOE Crede. End of story.
  21. I really wanna shut this thread...is that an abuse of power?
  22. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 09:13 PM) NEW friends. Unless he has been an absent father or just discovered that the kid is his, you know the two I am talking about. Just trying to have some fun. Anyway...probably worth noting that Lieberman has fired his entire campaign staff. So he's literally starting over from scratch.
  23. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 08:47 PM) Another wild card will be whether his new 'friends' help or hurt his chances. There are many voters instantly turned off by these two. Yeah, I can't stand Lamont's kids either.
  24. Man, Garland isn't getting much luck yet.
  25. 3 Democrats and 1 Republican have filed papers to run in November against Rep. William Jefferson in Louisiana. There is no primary in that state...if no one gets 50%, there will be a runoff election in December.
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