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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jul 22, 2006 -> 01:07 PM) aren't the yankees still picking up some of Javy's salary? No. The Diamondbacks got to keep all of the money the Yankees sent them. We got something like $3 million from the D-Backs in that deal, but that's it.
  2. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 22, 2006 -> 11:57 PM) Mets already turned down Garcia for Sanchez. Also, they've gotten good starts from their lower guys like Maine and Duque this week. Let me put it this way...I would love to run into the Mets in the world series if the Mets Rotation is composed of Pedro, Glavine, Maine, El Duque, Pelfrey, and whoever else they have filling in when folks get hurt.
  3. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 23, 2006 -> 05:26 PM) Yes, because when grading a catcher you go by errors. The guy hasn't even started a game since June 26, that's about a month so the offensive production bullspiff is right out the window. If you're looking for leadership then wait until the Dodgers release him like they were rumored to have been thinking about and make him a god damn coach. The odds are we will need a new AAA coach pretty darn soon, as soon as someone gets smart and hires Razor in the big leagues.
  4. Does Alomar get people to pitch inside? Because that'd be great. Hopefully Contreras and he wind up getting along VERY quickly, because otherwise Santana is going to blow us out of the water on Tuesday. I'd rather start AJ in that game and let Sandy catch Buehrle on Wednesday since it wouldn't be the first time, but we know that's not going to happen.
  5. You know those "Snowflake" embryo adoption kids that the Administration and the few other souls against stem cell research love to tout? Here's some numbers on them. 400,000 frozen embryos. 128 embryo adoptions.
  6. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jul 22, 2006 -> 08:15 AM) Yesterday was another perfect example why Thornton has gained my trust over Neil. I'd say actually that yesterday is a perfect example of why Neal Cotts should never pitch to Kevin Mench. Kevin Mench has an OPS of 5.000 against Neal Cotts in 3 at bats.
  7. QUOTE(CySox @ Jul 22, 2006 -> 10:23 AM) I would love Willis, but it would most likely cast Fields and Sweeney, and I think they might be too much to give up. It'll probably cast even more than those 2 to get Willis, which would be why it hasn't gone down yet. By the way, I will say that this does seem like the sort of deal KW would like to do if he could...something that makes a big splash.
  8. Dick Cheney on why the conflict in Lebanon proves you should vote Republican in November.
  9. So, considering that another American is about to win the Tour de France, and he's about to do so in a way that at least in terms of drama, blows away the coronations of the previous 7 time winner, I think it's about time someone gave Floyd Landis some credit. After botching the first mountain stage in the tour, Landis was down by a whopping 8 minutes. On Thursday, he threw out everything he had, and finished that day down only :30. And after the time trial today, He'll be wearing the Yellow Jersey on the last time trial into Paris. This comeback is nothing short of remarkable.
  10. I can't understand why the NFL doesn't do something like the NBA or MLB and come up with actual reccomendations or requirements for the salaries of their rookie draft picks. Seriously, if nothing else, doesn't it really hurt the salaries of the veterans who are already in the NFLPA to have teams saving their salary cap space to sign these rookies?
  11. So, it seems someone has been casually editing NASA's mission statement in the hopes that the research direction at NASA could be changed without anyone really noticing. The part they removed? Hmmm, what part of our home planet might people in power not wanting NASA spending their research dollars on. I wonder.
  12. I think Thome enjoyed seeing those 15 pitches thrown to the first 2 guys. There you go Mark, there's your lead.
  13. This At Bat is lasting longer than the top of the first.
  14. Spend 5 minutes on the phone, Buehrles is through the first. That's the Mark I remember.
  15. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 05:13 PM) I'm hoping that this years starting pitching comes out in the 2nd half. I've consistently said that I expect our pitching to really pick things up and I see a pretty hefty streak of winning baseball in our near to immediate future. Well, the one good thing I will say is that it's hard to see how the starting pitching can be any worse than it has been over the first half given the amount of talent we have in there, so even if they manage the same performance in the 2nd half, we're still in good shape for the Wild Card. And they're all capable of being significantly better. And if they're not, Brandon is.
  16. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 03:54 PM) If we had last years offense with this years pitching staff we'd be horrible and lucky to be at .500. If we had last year's starting pitching and this year's offense...we'd be winning at an .800 clip.
  17. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 03:45 PM) I checked that and I'm not positive it's right. According to his Career stats he made his debut in 2004. 2010 would be 6-7 years later, which is the usual indentured servitude period in MLB (just depends on exactly what date he was first brought up, he pitched in 19 games in 04).
  18. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 03:29 PM) Is there a such thing as an introductory rewards card with no annual fee? I haven't found any yet. My card has no annual fee, gets rewards, and is probably considered an introductory card I'd guess.
  19. QUOTE(iamshack @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 03:23 PM) Yeah, Cabrera gave up 4 in the first, and then shut us down for either 5 or 6 innings after that. However, Peter Angelos is ridiculously difficult to deal with. He is also PARANOID when it comes to players and possible injuries. I don't think Freddy would pass his smell test the way he is throwing. Additionally, while the O's may eventually get fed up with Cabrera, they have a pretty deep stable of young pitchers, so I doubt they would really want Garcia back. I wonder if we inquired about Tejada when we asked about Cabrera... Supposedly Baltimore is asking for something like 3 major league players for Tejada. I don't even know if we have guys that could pull off their request.
  20. Anyone else really want to see Thome try to lay one down to the 3rd base side when he's up with no one on against a left-handed pitcher?
  21. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 01:30 PM) I think a certain detective needs to make an appearance today . . . I think Mark could use some. Just hope it still is allowed.
  22. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 01:22 PM) Don't mess with Texas. Don't Mess with Mark Buehrle.
  23. Wait a second, so does that mean that the Immigration Crisis is over?
  24. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 10:10 AM) Was Jerusalem part of the Saudi proposal? I don't recall that part. I think that a deal similar to the Saudi one, combined with in some way turning Jerusalem and a couple nearby holy sites into some sort of de-nationalized heritage sites is probably the only way for it to work. But as you said, Israel is highly unlikely to give them up. Jerusalem was not a full part of Israel until the 1967 war. So, any calls for Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders automatically are calls for Israel to give up significant chunks of Jerusalem, including the Western Wall. In other words, they are non-starters. The Proposal Arafat turned down basically offered up everything in the west bank except for a few settlement strips and Jerusalem.
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