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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(whitesoxin @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 02:32 PM) So how does this validate their marching in gay pride parades and putting bumper stickers on their cars? Great, I'm posting here now, so I give this about 5 minutes before it winds up in the Buster. Anywho...I hear this sort of thing about "Well, we don't wear our heterosexuality on our sleeves, we don't go around marching in parades, putting bumper stickers on our cars" all the time. You know what? It's actually an argument that only makes sense to a heterosexual, because to a homosexual person, things you or I would consider to be just normal everyday things really look like proudly trumpeting your heterosexuality. Think about this. How often do adults show pictures of their children? Or talk about their spouse? Or for when they're younger, how much time do people spend talking about their boyfriends/girlfriends? Hell, that's basically all MTV is anymore. To a heterosexual person, these just seem like normal things to bring up. Why am I leaving Social Hour early? Oh well I promised my fiancee I'd watch a movie with her tonight. My Kid is an honor student at Willowcreek Middle School = putting your heterosexuality on your bumper sticker. But you know what? If I were a homosexual, saying the very same statements would wind up making people around me uncomfortable. If a homosexual person talks about his or her partner, that's going to be thought about as putting their homosexuality forwards, wearing it on their sleeves, etc. It's just not a way of thinking most people are used to. Edit: And it wound up in the Buster whilest I was typing.
  2. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 03:16 PM) Did Griffey say he didn't want to play for the White Sox last season? If the nuggets/rumors we've heard are correct, Griffey himself didn't seem to have a problem with the deal, but it was Cincinnati's ownership at the time that killed the deal bringing him to the south side.
  3. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 03:25 PM) With all these righties on the Tigers and Garcia on the mound, you can't afford to have Pablo in the game. It would also be really f***ing nice if Anderson could get a couple of hits this series so that we can stop putting Mack in CF, btw.
  4. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 02:10 PM) I know. At the same time, though, it amazes me the amount of attention the acts of a few get over the whole. Urge to link to Nuke's other thread...growing...
  5. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 02:03 PM) I think Tejada is that damn good that I'd trade McCarthy, Fields, and Uribe for Tejada. If you get Tejada, you make every aspect of the team better. With the extra offense, it gives your pitching a little more breathing room. Just what we need to do...weaken our bullpen even more. I see your point, and you're right...but it doesn't work without us finding another RH reliever somewhere. Personally I'd still prefer to see Brandon in the starting 5 next year though.
  6. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 02:03 PM) Unless they like to lie in Indiana, yes. And if we do?
  7. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 02:03 PM) *sniff, sniff, ... wwwwaaaaaahhhhh ... almost brings a tear to my eye to think that these people deserve and have so much respect... *sniff, sniff* ... /blows loogey... *sniff, sniff* There's a difference between giving them respect and being able to respect ourselves.
  8. Well, on topic, I don't think Hockey has fallen nearly as far from the lockout as I wish it would have. I'm not a hockey fan, and I have nothing against Hockey...but my concern is that other leagues, ones I actually do care about, will start looking more to the NHL Lockout as an example of what happens with a long labor dispute instead of the 94 MLB strike. The 94 MLB strike was an absolute disaster, and I think it's the reason why there was only 1 major lockout between 94 and the NHL strike (NBA, right after Jordan). But if players/owners start thinking that the bottom line might not suffer as much after a strike as MLB did in '94, then they might be more willing to go the work stoppage route.
  9. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 01:26 PM) When it becomes the stated policy of our forces to target innocent people...... When it becomes the stated policy of our nation to wipe out a nation because of their religon ( think Iran vs Isreal ).......... When it becomes our stated policy to indiscriminantely bomb civillian buildings.............. When it becomes our Standard Operating Procedure to kidnap people and mutilate them on television for all to see........ ..........THEN we have stooped to their level. Until then, all this whining and complaining about terrorist s***bags getting roughed up during interrogation is just that. When it becomes So in other words, your argument is that it's ok to do almost anything, no matter how evil or wrong or sadistic, as long as on some level we're better than Osama Bin Laden?
  10. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 01:20 PM) You were beaten to the punch making the point you made by about 7 posts but I'll answer for both of you. If you think Im making a broad generalization about the entire black race you're wrong. I was pointing out, as the news media has done VERY frequently in the months after Katrina, that the black citizens of N.O. reacted to the crisis differently than the white citizens have. Is it possible that if there is a different reaction between the 2 groups, the reason is not the motivation of the people or something like that, but is instead the situation the people were in beforehand? I.e. groups that had less in terms of finances would be less able to deal with the disaster, and would wind up more likely to get stuck wherever they wound up (If you're making minimum wage where you were relocated, it's going to take you a long time to afford to move back to NOLA, especially if you didn't have flood insurance)
  11. For anyone actually interested in this subject, the debate (including Kennedy) is continuing @ Salon.com.
  12. 62 years ago today...a storm over the English Channel broke, and gave 24 hours of decent weather.
  13. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 12:56 PM) He wasn't one of the top 100 prospects in Texas, and that's not because he was an unknown. I also just learned that the Cubs are expected to try and make Jeff S. choose between baseball and football with a monster signing bonus. Good, because we all know their big league squad has plenty of talent.
  14. Why is that list in alphabetical order?
  15. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 12:51 PM) A guy who would've sounded nice in the White Sox system:
  16. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 12:29 PM) For once, this will NOT work. And I still say it's not GWB's ideas. Rove, maybe, and if he thinks this particular charade will work, it won't. Yeah, I was sort of (100% completely trying to imply) that this is a Rove-esque move, which is why this whole vote is right at the Administration's door.
  17. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 12:41 PM) For the love of God, it isn't 6-6-6. It's 6-6-06. BIG differance. Heck, it's technically 06-06-2006. I hate all the people going "it's goign to be the end of the world. The anti-christ is coming" Every time one of these dates rolls around where the world is supposed to end...I always wonder which time zone God is actually in. Does God operate on GMT? Or is he going to kill the world at the stroke of Midnight along the International Date Line? Or maybe he's living the sweet life in Hawaii. You know what would really be cool? Seeing the world end time zone by time zone. Like, it strikes the year 3000, and suddenly 1/24th of the world vanishes. An hour later the next zone goes, pretty soon Japan is gone, etc.
  18. Take Cliff Politte...skin him...use his fur to keep hundreds warm.
  19. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 12:12 PM) Nah. This is a Congressional move, and the president is along for the ride. It's STUPID, but that's neither here nor there. This is a congressional move only in the sense that there are congressional elections this year. But the folks coordinating the national Repub. election campaign are most certainly Administration folk.
  20. QUOTE(AWhiteSoxinNJ @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 12:06 PM) If he were to come here, then Thome will have a few more homers since he won't be bringing them back against us. I think he would be a good, younger option if the Sox are looking to upgrade in centerfield and maybe give BA more time in AAA to improve his offense. In Rochester, NY.
  21. Think they'd want Politte? Seriously...the problem here is that Cinci is in the middle of a pennant race right now, in 2nd place in the NL Central. Their starting pitching, our best asset, is not the best in the NL, but it's hovering in the block near the top. Their offense is currently #4 in the NL. The thing that they could use? Relief pitching. Which is the one thing we don't have to give them. In other words, we'd be asking them to sacrifice this season, where they're off to a competitive start, with new ownership IIRC, in exchange for prospects, because that's all we'd have that would help them out. Oh, and Griffey still should be DHing somewhere.
  22. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 11:36 AM) And then you all wonder why I say ya'll are biased against the President. The ADMINISTRATION is not tackling this, Congress is. But they're all molded from the same tattered cloth, I will agree that much. So giving speeches on the issue that get broadcast on CNN because it's the president, and using the bully pulpit on this issue, is not considered an effort at tackling it?
  23. QUOTE(WinningUgly85 @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 11:33 AM) yeah but if miguel keeps b****ing about not wanting to play in baltimore they might get rid of him. Has he been much of a malcontent since this offseason where he rescinded his trade demand? I hadn't heard anything else since, and I do usually check the wire stories.
  24. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 11:42 AM) He craps his pants when a .150 hitter with no power comes to the plate. Brian Anderson?
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