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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 03:57 PM) Quote from powerhouse Tigers pitcher Jamie Walker: "These fans here in Chicago are a black eye, cussing when there are kids around. I mean it's just bad for baseball." Thank you Jamie. We'll try and do a better job next time you're in town to make your stay more pleasant. f*** him.
  2. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 03:01 PM) Just look at his stuff compared to his 2nd go around last year. Early on this year, his stuff was VERY crisp and he was on fire....but as the bullpen act began to wear on his arm, his stuff has been less crisp and location not as effective, and here we are with B-Mac at a 5 ERA. I don't think it was the bullpen act that wore on his arm, I think it was the "inconsistent work in the bullpen, then having a start, then 5 days rest, then pitching 1 inning, then more rest" that got his stuff less crisp. But I could be proven wrong if Ozzie keeps putting him out every day or two and he doesn't get the rhythm.
  3. QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 02:56 PM) We would be getting robbed on that deal. If Owens was hitting this year, I'd agree.
  4. QUOTE(beautox @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 02:50 PM) Like i said i hope that he goes 3-4 tonight and goes on a uribe/crede esk tear and we can worry about something else. I would settle for 1 single.
  5. QUOTE(beautox @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 02:27 PM) Muy Intersante, i know his show is on sundays on the score corret? but isn't it in spanish? Agreed, i wanna see some McCarthy/Thornton/Tracey/Jenks love tonight, any two of those will do. I also want a no-no from Javy so we might not even see the pen tonight I just want BMac to keep getting work. He hasn't pitched since Tuesday. Rust has clearly been a problem for him previously, and he was dynamite on Tuesday when he looked like he was starting to get into a rhythm.
  6. With this lineup, and Victor Martinez behind the plate...GET OFF TO THE RACES. Seriously, anyone not named Konerko, Thome, or Pierzynski has a shot to steal on Martinez if they get on base. And Cliff Lee hasn't given him much help this year. Manufacture a few runs, cause some problems, and let's win this bloody game. Keep it going Javy, and stop those damn big innings. Oh, and by the way...Brandon McCarthy MUST get work tonight.
  7. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 02:09 PM) Good lord shut up. They're 36-23, the second best in the league while people on this board seem to think they're playing like "s***". It'd take a tragedy for this White Sox team NOT to make the playoffs. They're also ahead in the wild card race by exactly 1 game. It doesn't take a tragedy for the Red Sox to overcome 1 game. We're also only 1/2 game ahead of the Yankees. If we were playing smart baseball and going 5-8 in our last 13, I wouldn't be angry at all, but we're not. We are playing with our heads up our asses. That has to change now, otherwise, it'll be Boston fans who say it's a tragedy for their team to not make the playoffs.
  8. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 02:03 PM) Ya, that coffee pot thing was disturbing. I hope it was an exaggeration, but it probably was relatively accurate and its something I hope MLB puts a major crackdown on. Sure, it won't have an effect on the game, but at the same time its a disgusting thing for people to do and I'd like to stop living in my fantasy world that says most athletes are quality people off the field (ie making it a reality). The coffee pot thing has been reported by like a dozen different players thus far, here, the Grimsley one, etc. Either it's more than just relatively accurate, or it's like those alien abduction reports, where the first report gets read and then everyone else copies the description.
  9. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 01:55 PM) We have 7 guys killing the ball, if thats not enough I don't know what is. So whats the harm in having two guys tha can catch the ball and make the amazing play as well. Anderson and Uribe are upper echelon defensive players on a team that has as good of a top 7 as anyone in baseball (offensively). Problem is, right now, we don't have 7 guys killing the ball. Konerko hit like .240 in May, Podsednik is putting up a Brian Anderson-worthy .091 so far in June, AJ can't hit with RISP, Iguchi has been off for at least the last week, and we're right now just down to hoping our big 3 can do something with no one on base. We're s*** at manufacturing runs right now, and when any of our key guys get shut down, we wind up hitting a couple solo shots and hoping the pitching comes through.
  10. QUOTE(GoRowand33 @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 01:54 PM) its all opinion it's a matter of taking care of business in october, and its way to early to predict anything Actually, you have to get to October first, and again, if a couple of guys on this team keep their heads up their asses, that may be in jeopardy too.
  11. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 01:48 PM) Seriously, the way Ozzie has handled him and Anderson has been a total JOKE. I love Ozzie and all but he's really done a shoddy job handling those two individuals. Honestly, I see your point with Anderson, but it's also hard to really fault the way Ozzie's handled that, he gave Anderson plenty of chances until Mack finally caught that hot streak, he had to try to play Mack while he was hot (he no longer is) just to try to get a few more hits, and it seems like Anderson has only gotten worse. Brian just hasn't given Ozzie any options. God I wish that kid could just square up a few balls and plant them somewhere, it'd make this season so much easier.
  12. QUOTE(brewerbacker @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 01:45 PM) I listed this in another thread, but I'll repeat here. In my opinion, I think Brady not only would be available, but should be dealt once JJ Hardy is off the DL. Then we move Bill Hall to CF when we face righties. When we take on lefties, Hall moves to 3B (Koskie can't hit southpaws) and Cory Hart moves to CF. Gabe Gross could also platoon in center against righties if Hall needs a day off or gets put in some other IF position. Other teams I've heard rumored are the Yanks and Angels. But a trade to the ChiSox seems to be the one that most Brewer fans thinks makes sense. The Brewers would, without a doubt, be looking for pitching. With Sheets and Ohka on the DL, are starting rotation is thin. Our bullpen is also a wreck (partially due to a lack of starting, which has strained the pen arms). Starters or relievers, the Crew will be asking for arms. Yeah, the Yanks minor league system right now is still garbage, and the Angels haven't been willing to trade any of their young guys. If you were the GM, would you take a ML ready knuckleballer with an ERA around 2 in AAA for Clark straight up?
  13. They can win another world series with every single person on their 25 man roster right now, if some of those guys get their heads out of their asses.
  14. The Reds placed Edwin Encarnacion on the DL. We will not have to face him when we head to Cinci next weekend. They called up an infielder named Ray Almedo. The Twinkies put Matt Guerrier on the DL with a fractured thumb and recalled Kyle Lohse. Shawn Chacon threw 5 innings in a rehab start. The Twins are rumored to be looking to dump players soon.
  15. QUOTE(samclemens @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 01:25 PM) im just glad that guy is dead. i also hope that someone stupider than him takes his spot in the command chain for al qaeda (sp?); zarqawi may have been an evil bastard but he was a smart evel bastard. Actually, I don't think he was all that smart of an evil bastard, in fact I think he was too evil to be smart. Bin Laden's group has always tried to hold to a policy of not attacking Muslims, and especialy Muslim civilians, while Zarqawi threw that policy out the window in Iraq, and because Zarqawi ignored that old Al Qaeda rule, his group began to be spurned by the population and in fact by the core of the insurgency itself. In fact, according to some reports, its that sort of rivaly which may have spurned an opponent to turn him in to the U.S. Beheadding muslims, it turned out, didn't catch on with most Muslims.
  16. As always, the story here depends on who's reporting it.
  17. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 12:27 PM) B Mac is going to be a VERY good starter....but I think it's pretty clear he doesn't have that "rubber arm" type mentality in the pen and isn't a guy that can pitch 3 times in 5 days and get it done. He's just a starter, that's really all there is too it IMO. What makes that so clear? The fact that on 4-5 days rest after pitching 1-2 innings, BMac has come out rusty and struggled?
  18. QUOTE(WCSox @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 12:34 PM) Amphetamines can be pretty freaking bad for your health as well. And speaking of players who obviously used performance-enhancing drugs, I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned Brett Boone. I didn't know we were making a list.
  19. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 12:33 PM) Jason Blair????????? No one was fired at the Washington Times for making that stuff up. And I wouldn't trust an NYT article with a 1/2 sentence quote from a Republican as the entire basis for the story either.
  20. QUOTE(Damen @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 12:05 PM) I can't believe people are piling on Garland after last night. The fact is, he pitched pretty damn well but again was a victim of Ozzie giving him a s*** defense. How many times have Garland's blowup innings been aided by Pablo Ozuna or Rob Mackowiak flailing around like idiots in the outfield. Garland relies on defense as much as anyone on our staff, yet for reasons unknown, he continually goes out there with the Ozzie lineup. If Mackowiak wasn't in center last night, people would be praising Garland for starting to turn it around, and putting us back in first place. The thing is...if Garland was pitching well, the ball wouldn't even be going to the outfield, it'd be on the ground in the infield.
  21. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 10:13 AM) It is taken directly from the title of the article. Why wouldn't you quote it? I read the whole thing, plus read the lib rant, and of course missing in the rant, is that the guy quoted said it was a stunt, without actually saying it was a stunt. What part of doesn't infer this was a stunt? I mean I guess we could break out the dictionaries and thesauruses and pick a million different words, but the congressman was pretty damned clear in what he was saying IMO. I guess it all depends on what your definition of "stunt" is... First of all, the headline of the article said "Democrats" not "Democrat". But I guess you'll just accuse me of playing semantics games there when they only have one. Secondly, you're quoting the article, not actually quoting any representative. Yes, that is important. Thirdly, I'd still like to see exactly what Rep. Stark said. There's 1/2 of 1 sentence there, with the interpretation of the rest supplied by the Washington Times. I'm not a big fan of Rep. Stark, but first of all the word "Stunt" in the headline is the whole reason why people noticed that article, and since I don't have the full line that he said, I don't doubt he crossed some sort of line, but I really can't prove it. That seems like an awfully stupid thing to say, and it'd be nice if there was just a little bit of context with it just to prove that he is in fact that stupid. Edit: I should probably add that I have as low of an opinion of the Washington Times as you probably have of the NYT, maybe even lower. Why? Because I've seen them running with completely made-up quotes before, like back in 2004 when they ran with a purported quote from Kerry on Crossfire (on CNN), and when people denied Kerry ever said the quote, the Times responded by saying that transcripts weren't available, when a simple Lexis search turned it up, and yeah, the quote was completely fabricated.
  22. One of the big reasons the Padres are even still in the NL West race is defense. They have excellent defense up the middle, and Cameron keys that.
  23. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 11:34 AM) Actually, its totally constitutional because the conferenced bill goes back up for approval to both houses. Yup, this is one of those nasty procedural tricks the Republican Congress has used to get everything they want. They pass bills in both houses first, the bill goes to conference to iron out the differences, and the Republicans then strip out things that are identical in both bills if they don't like them. They then send the bill back to both houses and expect that no one can vote against a compromise bill to fund the troops, which, considering the war effort is basically out of money until this bill is signed, is basically the truth.
  24. Oh, Jolly. Remember that home run against the Braves? You gotta wonder.
  25. Arlen Specter proposes blanket amnesty for anyone who violated the law through the current NSA program. Funny, I thought it was 100% legal.
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