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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 02:38 PM) I wouldn't count on that just yet. MLB announced that Ozzie will be fined and will have to undergo sensitivity training over that matter, no suspension.
  2. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 02:30 PM) That's the first thing that comes to mind. But they can't be so stupid. They've been playing well without AP, except for the last two games, and they're still comfortably in first (with guaranteed-to-slide Cincy next up). And clearly not Pujols or Zeus could have made enough of a difference in the last two games. So you'd think the initial reports had to be exaggerated. I dunno, it just seems like they'd have to be 120% sure he's okay to bring him back tonight. Which is why I just can't figure out why they'd bring him back yet, even if he says he's healthy. The last thing they want is to lose him for another 2 weeks from him twisting the wrong way.
  3. If Pujols reaggrivates that injury, they'll be regretting this move.
  4. That would mean the Cardinals would need to make 2 roster moves today instead of the 1 to bring up their starter, IIRC. Maybe Edmonds hitting the DL after last night's concussion? Just guessing.
  5. Freddy, if we lose this game, we're right where we were when we started this series. We win this game, and we're 1/2 game behind the Tigers. Take em out!
  6. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:40 PM) 2) If they found a nuke, or something else that truely was capable of mass destruction, I think people would really change their opinion. But when the best you can find is antiquated weapons like Mustard Gas, or Sarin which can be made in your basement, it does not set a good precedent for when govt's can be over turned. The US stockpile of weapons is far greater, yet I doubt many would agree that China could invade us if we dont destroy all the weapons we have stockpiled over the last 100 years. If Iraq had an active program to illicitly produce and upgrade its chemical weapons systems after Gulf War 1, and in particular in 2002, there would have been a justification for the war, as Saddam was forbidden from having and producing those weapons. At some point, you have to admit that a few hundred old shells are just scraps, but if he was churning out new ones, Bush would have been correct. There's also no cease fire agreements banning the U.S. from producing or storing Chemical Weapons like there is with Iraq, so that argument doesn't really work. One other interesting thing in this case is the fact that we already knew the UNSCOM team didn't destroy every single chemical munition Iraq had. Some of them were in such a state that the team decided to just seal off the areas where those shells were stored, so as to avoid winding up killing htemselves if there was an accident during disposal. When the UNMOVIC team returned in 2003, the seals were still there, and the shells were unmoved. That's why it was important to get the UNMOVIC team in there and let it do its job. After the war unfortunately, a lot of those locations were actually unsecured and looted, to the point that these old shells have actually wound up in IEDs before.
  7. Interestingly, it appears that the DOD is not standing by the statements of Santorum and Hoekstra. And I'm even citing Fox News, to make everyone happy.
  8. Balta1701

    And I'm off

    Well, like any good liberal, I guess as soon as I get promoted, I take a 2 week vacation. Or is that like the President. Anywho, I'm off to Xinjiang Province in China for 2 weeks to take a look at the Tien Shan mountain range. Get f***ing Detroit out of first place while I'm gone, PLEASE! Adios everyone. Hopefully have some interesting pictures when I return.
  9. Boy, here's a shocker...it appears now to be pretty likely that the 2nd part of the WMD investigation in the Senate, the part supposedly looking into the ways the Administration used the intelligence they had and whether or not they were appropriate...will probalby never be completed. Pat Roberts is already 2.5 months late on a deadline he set to release some information, and now it's being suggested it'll never be finished. This investigation, btw, was the reason Harry Reid shut down the Senate late last year. Good to know that did nothing.
  10. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 08:26 PM) I think the states should end their open defiance of federal law and prosecute people who break the f***ing law. Like, say, people who order illegal wiretaps?
  11. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 08:15 AM) No, when he goes into the draft next year, if the knicks are in last, we get their pick again. And Oden. Assuming the balls fall our way. In fact, the Knicks don't even have to finish last...it's actually pretty rare that the worst team gets the #1 pick. Anywho...YAY!
  12. 3 home runs, .426 average, 17 RBI's, a couple more dongs and Konerko's gonna be looking at a Player-o-the-month award.
  13. QUOTE(CardsJimEdmonds15 @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 05:19 PM) Just painful.. Get Marquis the hell outta there.. put in Wainwright How many pitchers is your team carrying that they can take their starter out by the 3rd inning 2 games in a row?
  14. If we outscore the Yankees today, we'll be officially the most prolific offense in baseball. We have good start.
  15. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 05:17 PM) Thome is JUSTTTTT missing these. He could have 25+ with some of the balls he has hit the last week... If you recall, that's what Jim was doing right before the final week of spring training...just missing a lot of balls. The next week, every one of them went out.
  16. That inning should go over well with CC's ERA
  17. I'm pretty sure those are all slightly edited clips from the first two movies or other movies strung together to make it look like a trailer, and not a real trailer/preview for the film. In other words, I think it's a fake.
  18. This is in the other thread, but it's worth saying here too...Anderson dropped his appeal, and will begin serving his 5 game suspension tonight.
  19. Unfortunately, a Congress put in power by lobbyists will never vote to reduce the power of those lobbyists, at least until people do more than answer a poll question. But This isn't a bad sign, IMO.
  20. (grabs bag of Doritos from yesterday...)
  21. After yesterday's game, the Sox have scored the most runs of any team in baseball, and are .011 runs per game behind the Yankees for the highest scoring offense in baseball (2nd place there).
  22. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 12:23 PM) BMAC will not be included in any deal, you can bank on that. I would rather trade JG or FG way before trading BMAC And I agree, unless the guy we're getting is named Albert Pujols. But remember everyone, you want Crawford, you WILL be giving up McCarthy.
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