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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 01:58 PM) I wonder how long it would take for the government weapons to wind up in the hands of the Hezbollah? Considering that the Israeli attack has basically turned that government into a pawn of Hezbollah, probably about 15 seconds.
  2. Wow, Konerko scored from first on a triple. I'm impressed.
  3. Man, we ALMOST let him off the hook again. They finally gave us a gift back.
  4. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 01:53 PM) We just never take that extra base anymore. Podsednik tried in the first. Thome also.
  5. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 12:43 PM) Im confused. He was caught having a high level of testosterone but no illegal substance in his system? In other words, they just don't know exactly which steroid it was. It's something that jumps up testosterone, but it's one of those that isn't specifically tested for and illegal by name.
  6. U.N. draft agreement on a cease fire plan. Calls for everything you'd expect, Israeli withdrawal, buffer zone monitored by international forces, disarmament of Hezbollah, prevention of weapons shipments to anyone in Lebanon except the government.
  7. If Ozzie can manage to keep Javy's string just short enough where he builds some confidence with this game, and decides he likes his delivery, maybe, just maybe, this could be another of them turning point games for a pitcher.
  8. Seems like we're leaving a lot of chances on the basepaths early. That's troublesome, but at least we're getting chances. It'd be real nice to keep that bullpen for Toronto "overworked".
  9. QUOTE(minors @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 11:18 AM) You would think someone like Howard Dean would say whoa we can't afford the republicans taking this seat somebody needs to back down. Well, first of all, at least on a lot of issues that matter a lot, from abortion, to the bankruptcy bill, to putting judges on the Supreme Court, to the Iraq war, the Republicans already have the seat. Secondly, the Republican in that race is an absolute joke. Polling what, 10%, sued by a couple of different casinos for gambling debts. So the risk is actually fairly minimal, even if he does go down. Third, if Howard Dean or someone like that were to have stepped in and tried to suggest to Lamont that they should leave the race, then what would the Republicans say? Oh, the Democrats don't have any principles, they're pushing out the principled people from the race because all they want is to win elections. And fourth, why exactly isn't someone like Bill Frist or George W. Bush standing up and saying "Oh we can't afford the Democrats taking Lincoln Chaffee's seat", where Chaffee is also looking at losing a primary challenge, but in that case, the Democrats actually have a strong challenger who will probably win that seat if Chaffee Loses.
  10. When AJ goes 3-2 on a pitcher...that pitcher ain't lasting too long.
  11. If nothing, at least Podsednik's blunder didn't cost us any runs. Shame Thome's did though.
  12. QUOTE(El Barto @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 07:22 PM) 2 out 3 looks doable. The blue jays are fading and its time to show that the sox are in it till the end by knocking out a "contender". A sweep would be great! Jose Conteras on Sunday pitches against AJ Burnett, who has a whopping 2-5 record and a 4.84 ERA. Tomorrow, Javier Vazquez, a man who earned himself a >$10 million contract a few years ago, faces a man with an ERA of 10.80. If we don't take 2 of 3, with the Jays falling apart...then we don't deserve to make a run at the wild card. It's difficult to set up a broom day better than this.
  13. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 11:07 PM) Is it safe to say if Jon didn't turn it around, our playoff chances would almost be diminished right now? He's been absolutely huge the last couple of months. Suddenly he's a key component of this rotation again. If Jon had not found his marbles and 2 seamer, we'd be somewhere around tied with the Blue Jays right now.
  14. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 11:04 PM) I just love how you get all up in arms when the state rids itself of criminal scum like this. I also love how leftists like you shed all those tears for the perps and none for the victims. I for one am just amazed at how people can start giving themselves pats on the back for killing a man who you never would have heard of had it not been for the rape and murder of a 4 year old child. That I just find remarkable, that you guys could be congratulating yourselves over this. Mourn the child, yes. But remember that your celebration tonight, and all of your patting on the back for being ardent death penalty enthusaists, took the rape and murder of a 4 year old child to be possible.
  15. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 11:03 PM) So they have like 65 million tied up in 5 players? Awesome. 1. Jeff Bagwell 19,369,019 2. Andy Pettitte 16,428,416 3. Lance Berkman 14,500,000 4. Roy Oswalt 11,000,000 5. Aubrey Huff 6,916,667 6. Craig Biggio 4,000,000 7. Preston Wilson 4,000,000 8. Brad Lidge 3,975,000 9. Brad Ausmus 3,857,068 10. Morgan Ensberg 3,800,000 11. Adam Everett 1,900,000 12. Mike Lamb 1,700,000 13. Trever Miller 1,300,000 14. Orlando Palmeiro 950,000 15. Dan Wheeler 930,000 16. Russ Springer 750,000 17. Brandon Backe 442,500 18. Willy Taveras 400,000 19. Chad Qualls 376,000 20. Chris Burke 362,500 21. Eric Munson 350,000 Bagwell's contract ends this year whether or not the insurance claim comes through, so this team will have some money to spend this offseason. Aramis Ramirez, Barry Zito both would be excellent fits. I think they'll really need to go for a bat, Soriano, Lee, Ramirez would be ideal. It's damn nice that Konerko is already signed. And that don't include Clemens, and eventually, that SOB's gonna retire, and make ESPN talk about baseball games for 6 months instead of Clemens.
  16. QUOTE(SoxAce @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 11:00 PM) It's crazy seeing Grossman and Benson, two guys who were never injured at college, and are now potential injury-prone players. Just a crazy game and level. If this is anywhere as serious as the joke, then you're right, Benson will get that tag. I'll wait till I hear a diagnosis first. But man that sucks if he's out for anything more than a week.
  17. QUOTE(minors @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 10:51 PM) Please let me know when you have a close friend murdered and having to deal with that thug gloat about it. Then seeing him die was a good feeling. That crime occured in the late 80's so he would have recieved parole in a couple of years that is why I like the Death Penalty and no one will convince me otherwise. Did you know this particular 4 year old or their family? If not, what exactly is it that gives you the right to decide to gloat about this case? Because you knew someone who was gunned down? I knew a man who was gunned down in Merrillville right outside his business at 9 p.m one night. As far as I know they never solved the case. I think a lot of people know who was involved, but the police could never prove anything. Does that give me the right to gloat that the death penalty exists every time its enacted? Does that give me the right to brag about the mess involving the rape and murder of a 4 year old and the killing of the person who committed that crime? How many 4 year olds have to be raped and murdered before you feel you've gotten your share of high fives? Let the death penalty happen, fine. I'm not trying to convince you otherwise. But don't tell me I should feel glad every time someone is killed for raping and murdering a child, because there is nothing that should make you feel glad about the rape and murder of a child. Had this 4 year old not been raped and murdered, you'd have no reason to gloat. Remember that when you give yourself high fives over how wonderful the death penalty is.
  18. It'd be better if it were Grossman than the 2 running backs.
  19. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 10:36 PM) I'm always amazed at the morbid nature of human beings. If our country is so great then it should be able to extend a greater sense of mercy and compassion than what was doled out by this prisoner to his victim. There's nothing that a person can do to rid themselves of their essential humanity to deserve being killed. We as a people choose to take it from them. Seeing that, I'm stuck on how the 372nd execution in TX since 1982 really was 'justice', saved taxpayer money or how anybody feels safer or even feels a moral superiority to the crime he committed because this guy with no prior criminal record and an honorable discharge from the Marines was executed in a sterile holding area at a Texas prison in an act of revenge and court sanctioned murder -- much less how any person can gloat over another's death. I think on some level I can understand the lack of compassion. There are people who deservedly have a reason to hate this man. There were people who's lives were ruined by him. There are people who may very well feel better tonight because he's dead. But you're right, the proper response to this by a reasonable person isn't celebration. It's sadness. It's sadness that society couldn't prevent whatever it was in his head that went wrong and caused him to commit that terrible crime. It's sadness because a 4 year old suffered and died a horrendous death. If it helps the family, so be it. I'll live with the death penalty for that reason alone. But we are not made a better society by body counts, no matter how bad the original act actually is. We are not a better people by going around and high-fiveing because we caught the right guy and he's now dead. We are a worse people because of what he did in the first place. We are a worse people because a 4 year old child is dead. You want to high-five the killing of that guy? He's only dead because he raped and murdered a 4 year old. So in other words, had he not been a rapist and murderer, you would not be celebrating today. And I can't believe that there should be celebration for anything done because a person decides to rape and murder a 4 year old. If nothing else, there should be mourning, if just for the kid, if not for all of us and the loss of everyone.
  20. QUOTE(gosox41 @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 08:31 PM) $18 mill to Bagwell, $12.5 to Clemens (after being pro-rated), Pettite is like at $10 mill per, Lidge is $5 mill. That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure Biggio is up there. Bob You're way low on Pettitte. $16,428,416. BGO gets $4 million. Oswalt comes in at $11M.
  21. At least we didn't lose ground. We really need a winning streak right now.
  22. Damn Yankees just took a lead in the 9th. Posada HR. At least we lose ground on no one.
  23. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 07:11 PM) What did Utley do? He is currently 0/4, but will lead off the 9th.
  24. Detroit Pitching has an ERA of 4.90 since the All Star Break. If the White Sox didn't have an ERA of 5.70 since the break, you guys would be in real trouble. And if you hold that the rest of the season, the kitties will be in real trouble by September, because we will not be that bad in August.
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