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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 09:55 AM) Didn't you mean union bosses? They work too. I'd be happy for my party to give up all union support if the other party would give up all corporate support.
  2. So I think the message there would be "Satan hates America"? Sorry to hear it man. Hopefully nothing else was damaged.
  3. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 09:44 AM) I get it. So now headlines can't include anything but direct quotes from the people involved? Should I start hitting the lib blogs and start proving the point that this gets done everyday in the media, or should I just not bother? You placed the words "A stunt" in quotes. That says bluntly that it is a direct quote, which it was not. Yes, this gets done everyday by the media, and everyday, people are taken to task for paying attention to those sorts of articles. As should happen here. You want to take issue with what that Congressman said? Fine. At least take the time to read his words and see if he actually said what they're saying he said.
  4. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 09:25 AM) What would people say are the actual chances that Garland goes to the pen? I really never even thought of it as an option, but it seems to be becoming more and more believable. With McCarthy out there...it has to be considered. But the one problem right now is that BMac is the only guy I think we have any confidence in as a Righty setup man. If Politte were to return healthy and actually start getting people out, or if Tracy could make his performance last night the sort of thing we see from him every time out, we might have to make that move, at least for a while. If either of those 2 criteria are met within a month, and Garland still has an ERA of 6.2 and going up, hten you've got to consider it.
  5. So, back when the House and the Senate were debating the most recent funding bill for the Iraq debacle, both the House and Senate overwhelmingly passed amendments to the bills which would prevent the Administration from spending any of the money to build "Permanent military bases" in Iraq. So in other words, that amendment had the support of majorities of both houses of Congress. And then...the 2 bills went to a Republican controlled conference committee to reconcile the differences between the 2 bills. If you can't figure out where this story is going...You haven't paid attention to these Republicans. Yeah, we don't want permanent bases...but no, you can't have that in writing. Edit, by the way, both of those amendments were passed unanimously.
  6. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 08:53 AM) That's too much from the Sox side and still don't think the Dodgers would make the trade simply because Lofton is thier leadoff hitter and they are currently a game out in the west. I could have swore that Little was going Furcal first, then Lofton 2nd. Did he make some changes recently? I haven't watched a Dodger game in a week or two.
  7. QUOTE(Balance @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 08:46 AM) And, of course, we get to see Cliff Lee and CC Sabathia again. Personally, I'm not looking forward to more lefty troubles for the Sox. It really is time for Mark to beat that f***er.
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 05:08 AM) Killing Zarqawi "a stunt" I guess it was only a matter of time before this started to come out... Linky
  9. O'Reilly hosts coulter, defends her. Other Republicans' rise to Coulter's defense. (You can usually just skip down to the bottom of those articles, they put the full text in the lower parts.)
  10. Here's an LATimes update on that little school. There's an investigation started into KABC's allegations, but honestly, it may not be able to go anywhere...according to the charter, that school is basically allowed to run itself as its own school district, so unless the KABC person can actually prove assault charges (which you'll note, they have not filed), there may be nothing anyone can do, since by definition, charter schools are outside the government and therefore the government only has limited oversight ability. However, the school's charter is up for review next year.
  11. QUOTE(minors @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 11:18 PM) Yes I do. Just like I wish Cindy Sheehan would do the same but neither will. Cindy Sheehan gets more publicity these days from the right wing attacking her than from anything else she does. A lot of us stopped caring about her a long time ago.
  12. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 11:35 PM) We have someone in the White House who doesn't flip flop? Really? Who is that? Our current wonderful leader. Thank God he's standing by his campaign promise to not speak to Iran.
  13. Well, first of all, we'd have a problem on the face of it of trying to find 2 different spots on the 25 man roster, when right now Anderson is the only logical candidate to go down unless someone else winds up on the DL. Anywho, couple other things. One...the Dodgers right now are in a pennant race. You'd be asking them to give up 2 of their players, one of whom who is currently a starter and the other of whom they hope can back up their Middle Infielders at some point, for a prospect. I just don't think that makes sense for them. Not with Coletti as their GM. And I still say Fields is untradeable until we know Crede's long term status better.
  14. QUOTE(henry wiggins @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 08:20 AM) That, and there has to be a test developed that can detect HGH. Is it banned by the IOC, and if so, how do they test for it, I wonder. Edit: Googled a bit, found this: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5538709/ Little update beyond what that Google search told you about the HGH Test. As a test program, the HGH test was administered to roughly 300 athletes at the 2004 games. It didn't turn up any positive tests amongst those who were tested. But the IOC still doesn't have enough confidence in it to make it a mandatory test for everyone, and that says something. MLB's executives take that and roll with it and simply say that there is no reliable test for HGH, and they're basically correct.
  15. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 11:49 PM) Yeah they would. They should ship Jeff Weaver and Adam Kennedy out to Toronto and get some uber prospects back. That way, when Colon comes back Jered Weaver can stay in the rotation, and Howie Kendrick can start at 2B, because he's obviously ready at AAA. Stuff wise Santana is definitely better than B-Mac, but he hasn't really had the same kind of success at B-Mac did in the 2nd half of 2005. It's an interesting comparison especially when we've been having a lot of discussions over the past few days about drafting pitching prospects with not "electric" stuff. Anaheim isn't confident enough yet in the ability of Bartolo to stay healthy to deal Jeff Weaver. He'll wind up in the bullpen.
  16. The good news? The bullpen surrendered a whopping 0 runs against Detroit.
  17. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 09:21 PM) Jon Garlands ERA is now at 6.19. He has given up 21 homers already. People are batting .311 against him. He is at the same levels as the 5th starter monster was in 2004. Someone needs to give him a come to jesus talk, or send his ass to the pen. Incorrect. The 5th starter for a good chunk of 2004 was Mr. "Off day". He never gave up a run.
  18. The Comcast gun was a disaster all series. My personal favorite was the Verlander game. The fastest pitch thrown that day topped out at 94 on that gun...and it was thrown by Jenks. And, um, "The Eagle"?
  19. QUOTE(SoxHawk1980 @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 06:57 PM) "For whatever reason"??? I have a reason for you: his career. Look at the various years of his career. He has a bunch of mediocre years, ONE GOOD YEAR and then this crappy year. How does one good year make him a good pitcher? On the contrary, he has proven that he is at best a mediocre pitcher. See, now logically this is just stupid. Garland hasn't proven anything, good or bad. He's proven he's having an awfully s***ty start to this season, and he proved that he had a great start to last season. I'm certainly not going to be dumb enough to sit here and say Garland will have an ERA over 6 the rest of his life.
  20. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 06:54 PM) If we lose this game it's not the end of the season. s***, we still have time to come back anyway. Not the way we're swinging the bats right now.
  21. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 06:51 PM) That's what I'm saying....at least they have other options to possibly fill in. We have nothing. We have nothing to fill in exactly 1 spot. Almost every other position we have plenty of backup options. We just have no CF. And hell, they're spending over 2x as much as us, and they still have some pretty major holes.
  22. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 06:51 PM) if brian anderson was playing we would totally be in the lead. totally He couldn't have any less hits than Mackowiak.
  23. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 06:48 PM) That's all it took....one guy to be in their system. One guy to fill the hole. And yet...they still have like 7 starting pitchers they're rotating through, because they have no one to fill their gigantic gaping holes there.
  24. QUOTE(klaus kinski @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 06:48 PM) Just to fan rumors, I Wonder if Philly scouts watched Jon tonight- Who's their Center Fielder at AAA? Because if anyone watched this game tonight, they sure wouldn't trade a major leaguer for Garland.
  25. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 06:45 PM) And they have guys in the minors they can call up to possibly fill that role. WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO ONE. KW traded our one possible CF replacement, and basically put all his eggs in the Anderson basket. Their minor leagues are more bare than ours, by a lot. Yes, Cabrera's done better than Anderson, but that's only because BA's been so damn bad. On paper it should have been the other way around.
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