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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. If there is any way to put Coco Crisp in our left field without giving up Anderson and McCarthy...absolutely make this f***ing deal, I don't care what Crisp's numbers are this year.
  2. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 07:24 PM) Would Miggy be willing to play 3rd base for the Angels, or would Cabrera move over to 3rd base for him? Don't forget they've got Brandon Wood and the likes of McPherson as well. If the Angels are smart, and they want Tejada, Brandon Wood can be expendable. That's about the only guy in the big leagues other than ARod who I'd give up on Wood for. A sure thing in exchange for a great prospect? I'd do it. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 08:26 PM) I don't consider Lidge damaged goods. I do think he needs a cahnge of scenery but the stuff is still there. But in general I think the Astros need to pull the trigger on the proposed deal. Lidge plus Mazzone? Ouch. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 07:41 PM) The only reason I'd be interested in Tejada is that he has 3 years left on his deal at a reasonable price. However, I haven't heard any rumors about the Sox being interested, so it's likely a long shot. I will say this...no rumors...that's the way KW likes to work. Who heard about MacDougal or Alomar or Thornton before they were dealt? Kurkjian had Macdougal like 2 hours before it happened, but that was it. And, last thing in this post I will say...Baltimore needs pitching, and veteran pitching might not be a bad thing at all given their staff. So, if I'm in KW's position, I call up and use the names Garcia/Vazquez, Uribe, and 2 minor leaguers of Baltimore's choosing (Broadway + Fields?) and see if I can win in the bidding. I don't give up more than that (maybe a 3rd prospect not named Sweeney), and I don't allow the names McCarthy or Anderson to be considered, but we could at least get in on the bidding. If other teams outbid us, there's not much we can do, and they'd be hurting themselves more than helping themselves in terms of lost talent. But we really should be in on this, even if we don't have enough to make it happen.
  3. QUOTE(S720 @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 07:08 PM) And if Ozuna was thrown out, people will scream for Ozzie's ass - How stupid can you be to have Ozuna steal a base when Thome or Konerko is coming up? The question always is, how often do you have to succeed at stealing 2nd in order for the additional RISP to make up for the few throwouts? Because sometimes he will be thrown out before a home run, but IMO, a lot more times, the guy would either distract the pitcher and give Thome/Konerko a better pitch, or would set up an RISP chance for either guy. Sitting back and being passive ain't working. I like putting pressure on a defense to make a perfect throw/play. Yeah, when we're facing a guy throwing out 50% of his runners, we should hold back, but otherwise, I'll give up an out, and even an occasional game, for the additional RISP.
  4. So, I'm fairly surprised by this deal, mainly because I think that for the first time in a long time, the Dodgers really overpaid for a player. I like that Aybar kid a lot, and I'm surprised the Dodgers parted with him for a guy who is basically Chipper's backup. And Baez on top of that. I guess the Dodgers are dumping him, but he's still going to be the 2nd best guy in the Atlanta Bullpen, especially if Bobby Cox has any of Mazzone's pixie dust left.
  5. Back in March/April, I said repeatedly that if we wound up in the situation where it actually mattered whether Ross Gload or Joe Borchard were the 25th person on our roster, we'd really be in trouble. Well, I was right. We were really in trouble. And it turns out we made the right choice. Thanks Ross!
  6. Must get runner to 2nd base...I wonder if AJ has been a part of the bunting practice, and no i'm not kidding.
  7. QUOTE(WCSox @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 03:51 PM) The entire Middle East will be in ruins? I'm not so sure about that. Who is going to support Iran and go to war with Israel and America? The Saudis, who have already condemned Hezbollah and rely on American oil money? The moderate governments of Jordan, Qatar, and Turkey? The pro-American government in Iraq? The pro-American government in Afghanistan? The Israelis will not bomb Iran's oil fields. And it won't take long for the drilling to start again under new management after the bombing ceases. First of all, yes, the government in Iraq will support Iran if it was attacked by Israel. The main parties of that government are hugely pro-Iran. Significant parties were housed by Iran, supplied by Iran, and trained by Iran during Saddam's Regime. An Israeli attack on Iran would throw Iraq into even more flames than what we've already seen. Secondly, it's worth noting that the condemnation of Hezbollah upon which you're hanging so much has basically come and gone.
  8. SONOFA....AJ's facing a left hander! The WORLD IS F***ING ENDING!!!!!
  9. QUOTE(WCSox @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 01:35 PM) Unfortunately, I agree about this as well. And it's going to cost tens of thousands of innocent lives out there. While the Israelis have tried to only bomb only areas populated heavily by Hezbollah in Beirut, I don't foresee them holding back when they decide to bomb Tehran. They're going to cripple Iran to the point where it resembles Afghanistan. It's not going to be pretty. And the entire middle east will wind up in ruins afterwards. As will the economies of the entire world.
  10. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 12:59 PM) OK this is bizarre... I tried to go to Padora.com today and stream myself some background music, but it wouldn't play for any more than 30 seconds at a time. I just figured that there was something wrong with the site, or possibly on my end, but wrote it off. So just now I tried to play an embedded video file at CBS2news, and I only got through the first 30 seconds before the sound cut out, with the video stopping seconds later. So I was curious as to what the problem was and went to Youtube.com. Sure enough, I can only watch the first 30 seconds of video at YouTube. Firefox updated itself yesterday, or the day before here, but I've been able to view flash files since then. Something is amiss today. Something is different I guess, but I have no clue what it is. So, I did the same Firefox update, and Youtube is working fine for me.
  11. In 2003, a group of 4 Senators introduced a bill to create even more stringent regulation of campaign finance in this country. The 4 senators: Shays, Meehan, Feingold, McCain. The bill did not pass then. A nearly identical copy of that bill has been reintroduced. Care to guess which senator suddenly is less interested?
  12. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 12:45 PM) Win a game against a pitcher who's been lights out. Now that would be impressive. If there's anything left of "Big Game" Freddy Garcia, if that pitcher we saw last year isn't totally dead, then today's the day we'll see it. Winning a must-win game in the middle of a slump against a pitcher who's been dominant lately...that's what Garcia was good at last year.
  13. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 12:31 PM) Good stuff and thanks for the recap. Mac is definatley a good interview. He knows what he wants to do, is mature for a guy his age, and really has an understanding for the game and a strong work ethic. I'll be really happy when the deadline passes and he's still on our roster. I'll be even happier in a few years when that change up earns him a really nice looking trophy after he moves into the starting rotation.
  14. QUOTE(SnB @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 10:36 AM) so we all went tarp sliding last night, no wonder people were worried about mark getting injured, this bruise on my hip is HUGE You know...maybe that's the reason for Buehrle's last 5 games...
  15. Do you really think Hezbollah is "getting the crap beat out of them" The Israeli progress has been ungodly slow, Hezbollah has emerged as a much stronger anti-Israeli force than they were before, they've taken some casualties but also inflicted some, and made their head look like a hero to the entire middle east. They've inflamed the entire area against Israel and the U.S., and they've proven to everyone that they're quite a bit stronger than just a few years ago. Beyond that, they've made Israel's military might look less scary to everyone else, since Israel can bomb countries into the stone age but hasn't really hurt the group itself, Israel has nearly crushed the Lebanese government to the point that Hezbollah is basically the only force left to run that country, and they're about an inch away from having what remains of the Lebanese army openly joining with that group.
  16. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 11:00 AM) I honestly dont know if he will be traded at all. Detroit will not give up Sanchez, and he also wouldnt be the only piece of the puzzle as the players Bowden was asking from LAA were much higher quality at this point. If I was Washington, I could make Zumaya a cornerstone of any deal. He must be traded. Washington knows they won't be resigning him at any reasonable price. Bowden's job probably depends on how good the package he gets for Soriano is. If the package is 2 draft picks, I doubt he keeps his job.
  17. Balta1701

    Summer Vacays

    QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 10:42 AM) That's kinda funny. The Taimen. Isn't that what it was called? The 15 foot Salmon we discussed (that probably isn't actually 15 feet)? Ah, can't say I've ever heard of those before now, but we really didn't go Fishing either.
  18. QUOTE(iamshack @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 09:48 AM) Does this Lee trade set the bar a little as to what teams will offer for Soriano? I think it lowers the bar. The Brewers took on salary, gave up a potential prospect, and gave up Lee, without getting a single prospect in return. They took on 1 guy who's been decent and 2 guys who have struggled. That'd be like us giving up, I dunno, Politte, Podsednik, and maybe Mackowiak or something like that.
  19. Balta1701

    Summer Vacays

    QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 09:50 AM) Where is my fish? Well, one night while quite ill I did have a couple of room-service prostitutes drop by my hotel room and ask if I was interested. Oh wait, did you actually mean a fish?
  20. QUOTE(SnB @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 09:39 AM) The rangers just don't seem to get the idea that pitching wins championships It's not like the Rangers gave up pitching in this deal. At least not pitching that was performing well.
  21. QUOTE(loltrain @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 09:34 AM) Edit: Bah, the site doesn't show minor league innings. Counting Minor League innings that year, he threw 165. The next year, he threw 211 in the regular season, and 23 more in the postseason. He has not topped 166 innings since.
  22. Chris Cornell will be doing the next Bond theme (sans his band, it appears.)
  23. Balta1701

    Summer Vacays

    Y'all can find a selection of my photos from China Here. And yes, I am one ugly dude, so get that out of the way.
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