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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 10:21 AM) I'm just glad I'm not a Cubs fan. As a 12 year old, those bright colors, and that cute little bear are extremely enticing, especially when all your classmates and peers are rooting for the Cubs. You just need to remind your peers that those little aminals grow up into godless killing machines.
  2. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 09:44 AM) A convention is not a requirement for changing the constitution. There has only been one constitutional convention in the history of the United States, and that's the one that wrote the constitution and bill of rights. Everything else has been done through supermajorities in the Congress, Senate and ratification in the state house. However, according to Novakula, there are some people who are actually considering trying to call a constitutional convention to pass the "gays are icky" amendment.
  3. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 08:55 AM) In the nation? Damn. Yup, Just Checked. They had him at #8 in 99. I believe he was a key part of the Edgar Renteria deal, IIRC.
  4. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 08:51 AM) Corruption? Kerik had an illegal nanny and he got busted out of his job because of it. That's peanuts compared to the corruption of some other mayors *cough* DALEY *cough*. Um, and the taxpayer-sponsored love nest overlooking Ground Zero that was supposed to be used for resting relief workers? (Not to mention the mob links). I think Giuliani could at least give Daley a run for his money based on the stuff we know publically, but of course I don't know everything that either of them have done.
  5. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 08:50 AM) I'm happy to say that I've been a huge Pablo fan since he came to the Sox. Man, I just love to watch him play. It seems like he just knows exactly what he's capable of, and he doesn't try to do too much. And it does seem like Pablo is getting a little better out in LF. And who knows, maybe he can actually become decent at the position if he gets more starts out there? One more thing. Wasn't Ozuna a pretty high prospect for the Cardinals before they realized he was older than he said? BA had him at like #8 in the nation, IIRC.
  6. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 01:17 AM) And the Heat have gone out and made me look like a clown again. I didn't think they had a prayer after game 2. I think the winner of game 5 takes the series. Wade is a good player. I think the winner of game 6 will take the series personally (especially if the Heat win game 5). In all seriousness, right now the 2 teams have diverged so wildly in their performances between home and road games that I'm just not convinced that even if the Heat go in with a 3-2 lead, they'll be able to pull out a game in Dallas, and I really doubt they'll be able to pull out a game 7.
  7. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 11:52 PM) So you're an astronomy expert too? haha My division is the Geological and Planetary Sciences Division, so we get a wide variety of talks coming through. Hell, JPL's director has an office in the building next door to me.
  8. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 08:41 AM) Clinton had too much smut and he got by with it. TWICE. The people voting for Clinton weren't voting for Clinton and at the same time championing those traditional White Christian values. Oh, and Clinton wasn't a Pro-Abortion guy running for the Republican nomination. And then there's all the corruption (Hi Mr. Kerik!) to boot.
  9. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 07:57 AM) The guy's a flip flopping prick. You think Kerry was a flip-flopper? s***. McCain works in friggin' Burger King with the flopper whoppers he tells. Hell, Hillary would almost be a better candidate, because with her you at least know what you're getting. We need a b**** in the White House. /now THAT's a campaign slogan right there. (and I'm not saying that all females that run for political office are, just this particular one.) Finally, someone other than me says that about McCain. Yay.
  10. QUOTE(RME JICO @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 07:21 AM) Definitely good timing, but the quad is a huge muscle and it was the second time he injured it. I would play it safe and bring him back slowly. It will be interesting to see how the A's play without Frank these next couple of weeks. They haven't lost since Frank went down.
  11. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 02:41 AM) Yeah Dayton Moore's really going to want a lot for him, and so he should. They don't really have any prospects that are ready to take CF, and DeJesus is signed to a very affordable 5 year deal. He should be a building block for that organization. They need more DeJesus's and less Reggie Sanders'. What they need to do is sign the occasional Reggie Sanders, play him for 2 months, and then deal him to whatever team needs help. You aren't going to get a #1 draft pick for him, but occasionally you might strike gold on a prospect that someone missed.
  12. Freddy...it's time to wake up, start pitching...and act like you have some:
  13. If Ozzie hadn't said anything, I'll lay you 3 to 1 odds that Mariotti's column today would have been about AJ the Agitator and the fact that Ozzie didn't have any of his pitchers defend his players, he should be fired, it doesn't show the heart and strength a manager needs to, etc.
  14. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 06:32 AM) I'm waiting for the trade Pods thread. If we had a viable option to play LF at AAA as part of a platoon, I'd be willing to go for it. We just don't right now, as far as I can see. Unless Owens stopped sucking when I wasn't looking.
  15. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 11:42 PM) LOL! I invoked my no-trade clause. You're not getting rid of me that easily. We'll get them to offer you an additional guaranteed year on your contract!
  16. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 11:40 PM) Back on topic. People love to vilify Bill Gates as an evil corporate villian who is destroying the world and crushing people with his products but thats simply not true. I read somewhere that he gives away like 20 BILLION dollars a year through his foundation. I think he ranks 1st in dollar terms among all the great philanthropists of all time. You're way off on the numbers. In banner years, I think their foundation has donated something like $2 billion during a year as it's max. The biggest donation in history was the money Gates put up to get the work of the foundation started, which was a $6 billion donation. $20 billion a year would bankrupt him in 3-4 years. Edit: Not to belittle $2 billion a year, btw. That's still a pretty good chunk of change.
  17. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 03:45 PM) That's crazy to think how big Jupiter is. It's crazier to think that we're finding planets in other solar systems that are more than an order of magnitude more massive.
  18. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 08:26 PM) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13348456/ Personally, I think M$ should split into 3 companies... Gaming (XBox), Applications, and OS> Breaking it into those 3 companies does absolutely nothing for us. XBox would still have competition due to Sony and Nintendo, and other companies would still be putting out applications, but there would still only be 1 company with access to Microsoft's OS code. In other words, there would still be absolutely no competition in terms of having MS actually have a reason to really improve the quality of their OS, which is the real disaster. The only way to accomplish anything productive in terms of breaking up Microsoft is to make it multiple companies, and then give each of those companies the same access to current MS technology, such that those companies can compete with each other to try to improve upon the mess created by the last 20 years of this monopoly.
  19. QUOTE(SoxAce @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 10:12 PM) Pollite should just have the surgery if it is bone chips like it's being indicated. Have it now, be ready for the playoffs. I believe Jose Contreras had some soreness in Spring Training based on bone chips in his elbow. Would you advise the same thing for him?
  20. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 11:27 PM) Agreed. One of their biggest talking points is this supposed "culture of corruption" that the Republicans are responsible for in Washington. I dont buy it really. Both parties have bad apples and I think they have done a good job of purging them from their ranks. Hopefully we can give you a hand with a few more who clearly need purging come November (Dennis "made $2 million on a land deal related to one of his earmarks Hastert, Jerry Lewis, Conrad Burns, Bob "Representative #1" Ney, John "I stopped at a rest stop and won $2000 gambling Boehner, and a few others I'm forgetting)
  21. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 11:25 PM) Supposedly they base this off apprehensions. So, in other words, you're telling me that there's been a drop in apprehensions along the border since the Guard showed up? Without further data, I'd say it's pretty hard to draw conclusions based solely on that. Maybe the Guard is just getting in the way, and leading to fewer apprehensions? Or, perhaps the presence of the Guard has forced the Coyotes into more remote areas where the Guard isn't @, and where they're finding higher degrees of success? I understand where the idea comes from here, but I have trouble accepting your explanation as the only one without further data. It could very well be right, I'm just unconvinced.
  22. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 11:23 PM) There is some arguments to why they would vote No. I don't agree with it, but it still is a valid concern. This is an unprecdented action by the Dem caucus, and if you start the precedent now, what happens when its time for a political grudge to get settled within the party? You hope that this is actually a Democracy, and if people start overstepping their bounds based on political grudges, they'll wind up losing elections. Had the Dems not done this, it would have cost them dearly.
  23. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 09:46 AM) Ah, what the heck. Way too many people are getting along here, so lets go ahead and lob a grenade into the lovefest. Congratulations on a great success!
  24. Just out of curiosity, how exactly are they able to come up with that number? I can't imagine that there's a booth where they stop and fill out a border crossing exit poll
  25. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 08:01 PM) http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/06/15/jef...ucus/index.html Its funny as hell to see the Congressional Black Caucus scream like stuck pigs over this issue. They dont give 2 s***s that this guy is dirty and is almost certainly going to go to prison, no. All they care about is that he's black and he's getting booted off his committee. Sad really, but I expect no less from this bunch. The good news, at least from my side of the aisle, is that over the last few days, it seemed like a couple of CBC members had finally given up on Jefferson. The bad news, from my side? The final vote was 99-58, with names withheld. The problem? There are only 43 members of the CBC. So in other words, at least 15 other people in the Democratic Caucus joined in.
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