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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 08:54 AM) 55 innings pitched with a 3.93 ERA is not a large enough sample size? um.... 55 innings pitched is actually still a fairly poor sample size for a pitcher, as it's not enough to catch the ups and downs that happen to most pitchers over a season. But even beyond that, you're breaking down those innings into like 7 or 8 different bins, which means in each bin, you have about 10 innings, which really is a terrifically small sample set.
  2. QUOTE(juddling @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 07:38 AM) actually...i thought he was payed to steal 70 bags a year and hit leadoff. i don't remember his D being in the bargain..lol He's only stolen like 3 bases this month, 0 in the last week.
  3. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 05:37 AM) I do what I can to protect myself. -I have credit-protector set up with my credit card company. -I pull my credit report every month to ensure things are on the up and up. -I shred unnecessary documents with the fervor of an Enron executive. That's about all I can think of. Since I can't trust the government to safeguard my personal info I suppose the best I can do is to watch my credit report and if ID theft hits me then try to minimize the damage. Unfortunately Nuke, as far as I can tell, the government has already lost your personal info, so yeah, that's probably a good idea.
  4. QUOTE(BFirebird @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 06:10 PM) I am sticking with my theory that when Anderson ran into the wall against the Injuns he jostled something in his brain. He has had quite a few quality AB's since then. I think whatever got loose from him landed on Podsednik.
  5. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 06:09 PM) Muscle up and hit a homer Pods. Muscle up and slap the ball the other way for a base hit Pods.
  6. QUOTE(Capn12 @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 06:06 PM) He is at least 0 for his last 6 He's also hitting .194 in June. Better watch out or this could turn into another "Crede" month.
  7. It would be really nice to see something from Uribe or Anderson this inning.
  8. Well you can cancel the postgame show
  9. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 05:29 PM) Jon looking good, it almost looks like this is like a test game for him, really focusing on the sinker, seeing what he can do with it. Every one of like the last 4 or 5 games you could have said was a test game after his start. And yet he kept giving up the long ball.
  10. QUOTE(knightni @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 05:28 PM) Rangers broadcasters say that he is throwing slower tonight than usual. Loe or Garland?
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 05:20 PM) Here's a tough question....do we root for the Yanks or Indians tonight? The Indians are always dangerous, but the Yanks could very well be in the wild card hunt. I'm just not convinced enough about Cleveland's pitching to think they'll be able to even be close this year. They'll get a hot streak at some point, but it won't be enough. I'd say Cleveland.
  12. QUOTE(Benchwarmerjim @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 05:13 PM) since a baseball player was pretty much caught red handed with HGH and now baeball is getting a lot of flack about their steriod/HGH policy. I wonder why the same scrutiny does go towards the NFL. They do not test for HGH. Gene Upshaw said over the weekend he doesnt support it because its unreliable. Why is this there is disconnect between the 2 sports? And how many NFL players do you think take HGH The disconnect between the 2 sports has 2 sources. 1. the NFL had at least some sort of steroid testing program running a few years ago. In other words, they were at least doing something at the time when MLB was doing absolutely nothing. I don't think what they were doing has been effective at all (ask Romanowski and Sauerbrun), but they at least were able to go to Congress and say "We were trying!" Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, no sport holds its records in such high regard as baseball. At least none I care about. Growing up, you see highlights in baseball of people breaking records almost as often as you see them win the world series. How many times have people seen Hank Aaron's 715th? Because of the fact that such vaunted records were taken down by guys who were so obviously juicing, it has focused added attention on baseball. If Mac and Sosa don't chase after 61 in '98, and Bonds doesn't pass them, I doubt Congress ever even gets involved. And how many NFL players take the stuff? I wouldn't be surprised if it was a majority.
  13. See, now we have the problem perfectly illustrated. Since there are so few teams with relief pitching available to trade, and so many who need it, the price is going to be someone like the names mentionned above. So unless you're willing to give up a prospect who is much more valualbe than the relief pitcher you're getting back, you might as well close this thread. You want middle relief? it's gonna cost you.
  14. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 11:52 AM) What technology was this? They tried for 4 years to attack the US homeland with no success at all. As close as they ever came was that comical attempt to land saboteurs on Long Island. Their "America bomber" program was an utter failure. Their ballistic missile technology ( V1 / V2 ) programs were able to hit England a few times but it was still in its infancy even as allied armies crushed the Nazis. Oh great, even this turns into a WW2 debate. The big reason the Nazis were unable to hit the U.S. was that the U.S. won the war too quickly for any of those to happen. Within only a couple years after the end of that war, technology in this country, based in no small part on items seized from the Germans, were accomplishing all the flights that would have been necessary to hit the U.S. They didn't have the time or resources because the U.S. army did a pretty darn good job. On the other hand, the Japanese actually did have the technology to hit the U.S., and in fact did so. The Japanese navy did raid the west coast of the U.S., and there were also the famous Japanese balloon bombs, dozens of which actually reached the west coast, one of which killed a bunch of kids. Some of them in fact may still be lying around in the forests out here waiting for someone to walk up to them. Japan also had a very advanced biological warfare program, which, had the war continued, may have led to loading of those balloons with biological devices.
  15. QUOTE(WCSox @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 11:49 AM) Ann Coulter gets more publicity these days from the left wing attacking her than from anything else she does. A lot of us stopped caring about her a long time ago. Which, of course, is why she's constantly on MSNBC, Fox News, and now even NBC.
  16. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 07:17 AM) In light of the NYT story today, yeah, I'd say Leopold's stock just plummeted. So the question now is, assuming nothing changes in the near future, will Leopold burn his sources as punishment for burning him?
  17. So, Ann Coulter is supposedly booked as a guest on the Tonight Show this Wednesday. Also booked for that night? George Carlin.
  18. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 10:51 AM) maybe im missing something here, but hasn't nearly every member of Congress gone to Iraq by now? Some members of the Cabinet have as well. Hasn't Tony Blair gone as well. Is this really a big deal? When Bush makes a trip to Texas it makes news. He's the President.
  19. QUOTE(elrockinMT @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 10:15 AM) The schedule evens out after 162 games. Any team that can't beat the tough ones and handle a rough schedule doesn't belong on top. I think the Sox can handle it. Not exactly any more. With the unbalanced schedules and the focusing on rivalries in Interleague play, some things do get screwed up. The Cub/Astro fans have been pretty unhappy the last few years when the Cardinals have had the luxury of 2 series against the Royals in interleague play, while the Cubs drew the Sox. Also, ther'es a lot of disparity between the divisions too...the NL West was ripe for the plucking last year, and looks much stronger this year.
  20. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 07:35 AM) So does this mean we should cancel the Dick Cheney Indictment Watch? Well, not necessarily, because Libby may well have worked closer with Cheney than Rove. But it probably does reduce the odds. At least it seems that the President's office itself wasn't involved, and that appears to be a good thing.
  21. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 09:57 AM) I'm not a doctor or even close to one, so I ask for the help of somebody that would know about this.....but wouldn't a 9 inch gash on your head be life threatening with all the blood you could lose? As long as it doesn't cut a major artery, the amount of blood you will lose will be decent, but not life threatening, unless it's not treated. He was certainly in the hands of paramedics within a few minutes and they would have worked to control the bleeding. And as long as you keep a certain amount of blood in your system, you can stay alive long enough to reach a hospital and get an infusion of O-. If he had a 9 inch gash running across his aorta, that's a different story.
  22. The Good news? The odds of him being drafted #16 just went way down.
  23. QUOTE(bmags @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 05:21 PM) the duque until about september i believe...maybe it was late august. With the exception of El Duque's DL stint in the middle of the year.
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