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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 03:15 PM) Yep, even if Halladay, Verlander, Santana and Liriano all miss the rest of the regular season with exploding elbows Jon still won't get a Cy Young vote. If Garland were to break Herschiser's record, that would drop his ERA to around 3.50. I think that would do it.
  2. QUOTE(samclemens @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 03:06 PM) so what does everyone think of joe leiberman's chances now that hes running as an indy, taking into consideration his 51%-48% loss in the primary? I think it's way too early to tell how to weigh the various factors. Helping Lamont, we have: 1. The collapse of institutional party support for Lieberman, including the removal of all his endorsements, fundraising from other Dem. Party campaign committees, union support, and potentially the departure of a few of Lieberman's campaign staff (still rumored at this point.) 2. The continued collapse of Lieberman's message: He's spent the last month trying to insist he is a Democrat, and now he's running on the "Lieberman" ticket. How he can manage to balance that with what his campaign has already done, who knows. 3. Sudden national recognition for Lamont. Lieberman has, for the most part, been able to dominate the media in this race as much as he wanted, since Lamont didn't really show up on anyone's radar until a few weeks ago, and Lieberman is the classic guy you call to get a Democrat on a Republican-leaning panel on any talk show. Now Lamont will have a chance at that. 4. Money. Lieberman spent more on this election than Lamont. That will change now that #1 has changed. 5. Joementum. Lamont's won 1 election now. Helping Lieberman we have: 1. A much larger turnout in November, which could bring more Republicans to voting for him. 2. An ungodly weak Republican candidate, which won't peel off many votes from him, and could even endorse him at some point. 3. Republican dollars; expect more than a few to flow into this race if Joe stays in it. 4. Time. His campaign sat on its ass until a few weeks ago and laughed off this challenge...until it actually started looking like he could lose, at which point they raced to slap together something. Now they have 3 more months to actually form a ground game. I for one think that #1 on the Lamont list is the biggest factor. Lieberman no longer can bring in Clintons to try to salvage his campaign at the last minute, because they're all endorsing Lamont. Lieberman can no longer count on Union support, or other interest group support, because most of those will follow the nominee. There's also the wild card of course of any charges coming out of the alleged "Website hacking", whether they wind up being directed at someone in Lieberman's campaign, Lamont's campaign, or someone outside of both. Supposedly there are outfits on the ground right now doing polling on the general, once a few of those hit we'll at least have a better idea of where the starting gate is.
  3. QUOTE(fullcollapse @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 03:01 PM) and i think that is all krivsky wants. the reds have been bad for a few years now, and getting to the playoffs in his first year as gm will make fans happy and give him a little more breathing room. getting to the playoffs always looks good on the resume. And seriously, with the pitching staffs in the NL...anyone who's pitching staff gets hot for about 2 weeks after making the playoffs has a legit shot to wind up in the Series.
  4. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 01:40 PM) Belive it or not, I used to get them as a kid. In like 7th and 8th grades, I'd have to go home like once every 6 weeks. It would start with the blurry vision, then I'd puke, then the headache, then I'd fall asleep, wake up three hours later and felt fine. Wierd. They eventually just went away. In 4th grade I was in terrible shape. Every week I'd wind up with 2-3 bad days. Eventually it went away, but that year was pretty darn bad. I can remember being on a field trip to Ft. Wayne (in Ft. Wayne) and spending the whole trip just lying down on a log because I couldn't get up.
  5. Casey Blake to the DL, Ryan Garko called up.
  6. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 11:57 AM) How lame though. I would remember going to school on valentines morning, hoping I'd get a valentines from the girl I had a crush on. Where's the fun if everyone gives one to you? I Choo-Choo-Choose you.
  7. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 11:17 AM) I never said B-Mac was average, although I doubt he will ever be a 1 or 2 on a great team. Just wait.
  8. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 10:30 AM) Even if you remove Moss' numbers entirely from Dante's totals he still posts better numbers than most quarterbacks. That's not really a fair thing to do for any QB. The whole idea of having a dominant receiver like Moss is not only does he make a ton of catches and big plays himself, but he opens up the field for big plays for other guys by drawing the focus of the defense and leaving single coverage on the second and third targets most of the time.
  9. Tribe sends Todd Hollandsworth to the Reds for a PTBNL/Cash.
  10. Someone out there other than me has to find this one enjoyable.
  11. QUOTE(Sonik22 @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 10:37 AM) What happened to small? he pitched pretty good. Go Get em JG! Threw up an 8.46 ERA this year, was DFA'd a few weeks back. Don't know where he ended up.
  12. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 10:24 AM) Fathom, If B-Mac's problem is the pen, then why are his stats basically the same this year as last year? It would seem that if the pen truely was a problem he would of tanked. Because his stats last year are made significantly worse overall by the fact that he was totally off his game for the first part of the year when he was called up to replace El Duque (and while he still should have been in AAA, getting a better handle on his changeup and when to throw it.)
  13. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 08:08 AM) They can't control who grows tobacco or who brews beer, yet we collect crazy taxes on the stuff. Yes, some people home brew beer (Hi Jim) and some may produce their own cigarettes, but the majority would prefer USDA approved marijuana. Available at the local liquor store and bars. Convienent to purchase. Brand loyalty will kick in and then who wants to smoke that crappy home grown stuff when you can smoke "Buzzards" the same brand that NFL running back Ricky Williams smokes? Didn't Canada try that like a year ago, and wound up having people complaining that the government-approved stuff wasn't very good?
  14. QUOTE(VAfan @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 09:42 AM) In the longer run, the Sox need to find a better left fielder, hope Anderson learns how to hit, and consider replacing Uribe at SS if he doesn't flash his brilliance at the plate more than once every few months. And if Iguchi remains this helpless against lefties, he's going to need replacing too. In the meantime, we just have to hope these guys can show the skills they have shown in the past. To be fair, Brian Anderson is hitting .269 against lefties since the beginning of June.
  15. The U.N. has suspended aid shipments to the civilians remaining in Southern Lebanon. Israel has blown up the last bridge crossing over the Litani River, and has distributed pamphlets saying that anyone who drives in a car south of that river is a target.
  16. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 09:31 AM) The party clearly abandoned her. But that's hardly the people of her district. It was just a primary. And brown text means?
  17. QUOTE(Balance @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 09:18 AM) Ok, someone has to say it- Anyone else think the Yankees' rotation sounds like something out of a porn flick? We have faced their Wang and triumphed. We must now defeat their Johnson! I bet you miss the days where Aaron Small was in their rotation. Along with Moose.
  18. QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 07:09 AM) Are the Saudi's going to take up their cause? I doubt it. And again, I doubt the US would start bombing Iran alone. If the situation became that serious the UN, as weak they are, would be leading the effort, even if it does involve our own technology/resources. Are OPEC nations going to refuse oil to all modernized nations? Highly unlikely. Here's the cute part though...if things were to get to the point where Iran was under attack and using Oil as a weapon, it doesn't have to have the support of Saudi Arabia to fight an oil war against the West. First and foremost, almost all of Saudi Arabia's oil production facilites, not to mention Kuwaiti ones, are within range of Iranian missiles. And secondly, and perhaps more importantly, they can cover the entire Straits of Hormuz from their shorelines. The strait is 24 miles wide, and has a whopping 4 mile wide set of shipping channels running through it. Through those 2 shipping channels flows over 20% of the world's oil supply. They could mine these straits to even keep carriers out, and they have shore-to-ship missiles that can down vessels in those channels to cut them off.
  19. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 07:56 AM) This is what I'm talking about, a new excuse every day: ""Now there's also the possibility -- and it's an argument that has been used by other people -- at this point, I don't know if it's somehow or someway I ingested something that caused the tests to be that way."" You see, at least he's going in the right direction with these explanations. The only thing that, IMO, is going to actually clear him, is to have every single thing he was taking, and I mean everything, tested by some outside agency, and come back and say "This is the thing I took. It was not supposed to contain X. Tests show it does. I'm filing a lawsuit accordingly."
  20. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 06:41 AM) He's the only starter I have condifence in right now. Here's to a CG shutout And Mack will not be in CF tonight, so if nothing else, we don't have to pencil in that automatic free run for the Yankees. Go get em big Jon.
  21. You know, if he would take a deal for another 2 years with an option, I'd go ahead and do that.
  22. QUOTE(G&T @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 08:13 AM) There's an obvious flaw in this, what were those teams doing when the Sox played them? It probably evens out when you consider all teams have played good teams when they were not playing well, but it's still a flaw in the stat. Nevertheless, this stat proves what some people say, this team plays down to it's competition. (See Royals and D-Rays) If nothing else, I hope this is a good sign of things during this stretch. Other side of that token though...is that a lot of those losses came during that stretch when the White Sox weren't playing their best either. 2 against Boston, 3 against the Yankees, 2 against Detroit, 3 against Minny, 2 against Texas all in a row (even thought Texas right noww doesn't have a winning record).
  23. So...looking ahead...we have Garland on the mound tomorrow, and Anderson should be in CF for the rest of this series, which cuts out 1+ run per game that the Yankees would be handed. We're facing Johnson, a lefty, and we have struggled against lefties this season, but at this point who knows what Johnson will bring to the table. Garland needs to man up, hopefully he's over whatever was bothering him in Toronto, but I think he can do it. Thursday we've got Vazquez vs. Mussina. And that game will be decided by a simple question; was last Saturday's start by Vaz a fluke or not. If it wasn't, we win. If it was, the Yankees will be all over us. Anyone have an update on Uribe? Ah, here we go.
  24. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 08:10 PM) oh, cool. So we all basically have less then a month to live? Good to know. Dude, you know as well as I do the world ends on December 21, 2012. (And we better get a new X-Files movie before then, BTW.)
  25. QUOTE(SoxAce @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 09:59 PM) Mark Prior, AJ Burnett and Kerry Wood should take lessons. Man does that kid have heart. I do agree that it isn't the right thing to do, he was taking one for the team sort of speak and still pitched well if that's true other than his last start even though 4 earned in his case is "bad". Take lessons? Heck, I would imagine that one of the big reasons those 3 guys are so screwed up is that they found themselves on teams that were winning fairly early in their careers, and overpushed their arms/pitched through some pain. Prior in 03, Wood in 98 and 03, not so sure about Burnett in 03.
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